Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Technical Contract Template

Technology Transfer Contract (3)

Contract type: patent implementation license contract
Contract No.: Science and Technology (19) No.

project name:____________________________
Technical transferee: (official seal)
(Party A)
Technology transfer party: (official seal)
(Party B)
Intermediary: (official seal)
Contract registration authority: (official seal)
Date of signing: year, month and day
Performance period: year, month, day to year
│ Development unit (individual) ││
│Development completion time │ Year, month and day │ Main developer │ │
│ Patent Application No. │ │ Patent Approval Number │ │
│Patent Application Time │ Year Month Day │ Patent Approval Time │ Year Month Day │
│ Validity period of patent rights │ Year Month Day to Year Month Day │

First, the name and content of the invention:
Second, the scope, duration and method of implementation of the license:
Third, technical information and information and confidential matters:
Fourth, the content of technical services:
5. The plan, schedule, time limit, location and method of fulfilling the contract:
6. Standards and methods for acceptance:
7. Transaction amount and payment time, payment method:
One lump sum:
Fractional lump sum:

% time by profit or sales:
Other ways:
8. Obligations and responsibilities of the intermediary and the proportion of the intermediary service fees and payment methods:
9. Provision and sharing of follow-up improvements:
X. Liability for breach of contract:
XI. Solution to the dispute:
12. Explanation of nouns and terms:
│ ││ Address ││
│Technology│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│术││ Phone││
│Accepted by │├────────┼────────────┤
│ Let │ legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│Technology│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│术││ Phone││
│ Let │ legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│ ││ Address ││
│中│ (Official seal) ├───────┼────────────┤
│ ││ Phone││
│ │ Legal representative: │ Account │ │
│ ││ Bank of deposit ││
│鉴│ Opinion: │
│证│Manager: │
│单│(Official seal) │
│ bit │ year, month and day │
│公│ Opinion: │
│证│Manager: │
│机│(Official seal) │
1. The “contract type” item shall specify the patent implementation license contract and indicate whether it is a general implementation license contract, an exclusive implementation license contract or an exclusive implementation license contract.
The general implementation license contract is the most common way to implement a patent. It means that the transferor permits the transferee to implement the contract entered into by the transferor's owned or held patents within a certain scope.
The exclusive implementation of the license contract is an agreement between the transferor and the transferee to agree to share the patent enforcement rights. The transferor shall not enter into a patent implementation license contract with the third party within the scope of the patent granted by the licensee, but may retain the right to implement the patent.
The exclusive implementation of the license contract is an agreement between the transferor and the transfer of the patent enforcement right to the transferee. The transferor shall not enter into a patent implementation license contract with the third party within the scope of the patent granted by the licensee, and may not implement the patent itself.
2. In the “Scope, Duration and Method of Implementation License”, if the transferor permits the transfer of the patent implementation license to the third party, the conditions for the sale and related matters shall be agreed. In the absence of an agreement, the transferee shall be deemed to have implemented the patent during the entire duration of the patent right, and shall not be restricted by the region or method, but shall not enter into a patent implementation license contract with a third party.
3. The “Technical Service Project” refers to the project, content, working period and related matters of the transfer party sending professional and technical personnel for technical guidance.
4. The “sharement of results of subsequent improvement” should stipulate whether the new technical achievements completed by the two parties on the basis of the original patents after the establishment of the contract are provided to the other party and how to use them reciprocally.

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