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Protect the environment

Earth, the human mother, the cradle of life, is so beautiful and amiable. It continues to provide people with abundant resources, but humans have tried their best to greedily seem to want to suck every drop of milk from Mother Earth...

I had the privilege of admiring a work by Master Zhou Yuequan, the comic book, which inspired the responsibility of human beings to protect the environment.

"Dudu!" A horn of car smashed the silence of the night. A big truck driver hummed a small song and drove a large truck along a winding mountain road to climb a foggy hill to one of the mountain caves. The small village slowly drove.

Just arrived in the village, an uninvited guest on the road - Lin Zhengkun, Lin Zhengkun has always been greedy for money, rejected by the world. The driver waved at him and gestured to let him come over and said to him: "Young man, you can cut trees for me, the oil can be quite awkward..." When I mentioned "money", Lin Zhengkun’s squinted eyes immediately smashed more than copper coins. Big, said: "Good! Good! I will go right away!" The voice has not fallen, he has already taken the axe and ran for more than ten meters. Came to the grove, "Hey..." He knocked on the tree and finally saw a strong one. He chopped it up, and the score was getting deeper and deeper, with a sound. The voice of "咔嚓", his heart is getting more and more excited, but he is still serious, frowning and said: "There must be insects in this tree, I have to cut it down..." Suddenly, a wing of "winging" Sound, a woodpecker stopped on Lin Zhengkun’s shoulder and said, "There must be insects in this piece of wood..."

After reading this cartoon, my heart can't be calm for a long time. "There must be insects in this piece of wood..." caused my deep thoughts. Is there really a bug in people's minds? Yes, however, it is a kind of thought worm. This worm is selfish, greedy, and ignorant. He can always evoke people’s desire for money and let people forget the declaration of “protecting the environment”. Is it so difficult to protect the environment? Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and spit out oxygen; they can also block dust storms, floods... Isn't it enough for people to protect it?

All the time, where did I go, which flowers and trees in the greenery were not broken? I always use a wooden stick as a "submachine gun" and stage a "small eight-way beating devil" in the grass. After reading this cartoon, my face is red, I am not like Lin Zhengkun in the comics?

As the saying goes, "Good and good, bad and bad." If you are under the evil, then after decades, what you get is the "repayment" of sin; if you plant a Seedlings, then after a few years, you get a piece of "oasis." Although the earth does not belong to human beings, human beings belong to the earth, and things that come to the earth will eventually come to humans. We must carefully protect the earth and protect the earth's ecological environment. Let the earth better benefit our children and grandchildren!

Indeed, protecting the earth is to protect life. If human beings cut trees without restraint, it will bring disaster to us. Let's start! Protecting the ecological environment and treating the planet is to treat ourselves human beings ourselves!

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