Love idiom

20 short and implicit love quotes

1. You can't get married in order to be responsible. We must know that it is most irresponsible not to love each other but to marry each other. Even if the other party was sad at the time, it was better than letting him be sad for a few years or even a lifetime.

2. What does it mean to love someone? It means being happy for his (her) happiness, doing everything he needs to do to make him or her happier, and getting happiness from it.

3, true love is often expressed in the lover's implicit, humility and even shy attitude towards his idol, and is by no means expressed in casual enthusiasm and premature relatives.

4, love is not the sweet words under the shade of flowers, not the secret language of the peach blossom source, not the light tears, but not the hard compulsion, love is based on a common basis.

5, truly valuable things, can not be deliberately obtained, it requires the same valuable fate.

6, the world can pass everything, love can stay forever, even though love is so sad. Only memory will remain in the heart in a deep and inaccessible form.

7. Love is a great mentor who teaches us to be a new person. Only love can create solid things with real life.

8, love, the original is no name, waiting before the encounter is its name.

9. Some people say that they are looking for someone they like, and getting married and looking for someone who likes them is one-sided. Lovers don't like what they have to love? His wife do not like how to live a lifetime?

10. Humans have finally invented love and turned it into the most perfect religion for human beings.

11. Love is originally the sand in the sea. Only you care for it with your heart, use tears and blood to moisturize it, let it indulge in the heart to become a crystal.

12, love is the tinkering in the bumps.

13. The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. It is not the other side of the sky, but I am standing in front of you, but you don't know that I love you.

14, once met, always better than never met.

15. Why do you forget a person so painfully, and time will naturally make you forget. If time doesn't make you forget people you shouldn't remember, what's the point of our lost years?

16, a pair of shoes, one less is not worth the money, so the other half is very important.

17. Love does not need to be deliberately grasped. The more you want to grasp your own love, the easier it is to lose yourself, lose the principle, and lose the tolerance and understanding that should be maintained between each other.

18, lost love is only the object of love, not love itself.

19. Every woman has a longing for love in her heart, eager to get the happiness she loves. I hope to be protected, improved, and sympathetic. This is a characteristic of women. Coupled with the sentimentality and affection, it is often difficult for women to refuse each other. This makes them think they are in love.

20, to get love you can use whatever method, but to maintain love but need wisdom.

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