Reading famous words

Keep an optimistic attitude on the road of life

There is half the wine in the cup. Do you see that the cup is half full, not half empty? Are you a circle of fried doughnuts, not a hollow in the middle of it? When the researchers carefully studied the role of positive thoughts, these old topics suddenly became scientific problems. Research has shown that optimism can make you happier, healthier, and more successful. Conversely, pessimism leads to despair, disease, and failure, and it is associated with depression, loneliness, and shyness. If we can teach people to think more positively, it is like giving them a vaccine against these mental illnesses.

Your habits are important, but the belief in success affects whether you really can think about it. In a sense, this is because optimists and pessimists have different approaches when dealing with the same challenges and disappointments. When things go wrong, pessimists tend to blame themselves. He would say: "I can't do this well, I always fail." And optimists look for loopholes. Whether it is negative or positive, it is a prophecy that will eventually be realized. If people feel hopeless, then they will not have the effort to get the skills they need to succeed.

Control ability is the touchstone of success, and optimists can control their own destiny. If things get worse, he reacts quickly, finds a solution, develops a new action plan, and seeks other advice. Pessimists feel that their fate is not good and their actions are slow. Since he thought that there was no way, he would not ask anyone to ask. Many studies have shown that the helplessness of pessimists gradually damages the body's natural defense function, the immune system, and studies have found that pessimists do not take good care of themselves. He feels negative and will not evade the blows in life. No matter what he does, he will worry about harming his health or having other misfortunes. He chewed junk food in a big mouth, did not participate in physical exercise, and did not listen to the advice of the doctor.

Most people are a mixture of optimism and pessimism, but always tend to be in a certain direction, which has been formed since childhood. It comes from thousands of warnings or encouragements, affirmative or negative words. Too many imperfections and dangerous warnings can make children feel incompetent, fearful and pessimistic. Pessimism is a habit of overcoming, but it cannot be overcome.

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