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Respectable teacher Li

The profession of teachers is so ordinary in everyone's mind; the responsibility of the teacher is so great; the love of the teacher is so great! And my teacher, Li, although she is strict, but in the midst of it, more is her love for me...

After school one afternoon, Teacher Li left me to make up my homework, because I had forgotten to write about my homework the day before. However, Teacher Li is too "cruel" too! - This is an essay! I am afraid that I will start to protest when I write halfway! Moreover, Teacher Li did not allow me to complain a little. Forget it, listen to your fate!

I was racing in time in the classroom and the teacher returned to the office. When Teacher Li just left, I began to complain: "Mr. Li is really, is it like to exhaust me? Or is it a bad mood to vent on me? Also, this composition is actually "My Teacher", it seems that I have to This is a good thing to say with her. "I blame and cripple, and I can't describe my mood at the moment." But what can I do? The person who was "smashed" by Teacher Li, but "the place that never turns over"! Keep writing your homework!

When I wrote half of it, my stomach began to "have a big trouble". The homework has not been completed, I only have to endure it! Hey! At this moment, Teacher Li went to the window and looked at me. When I saw her, my first feeling was that she came to see me and wrote the homework. After I finished writing, she could "liberate". And she also saw me licking my stomach, I really want to say to her arrogantly: What to look at, it is not a good thing for you! Teacher Li looked away and left. When she left, I did not forget to say to her: "Hey!"

After a while, the "extinction teacher too" is back, but it seems to hold something in his hand - God, it will not be "Yitianjian"! I want to remind me.

Teacher Li went into the classroom and found that she had milk and bread in her hand. Oh, it’s really scaring me. Teacher Li will present milk and bakery in front of me. Hey, what is this? Teacher Li’s 180-degree transformation - from "extinction teacher too" to "嫦娥仙子" - she said to me amiablely: "Xiao Lin, the teacher just saw you hungry and went to buy you some food, Come, eat it!" The teacher is going to buy me food! It turns out that I am wrong with the teacher. It really shouldn't be! At this time, my eyes are red and my nose is sour. Teacher Li went on to say: "Xiao Lin, the teacher asked you to make up your homework at school is not to punish you, just to let you remember to do homework, have a deeper image, you should not blame the teacher!" Teacher's words let me Impressed, my tears have already soaked my eyes. Teacher Li quietly left, this is my heart's thoughts, mixed feelings, I do not know how to express my respect and gratitude to the teacher.

My essay "My Teacher" also turned around and wrote the teacher's punishment for me as the teacher's love for me.

Teacher, if I am a bird, then you are the blue sky where I can fly; if I am a horse, then you are the grassland of my servants; if I am a fish, then you are the sea where I can swim. It is you, gave me the stage to let me show freely; it is you, taught me the knowledge, let me learn the rich five cars; it is you, let me understand: whether you are harsh or loving to me, then there is a common starting point - that It is your love for me. I will always respect you, love you, Teacher Li!

First day: Feng Wei

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