Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Technical Contract Template

Technical Service Contract (2)

Technical service contract
Contract category:
Contract No.: Science and Technology (19) No.
project name:_______________________________
Client: (Official seal)
(Party A)
Service party: (official seal)
(Party B)
Intermediary: (official seal)
Contract registration authority: (official seal)
Date of signing: 19th day and month
Validity period: 19 years to 19 days
First, the content, methods and requirements of the service:
Second, the working conditions and cooperation matters that the entrusting party should provide:
3. The time limit, place and method of performance of the contract:
Fourth, acceptance criteria and methods:
V. Remuneration and payment methods:
6. Liability for breach of contract:
Seven, the solution to the dispute:
│ ││ Address ││
│ 委│ (Official seal) ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Phone││
│ 托│├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Account ││
│ 方│ Responsible person: ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│ Service │ (Official Seal) ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Phone││
│ ││├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Account ││
│ 方│ Responsible person: ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│ 中│ (Official seal) ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Phone││
│ 介│├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Account ││
│ 方│ Responsible person: ├──────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ │ Opinion: │
│ 鉴││
│ ││
│ Certificate │ │
│ │ (Official seal) responsible person: │
│ Single ││
│ ││
│ Bit││
│ │ Year Month Day │
│ │ Opinion: │
│ Public ││
│ ││
│ Certificate │ │
│ │ (Official seal) responsible person: │
│ Single ││
│ ││
│ Bit││
│ │ Year Month Day │
This contract is a __ share. Among them, the entrusting party __ share, the service party __ share, the intermediary __ share, the attestation unit __ share, the notary unit __ share, the technical market management agency where the undertaker is located (one of which is __Technology Market Management Office).

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