Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Technical Contract Template

Technology Development Contract (2)

Technology development contract
Contract category:
Contract No.: Science and Technology (19) No.
project name:_______________________________
Client: (Official seal)
(Party A)
Undertaking party: (official seal)
(Party B)
Intermediary: (official seal)
Contract registration authority: (official seal)
Date of signing: 19th day and month
Validity period: 19 years to 19 days
First, the content and technical requirements of the contract:
2. Obligations and responsibilities of the entrusting party (including confidentiality requirements for technical information and materials):
3. Obligations and responsibilities of the undertaker (including confidentiality requirements for technical information and materials):
4. The plan, schedule, time limit, location and method of fulfilling the contract:
V. Acceptance criteria and methods:
6. Ownership and sharing of technical achievements:
Seven, the responsibility of risk responsibility:
8. Calculation and payment methods of compensation
IX. Liability for breach of contract:
X. Solution to the dispute:
XI. The rights and obligations of the intermediary and the proportion of the service fee and the payment method
12. Interpretation of nouns and terms and other:
Terms of the non-technical part of the contract
(1) Name and content:
(2) Quantity and quality requirements:
(3) The price or remuneration:
(4) The time limit, place and manner of performance
│ │ │ Address │ │
│ 委 │ (Official seal) ├ ──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Phone │ │
│ 托│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Account │ │
│ 方│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ Responsible person: │ Bank of deposit │ │
│ │ │ Address │ │
│ 承│ (Official seal) ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Phone │ │
│ 接│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Account │ │
│ 方│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ Responsible person: │ Bank of deposit │ │
│ │ │ Address │ │
│ 中│ (Official seal)├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Phone │ │
│ 介│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ │ Account │ │
│ 方│ ├──────┼─────────────┤
│ │ Manager: │ Bank of deposit │ │
│ │ Comments: │
│ 鉴││
│ ││
│ Certificate │ │
│ ││
│ Single │ (Official seal) Responsible person: │
│ ││
│ Bit││
│ │ Year Month Day │
│ │ Comments: │
│ Public ││
│ ││
│ Certificate │ │
│ │ (Official seal) responsible person: │
│ Single ││
│ ││
│ Bit││
│ │ Year Month Day │
This contract is a __ share. Among them, the entrusting unit __ share, the entrusted unit __ share, the intermediary __ share, the attestation unit __ share, the notary unit __ share, the trustee unit location technology market management agency 2 (one of which reported __ technology market management office).
Technology development contracts include:
1. Entrusting research and development contracts refers to the contract in which one party entrusts the other party to carry out the following scientific and technological research and development work.
2. Cooperative development contract refers to a contract in which a technology transaction party jointly invests and participates in research and development work, or a technology transaction party participates in research and development as a share to invest in technology, and jointly develops and develops new products.
3. The technology contracting contract refers to the contracting of a technical engineering project, an introduction of technology digestion and absorption projects, and the contractor’s consulting, research, exploration, process design, and Fully responsible contract for trial production, operating procedures, quality management systems, and personnel training. Among them, the purchase and sale of raw materials, architectural design, exploration, construction (or processing), equipment purchase, installation, internal and external transportation, and auxiliary labor arrangements are non-technical content. The technical and non-technical parts should be drawn in the contract price.
The burden of risk liability and the liability for breach of contract are carefully negotiated and clearly filled out by both parties.
A stamped seal is placed between the pages.

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