Inspirational quotes

Positive energy youth motivational motto

1. Eat hard and bitter, and be a person!

2, a hard work, a harvest.

3, the eyes must look far, the feet should be near.

4. In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better.

5. Challenge the competition, challenge the pressure, and challenge yourself to time is everything.

6, dripping water through the stone, not the power, but the kungfu deep.

7. Learning is the sweet fruit that grows on the bitter roots.

8. If hateful setbacks make you taste bitter, friends, and rise up will make you taste the joy of life.

9. Don't laugh at the iron tree. In order to make a flower, it paid a longer effort than other trees.

10, the seeds of vitality, never sing a curse to the earth.

11. In the desert, only the footsteps of the past are the symbol of hope.

12, climbing the top of the mountain, the strength of the desire to be a thousand miles and the strong will not be the will of the Great Wall.

13. Things often go against people, and things are always artificial.

14, the horse is running out, the strong soldiers are playing out.

15. The rudder that controls the fate is a struggle. Don't hold a little fantasies, don't give up a little chance, don't stop working hard every day.

16. If you are afraid of the rock that has fallen in front of you, life will always be a pool of stagnant water.

17. As long as you don't give up your efforts and pursuit, the grass is also a little worthy of the value of spring.

18, the softest beach is the most likely to leave footprints. It is also the easiest to be wiped off by the tide.

19, is the blood of the warriors dripping on the road, but also the tears of the coward when the disappointment.

20. Believe in your goals, work hard, work hard, and work hard!

21, time is money.

22, as long as better, not the best! Struggle is the father of success.

23, do not take a step from the muddy path, you can not step on the road covered with flowers.

24. Fantasy people who sailed in the long journey of life, his end is downstream. Only the warriors who dare to raise sails and top the evil waves can fight for the upper reaches.

25, the telescope can see far targets, but can not take you half a step.

26, do not cultivate, do not plant, fertile fertile soil can not grow crops, do not struggle, do not create, and then the beauty of youth can not bear fruit.

27. Is the coral away from the turmoil? That is no different than burying their beauty.

28, even the best seeds, do not sow, can not bear fruit.

29, the weak people will only be stuck, the smashing people can only be cited as burning, only the truly brave people can be invincible.

30. In our world, we will never award a medal to a sad laggard.

31. Before we succeed, we have to do what we should do. After success, we can do what we like to do.

32. Even if the road is bumpy, the wheels will move forward; even if the rivers are rough, the ships will sail.

33. Only creation is the real enjoyment. Only hard work is the fulfilling life.

34. Those who dare to declare war on the dark must be filled with light.

35. The lofty ideal is like the flowers growing on the mountains. If you want to get it, diligence can be the rope of climbing.

36. The seed keeps in mind the shackles of the raindrops and enhances the courage to take the lead.

37. There is no ups and downs in nature, and the earth will not be spring and autumn.

38. People who only fantasize and do not act will never realize the joy of harvesting fruits.

39. Diligence is the code of your life, which can translate your magnificent epic.

40. For climbers, it is not a pity to lose the footprints of the past. It is dangerous to lose the direction before continuing.

41. The strugglers drove the boat of their careers to the ideal shore in the rivers where the sweat gathered.

42. The ladder steps are never used to rest the feet. It just puts people's feet on it for a while so that the other foot can go up.

43, usually do not run to defend the kilometer, it is difficult to make a 100-meter sprint.

44. There is no torrent, it can't be called brave, and no mountain can't talk about climbing.

45. The mountain road twists and turns, but after all, it extends toward the top.

46. ​​The bees who are busy collecting are innocent and talk loudly before the people.

47, the Warriors beat the storm and not sink, the coward will be drowning in the calm.

48. The climbers who are aiming at the peaks will not be enchanted by some footprints along the way.

49. The waves are smashing for the hurricane and the waves, and they are buried for the rafting.

50. The mountain road is not as good as people’s feet.

51. If both feet of the compass move, there will never be a circle.

52. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

53. How can the footsteps continue to move forward? Leave your footprints behind you.

54. No matter how steep the mountains are, there is always a way to climb for those who are not afraid of hardship.

55. The person who surrounds the full stop of life cannot be half-step ahead.

56, as long as you can harvest sweet, there will be busy bees in the thorns.

57. Aggressive use of sweat spectrum is a song of struggle and hope.

58. Life is sweet, but it can be bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or fail, but you can't give in.

59. To your beautiful hopes and pursuits to open the Internet cafe, 999 times lost, and there are a thousand times.

60. Opportunities are only open to enterprising people.

61. People who walk only on the concrete floor will never leave a deep footprint.

62, the meaning of vitality lies in hard work, because the world itself is an arena, that is, countless times crushed by the reef and countless flashes to the reef, the green shade of life will be longer and more lush.

63, the scorpion enjoys the same treatment as the seedlings, but it is not the grain

64. Pride is that the kite that has broken the lead is fleeting.

65. If the sapling refuses to be pruned because of the fear of pain, it will never be matured; after the tempering of the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

66, bonsai show wood is because of being loved, it has shattered the dream of becoming a pillar.

67. If you compare talent to sword, then diligence is a sharpening stone.

68, the baptism of the mud will also have a strong body.

69. The spring water of the mountain ridge sang a wonderful song after all the way.

70. When the waterfall crosses the steep and steep wall, it is extraordinarily majestic.

71. Through the road in the clouds, only kiss the climber's footprint.

72, the colorful clouds floating in the air, naturally proud, but at most can only exchange a few praises; only turned into sweet rain and rooted in the fertile soil, in order to create the world.

73. Do what you like to do, and you will no longer have a job in your life.

74. No matter what you choose to do, the degree of perfection determines the level of achievement.

75. The harder I work, the better my luck.

76. Continuous learning is the most basic element of success. Excerpt from:

77. Help others get what they want, and they will dream come true.

78. Thought is the source of everything.

79, deliberately indifferent, frustrated and calm; happy but not mad, worry and not hurt.

80, you can do whatever you want, but ask for my heart.

81, blessings are not mad, and the disaster is not afraid.

82, young and not working hard, the old man is sad.

83, indifferent to Mingzhi, quiet and far away.

84, Linyuan squid, it is better to retreat to the net.

85. Opportunities always favor those who are prepared.

86. Those who have aspirations will succeed.

87, only do not want to do, can not do it!

88, people must be hurt to be silent and focused, whether it is the trauma of the heart or the body, it is good for growth.

89, jade does not change its white, bamboo burning does not destroy its festival.

90. It’s a day of happiness, and it’s a day of unhappiness. Why don’t I be happy and happy every day?

91. God has closed one of your doors, and you must open a window for you elsewhere.

92. Take your own path and let others say it.

93, you laugh, the world is following you to laugh; you cry, the world only you cry alone!

94, accept failure, but do not choose to give up.

95, the humiliation is not shocked, watching the flowers bloom in the court; to stay inadvertently, looking at the sky clouds and clouds.

96. Just send people to work, and work hard.

97, is not only for more openings, bothering brains because of strong.

98, a good word, three winter warm, bad words hurt people in June cold.

99. There is no free lunch in the world.

100. On top of people, we must regard others as people; under people, we must regard ourselves as people.

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