Classic quotes

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Good words about success:

1. I succeeded, because I am trying to succeed, I have not tasted it. - Napoleon

2. A person who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big business. - Carnegie

3. To succeed in a business, you must spend your life. - Levin Hook

4. There is no end to the success of the cause. It is an endless pursuit.

5. Diligence is the mother of success.

6, diligence, is the passport to enter the door to success.

7, the winner will never give up, the abandoner will never succeed.

8. Truth is the lifeblood of life, the foundation of all values, and the secret of commercial success. Whoever can keep it, can become. - Dreiser

9. The secret of success lies in perseverance. - Disraeli

10. The secret of success is never changing the intended purpose. - Rousseau

a famous saying about time

1, the new year does not come back, the day is difficult to morning. When you are encouraged in time, you will not be treated. - Tao Yuanming

2. Tomorrow's day of tomorrow, how many tomorrows, I will be born tomorrow, everything will be a success. - Wen Jia "Tomorrow Song"

3, time is like the water in the sponge, as long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always there. - Lu Xun

4, black hair is not as good as learning early, white hair regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

5. Saving time, that is, making a person's limited life more effective, and thus extending the life of a person.

6, Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad!

7, one inch of time, one inch of gold, inch gold is difficult to buy inch time.

8. Arranging time reasonably means saving time.

9, time is a sickle without sound.

10, mediocrity will be spent time, can spend time trying to use time.

11. Don't waste time, do something useful every moment, and quit all unnecessary behavior.

12, time is life, unreasonable air consumption of others' time, in fact, is tantamount to murder.

13, a piecemeal time can really achieve a big cause.

14. Seize today, better than two tomorrows.

Good words about diligence

1, 1, Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossoms come from bitter cold.

2, 3, there is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs.

3, Shushan has a road to the path, learning the sea without a hard work.

4, heaven and reward.

5, as long as the effort is deep, the iron is ground into a needle.

6, diligence can make up for good training, one point to cultivate a point. - Hua Luogeng

7, genius is 99% of the sweat plus 1% inspiration. - Edison

8. Genius is the ability to work endlessly and diligently. ——Carlisle

9, genius is like this, lifelong efforts will become a genius. - Mendeleev

10, Diligence is the password of your life, can translate your magnificent epic.

Good words about ideals

1. Men don’t show up in the wind, they are born with eight feet.

2. The ideal is the navigation light that guides the direction.

3. The ideal is the source of strength, the cradle of wisdom, the battle flag of the charge, and the sword of the thorns.

4, the ideal is beautiful, but there is no will, the ideal is just a fleeting rainbow.

5. There are no ideal people in life, poor people. - Turgenev

6, ideal refers to the road light. Without ideals, there is no firm direction; without direction, there is no life. --Leo Tolstoy

7. If you don't give yourself a great ideal, life is meaningless. - Jose Rizal

8. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. - Socrates

9, there are ideal people, life is always hot. ——Stalin

10. The highest ideal in life is seeking truth. ——Li Dazhao

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