Inspirational quotes

100 self-motivated inspirational quotes

1. If you are young and do not work hard, the old man is sad.

2, Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossoms come from bitter cold.

3, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle.

4, there is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs.

5, eat hard and bitter, and be a person.

6, not afraid of the road, only afraid of short.

7, one inch of time, one inch of gold, inch gold is difficult to buy inch time.

8, how to get the plum blossoms without any cold and bone?

9, the rope saw is broken, the stone is worn by water.

10, black hair does not know how to work early, white first regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

11, Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad. ——Yue Fei

12. Tomorrow's day, tomorrow, how many tomorrows, I will be born tomorrow, everything will be a success. - Wen Jia "Tomorrow Song"

13, the new year does not come back, the day is difficult to morning. When you are encouraged in time, you will not be treated. - Tao Yuanming

14. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the tenacity. --Su Shi

15, aspiring is not high in the year, no ambition to live a hundred years old. ——Shi Yukun

16. If there is a ambition, the matter will be completed, and the boat will be ruined. The second Qin dynasty will be Chu; the hard-working person will live up to his life, and he will be able to swallow Wu.

17, poor and strong, do not fall into the blue cloud. - Wang Bo

18, Shushan has a road to the path, learning the sea without a hard work.

19, men do not show up the wind, empty and natural eight feet. ——Feng Menglong

20, diligence is the mother of success, laziness is the source of all evil.

21, frozen three feet, not a cold day.

22, smart out of hard work, genius lies in accumulation. - Hua Luogeng

23, diligence can make up for a good training, one point to cultivate a point. - Hua Luogeng

24. Failure is the mother of success. - Edison

25, genius is one percent of inspiration plus ninety-nine percent of sweat. - Edison

26, the strings are slack, can not play the music of the sound; life is sloppy, not burning the flame of life.

27, do not be obsessed with online games, have the ability to play this big game of life.

28. Genius is the ability to work endlessly and diligently. ——Carlisle

29. Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material that makes up life. - Franklin

30. The biggest reason for a person's failure is the lack of full confidence in their ability, and even thinking that they will fail. - Franklin

31. Suffering is the teacher of life. - Balzac

32. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself; all failures are insignificant compared to the failure to lose oneself.

33. Life is hard to get back a few strokes.

34. The smile that has been soaked in tears is the most brilliant, and the soul that comes out of the confusion is the most sober.

35. The secret of success is never changing the established purpose. - Rousseau

36. It is not easy to insist on doing simple things. It is not extraordinary to insist on doing ordinary things well. The so-called success is to make extraordinary persistence in the ordinary.

37. A person's success does not depend on his wisdom, but on perseverance.

38. Positive people see an opportunity in every worry, while negative people see some kind of worry in every opportunity.

39. A long way, you can finish step by step, and then you can't reach without a short foot.

40. Without a reef, there will be no beautiful waves; without setbacks, there will be no magnificent life.

41, the ordinary footsteps can also complete the great journey.

42. The person who will not use the most will complain that the time is not enough. - La Bruyère

43. The production of any miracle in this world is achieved through hard work. First, recognize your own ordinaryness, and then make up for the ordinary with thousands of times of effort.

44, trying to indulge yourself, but always tied to too much restraint, following the law of life is just a body that lost soul.

45. The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed. - Napoleon Hill

46. ​​Failure is due to neglect of the details, and success begins with the importance of small things.

47. Self-confidence is the first step toward success. Lack of self-confidence is the main reason for failure. - Shakespeare

48. No matter how great you feel, you will always be stronger than you; no matter how unfortunate you feel, someone will be more unfortunate than you.

49. What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard. - Partial Wei

50. Success is to simplify complex problems and then do it.

51. Those who have aspirations have thousands of things, and those who have no ambitions only feel that it is difficult.

52. Old people who rely on the encouragement of others to fight are not strong; those who are encouraged by others to fight are simply cowards.

53. Only the power to complain about the environment is the guarantee of success. -Roman Roland

54. The waterfall is not afraid of the cliff, so it sings the magnificent song of life.

55, I work hard, I insist, I will be successful.

56, the most precious thing in the world, is like the time; the world is the most extravagant, it is a waste of time. - Mozart

57. If we do or don't do it, someone will laugh. If you don't do well and do well, someone will laugh. Then we simply do better, let people laugh!

58. Action is a cure for fear, and hesitation will continue to nourish fear.

59. When external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be enhanced.

60. If the blade is afraid of hurting itself and is not in contact with the sharpening stone, it will never be sharp.

61. The secret of success is to work harder than others every day.

62, perseverance can conquer any peak.

63. Endure the pain that others can't bear, eat the bitterness that others can't eat, and harvest the gains that others can't get.

64. All the successes and failures of a person are the result of their habits. - Napoleon Hill

65. In your heart, there is infinite potential. One day, when you look back, you will know that this is absolutely true.

66. Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass oneself.

67. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but what direction we are heading.

68. There will be an end point in the road, and there will be an end in the night. When the rain is big, there will be a stop.

69. Victory is not to defeat the enemy, but to improve yourself. As long as we improve by one percent every day, it is success.

70. Don't worry about the ambiguous future, just work hard for the sake of clarity.

71. After some tempering of the waves, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

72. Don't make excuses for failure, just find a way to success.

73. The greatest joy in life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you have done it!

74. Every successful person has a beginning. Be brave to start, you can find the way to success.

75. There are only people in the world who can't figure out what to do. There is no way to go.

76. Those who even dare to be confident and successful if they meet meet, can only fail. - Seneca

77. Things that were hopeless, bold attempts, often succeed.

78. A person is successful in resisting the surrounding living environment.

79. The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom, all your enthusiasm, and do your best to make today's work. This is the only way you can cope with the future.

80. The saddest thing about people is that they cannot defeat themselves. Excerpt from: Inspirational Quotes

81. How can I see the rainbow without going through the storm?

82. It is not difficult to make a decision. It is difficult to put it into action and stick to it.

83. When you fall to the bottom, it means that you can only go up, not down!

84. No matter how great the knowledge is, if there is no enthusiasm, then it is no different from painting on the paper to fill the hunger.

85. No smart person will deny the value of pain and sorrow. - Huxley

86. Don't dare to pick roses because you are afraid of being stabbed by roses.

87. When fate throws people into the lowest valley, it is often the best period of life turning. Whoever blames himself, will miss the opportunity!

88. When you have nothing to lose, it is when you start to get it.

89. The most important thing for success is not to look at the distant distance, but to do things clearly at hand.

90. A great cause is not accomplished by the speed of strength and the agility of the body, but by the power of character and the power of knowledge.

91. Everyone is more or less inert. If one's willpower is not enough to promote himself, he will fail. Whoever can best promote himself will be the first to succeed. - Roland

92. The world is not in the hands of those who are ridiculed, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism.

93. When people value opportunities, they are inevitably dominated by opportunities. —— Zhou Guoping

94. How big is the heart and how big the stage is.

95. Always remember that the determination to succeed is far better than anything. --Abraham Lincoln

96. Adversity gives people valuable opportunities to temper. Only those who can stand the test of the environment can be regarded as the real strong. - Matsushita Yukisuke

97. When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing. People can endure misfortunes, but they can also overcome misfortunes. Because people have amazing potential, as long as they are determined to play it, they will be able to weather the storm.

98, the shortcomings of people are like weeds in the garden. Weeds do not need to grow in the same way, so if they are not removed in time, they will soon occupy the entire garden. - Napoleon Hill

99. Close the door of fear behind you and you will know how fast the door of success opens in front of you. - Napoleon Hill

100. Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves.

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