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Growth is a kind of happiness

Happiness is a feeling. Happiness is a state of mind. Happiness is an experience. Happiness is a straw hat handed by a father. Happiness is a call from mother. Happiness is a bunch of flowers that a friend holds...

When I was a child, I was sick. It was a call and greeting from my family. On my birthday, I was laughing and playing with my friends. When I encountered a problem, the teacher helped you to solve a puzzle that was puzzled. ......

I remember once, I committed a "big disaster" in school, which made the class teacher of our class be criticized by the leadership, and I felt that I felt an unusual depression in my heart. I thought it would be accused and criticized by the teacher, but what I didn't expect was:

This class happens to be the class of our class teacher. I started the journey of a class with a heart-wrenching spirit. The class became more and more interesting, the time was getting faster and faster, and I was up, I didn’t know when I got into the classroom and bothered me. Everything was thrown into the clouds, and the class bell rang unexpectedly. When the teacher announced the class, there was a thought in my mind: "Go, go to the teacher and admit the mistake!" Driven me, I came to the teacher with a kind of fear, but what I expected was that the teacher gently screamed: "He Yuxi, are you looking for something?" I said nervously: "Hey! Nothing! Oh no! Something! It’s the teacher’s ceremonial team in our class today is not very good. You are being criticized by the leadership. I am really sorry. I have not been able to do a job that I should do. Sorry, teacher!” I bowed my head and said that the teacher would swear me a meal, but what I didn’t expect was: "The teacher didn't yell at me, and didn't blame me, but smiled and said to me: It's okay, it's not exactly you. Wrong, I Have the responsibility, I did a good job off, you do not have to blame yourself! "After the teacher told me the truth, my heart suddenly cheerful ......

This is the most impressive thing since I entered the country. It gave me a kind of happiness, because happiness is not necessarily to be happy and happy, it can be the most memorable, or the most beautiful memories. For the first time, this thing made me feel that I grew up!

Changsha City, Tiantian Middle School, the first day: He Yuqi

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