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At the same table

At the same table, will you remember tomorrow? The diary you wrote yesterday, tomorrow, will you remember the one you once loved to cry...

This song may be sung by everyone, maybe everyone is not familiar with it, maybe everyone will only be embarrassed. But every time I listen to this song, I will remember my table.

I am at the same table, she is lively and confident. One thing that she is particularly worthy of is to pursue and learn, that is her confidence. At the beginning of the school year, she was the first cadre to run for class, and she was the first to recommend herself. No matter what she does, she always recommends herself. Although I want to learn her confidence, I lack the courage. If you want to be self-recommended, you must have confidence in yourself. If you have confidence, you must have more courage. In fact, to be honest, Chigo is more important than height.

I am at the same table, she is very smart and smart. Every time I go to class, I listen to the most serious, and her little hand is high. She always raises her hands actively, actively brainstorming and actively creating ideas. The head always turns to follow the teacher, just as the sunflower is the same as the sun that gives it life.

At the same table at the moment, she is fangs. Although she was bored by three-quarters of my classmates, I still admire her. It was because of her slaps that she became the host of our class. As a good friend of her, she said nothing to me, which allowed me to exercise my eloquence.

I have the same table at the same time. Her shortcoming is that her temper is too violent. Once, when the teacher had something to do, he gave us a few questions, let us learn by ourselves. Written and written, I accidentally touched her hand and made a long mark on the homework. I quickly apologized to her. But I apologize and explain anyway, she ignores it and says:

"You clean me up, or I will tell the teacher..." I said a lot of good words, she finally calmed down. Then he said, "Let's pull the table away, so that you don't touch me again." I was more honest and didn't want to make her angry, and she followed her. Although this does not affect our friendship, because I know her too well.

This is my "wacky" table. Although she is a little weird, she looks beautiful. I wear a black and thick ponytail every day, so cute. Especially the big, watery eyes, as if they were talking. She has a nice and beautiful name - Chen Xiaolin.

As the saying goes: "Make new friends, don't forget old friends." Yes, not only that, new friends are still old friends!

Bujid Xingguo Xiaoliuban Wu Yan instructor Zhang Xiaoyun

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