Reading famous words

Selection of famous poems, famous poems, famous poems

1, Qing Qingzi 衿, long my heart. - "The Book of Songs · Zheng Feng · Zi Yan"

2, Guan Guanyu, in the state of the river. My lady, my gentleman is good. - "The Book of Songs · Zhou Nan · Guan Yu"

3, death and death, and Zicheng said. Hold the hand, and the old man. - "The Book of Songs, Hurricane, Drumming"

4, if cut as a discussion, such as 琢 如 grinding. - "The Book of Songs · Wei Feng · Qi Ou"

5, the battle of war, such as the abyss, such as walking thin ice. - "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Xiaoyan"

6, the mountain is up, the line is stopped. - "The Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Vehicles"

7, peach 夭夭, burning its Hua. - "The Book of Songs · Zhou Nan · Tao Shu"

8, one day is missing, such as the three autumn! - "Book of Songs · Wang Feng · Cai Ge"

9, I am going to the past, Yang Liuyi. I am thinking about it today, rain and snow. - "The Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Cai Wei"

10, people say more, but also fear. - "The Book of Songs · Zheng Feng · Zhong Zhongzi"

11, cast me to the peach, reported to Qiong Yao. - "The Book of Songs · Wei Feng · Papaya"

12, Kaifeng from the south, blowing the burden. - "The Book of Songs · Hurricane · Kaifeng"

13, Hu is in the mud! - "The Book of Songs, Hurricane, and Micro"

14, the real thing is, what is it! - "The Book of Songs · Hurricane · North Gate"

15, Wu Wufu, the public hospital heart. - "The Book of Songs, Zhou Nan, Rabbit"

16, the vastness of the Han, can not swim thinking; Jiang Zhiyong, can not think. - "The Book of Songs · Zhou Nan Han Guang"

17. I have not seen a gentleman, my heart is sad. I have not only seen it, but I have also stopped it. - "The Book of Songs, Zhaonan, Grassworm"

18, my heart is a stone, can not be transferred. My heart is not a good one. - "The Book of Songs · Hurricane · Bai Zhou"

19, quietly thinking, can not fly. - "Book of Songs · Guofeng · Hurricane · Bai Zhou"

20, I think about the ancients, I got my heart! - "The Book of Songs, Hurricane, Green Clothes"

21, repair my armor, and the son! - "The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · No Clothes"

22, the moon is out, the person is jealous. Shu Shu entangled, and worked hard. - "The Book of Songs, Chen Feng, Moonrise"

23, July, the fire, September, clothing. - "Book of Songs · Hurricane · July"

24, call him, Wanshou no boundaries! - "Book of Songs · Hurricane · July"

25, Qi Luming, the apple of the wild. I have guests, harp blowing Sheng. - "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Luming"

26, as the moon is constant, as the day rises. - "Book of Songs, Xiaoya·Tianbao"

27, the prostitute is beautiful, the beauty of the beggar. - "The Book of Songs · Hurricane · Static Girl"

28, the committee is embarrassed, like a mountain like a river. - "The Book of Songs, Hurricane, Gentleman, Old Man"

29, people and no instrument, what is not dead? - "The Book of Songs, Hurricane, and the Rat"

30, Le only gentleman, Wanshou without borders. - "The Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Nanshan has Taiwan"

31. He Ming is in Jiuyi, and he is heard in the sky. - "The Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Heming"

32. The stone of his mountain can attack jade. - "The Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Heming"

33, rank ranks dry, secluded Nanshan. Such as bamboo rafts, such as Matsumao. - "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya·Skan"

34. The high bank is the valley and the deep valley is the tomb. - "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, October"

35, the day is difficult, the son is not. - "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Baihua"

36, clever smile, look forward to the eyes. - "The Book of Songs · Wei Feng · Shuo Ren"

37. In the niece, there is no gentry. The sorcerer's sorrow can still be said; the woman's sorrow cannot be said. - "Book of Songs, National Wind, Wei Feng"

38. Qi has a shore, but there is a flaw. - "The Book of Songs. Wei Feng.

39. Knowing me is my heart, I don’t know what I mean. - "The Book of Songs · Wang Feng · Deviation"

40. Seeing a gentleman, Yun Hu is not happy. - "The Book of Songs, Zheng Feng, Wind and Rain"

41, the river is clear and sturdy. - "The Book of Songs, Wei Feng, Tan Tan"

42. The sky is green and the white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side. - "The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · 蒹葭"

43, 岂曰 no clothes? With the same robes. - "The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · No Clothes"

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