Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Technical Contract Template

Technology Transfer Contract (2)

Contract type: patent transfer contract
Contract No.: Science and Technology (19) No.

project name:____________________________
Technical transferee: (official seal)
(Party A)
Technology transfer party: (official seal)
(Party B)
Intermediary: (official seal)
Contract registration authority: (official seal)
Date of signing: year, month and day
Performance period: year, month, day to year
│ Development unit (individual) ││
│Development completion time │ Year, month and day │ Main developer │ │
│ Patent Application No. │ │ Patent Approval Number │ │
│Patent Application Time │ Year Month Day │ Patent Approval Time │ Year Month Day │
│ Validity period of patent rights │ Year Month Day to Year Month Day │

First, the name and content of the invention:
Second, the implementation of the patent and the implementation of the license:
3. Obligations of the transferee of the patent right and the transferee:
4. List of technical information and materials:
5. The plan, schedule, time limit, location and method of fulfilling the contract:
6. Standards and methods for acceptance:
7. Transaction amount and payment time, payment method:
One lump sum:
Fractional payment:

% time by profit or sales:
Other ways:
8. Obligations and responsibilities of the intermediary and the proportion of the intermediary service fees and payment methods:
IX. Liability for breach of contract:

X. Solution to the dispute:
XI. Explanation of nouns and terms:
12. Other related matters:
│ ││ Address ││
│Technology│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│术││ Phone││
│Accepted by │├────────┼────────────┤
│ Let │ legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│Technology│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│术││ Phone││
│ Let │ legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│中│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Phone││
│ │ Legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│鉴│ Opinion: │
│证│Manager: │
│单│(Official seal) │
│ bit │ year, month and day │
│公│ Opinion: │
│证│Manager: │
│机│(Official seal) │
1. The parties may agree that the patent application file and related technical background materials are the subsidiary files of the contract and are part of the contract.
2. In the "contract type" item, the patent transfer contract is indicated. According to the provisions of the Patent Law, the transfer of patent rights by all units and individuals shall be registered and announced by the Patent Office. Among them, the transfer of patent rights by units owned by the whole people must be approved in advance by the higher authorities. Therefore, in the “Contract Type” item, the date of approval, the registration number and the date of the announcement should be indicated.
3. Some patent rights transfer contracts transfer patent rights after the transferor has implemented the patent or has entered into a patent implementation license contract with a third party. In this case, the parties should clarify whether the transferor continues to implement the “patent implementation permit” or how the creditor-debt relationship of the patent implementation license contract has been transferred. After the patent transfer contract is established, if the transferor needs to continue to implement the patent, it may stipulate that the transferor shall continue to implement the patent on the scale that has been implemented or is ready to implement and exempt from the royalty, or may agree that the transferor shall continue to implement the patent. The transferee, the new patentee, pays the usage fee. As for the patent implementation license contract that has been concluded and is being executed before the date of the patent transfer contract, the transferor and the third party shall bear the rights and obligations arising from the license contract for the patent. The transfer of such rights and obligations should be informed to third parties.

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