Love idiom

Explicitly explain women's love quotes

1. Girls are most likely to dedicate themselves to awe and worship.

2. What is the taste of masculine and what is the taste of femininity? Manly is open-minded and brave, feminine is considerate and gentle.

3, for a woman who opened her heart, love may be her everything.

4, women's intuition often outweighs the knowledge and talents that men are proud of.

5, no matter how many romances a woman has, there is often a man in her heart who will never be replaced by anyone.

6. When a woman gets a man's charity, she often thinks about how to repay her.

7, women's nature loves fantasy, loves you.

8, cynicism, most of them have been frustrated in love.

9, the charm is not beautiful, beautiful women may not be attractive, dignified and elegant women have talents like. So you don't have to worry about being beautiful enough.

10, the man delicately pointed out the woman's good-looking, he immediately received her welcome.

11. Seriously orthodox women are also eager for the pursuit of men.

12. Almost all women are only planning to marry a person before they get married.

13. Any woman who has been afflicted, her heart is equal to a sponge that requires love. It only needs a little bit of emotion and immediately expands.

14. Marriage is like gambling. Women often use lifelong happiness as a bet without knowing what to win or lose.

15. A woman, the most aggrieved and embarrassed is that men do not care about her spiritual essence, her interests and pursuits.

16. Women with personality colors often love men who are passionate.

17, women are more excited than men, and love pretending to be excited.

18, a very elegant woman, the requirements for men are also very demanding.

19. When a woman shows indifference to a man, don't think she ignores his existence. To know that her "table" is inversely proportional to "inside".

20, there are many aspects of women are different from men, and these differences are where women are superior to men.

21, men often do not like strong women, and like the delicate woman snuggling in front of their chests show delicate.

22, women's eyes are often very sensitive, even the most ignorant, the most honest woman sometimes shows amazing wisdom.

23, a few years, the woman's face will be like Transformers, let you stunned. It doesn't become unsightly, it just becomes shocking.

24. There are many lovely women in the world, but there are no perfect women.

25, don't talk back to the woman, the woman is right, you nod; the woman said wrong, you nod.

26, women sometimes can tolerate men to deceive their feelings, but can not tolerate men hurt their self-esteem.

27, women divorce is because they have made a mistake; remarriage is to try again luck. Men are again taking risks to take risks.

28. No woman is loved because of her beautiful soul.

29, women's gifts to men are generally not resistant, the rogues are all relying on this.

30, women like football for two reasons: First, look at the handsome guy; Second, see if there is no more handsome handsome guy.

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