Classic quotes

100 sentences of struggling upwards

1. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the tenacity.

2, success is not in the future, but from the moment you decide to do it, it will continue to accumulate.

3. There are only people in the world who can't figure out what to do. There is no way to go.

4. A person's success does not depend on his wisdom, but on perseverance.

5, to achieve their own goals, must be able to withstand loneliness.

6. Life is a circle. Some people have not walked out of the circle drawn by fate for a lifetime. He just doesn't know that every point on the circle has a tangent line.

7, morning exercise is not only for fitness, but also to reflect the reluctance of life.

8. No matter how great you feel, you will always be stronger than you; no matter how unfortunate you feel, someone will be more unfortunate than you.

9. In order not to let life leave regrets and regrets, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our lives.

10. Combating and defeating are the stumbling blocks to success, not stumbling blocks.

11, the way out, go out, there will always be roads. Difficult suffering, it is difficult to be trapped at home.

12. What is a failure is never a person.

13. It is the most sad failure to defeat yourself. It is the most valuable victory to defeat yourself.

14. Parents are textbooks, friends are reference books, lovers are reference books, neighbors are newspapers and magazines, and beautiful women are pictorials.

15. When you can't get from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not done overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

16. Those who have aspirations have thousands of things, and those who have no ambitions only feel that it is difficult.

17. Never fall is not a glory. It can be the greatest glory after each fall.

18. There is only one failure, and that is halfway.

19. Life doesn't just need length, it needs width.

20. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting.

21, venting can ease the mood, but can not use the way to hurt yourself and others.

22, the cloud is sad that he can not control himself, the sad thing is that he can't support himself. People are sad that they can't beat themselves.

23, no sowing, how to harvest; no hard work, how to success; no hardship, no glory; no bleak, how brilliant.

24. Successful people learn from others, and those who fail only learn from their own experiences.

25, carefully consider before making a decision, once you make a decision, you must go forward and stick to the end.

26, the scene of the life stage can be opened at any time, the key is whether you are willing to perform, or choose to avoid.

27. The ideal road is always prepared for those who have faith.

28, the past is beautiful, we can not live in; now more difficult, we have to go!

29. As long as you are alive, there is no reason to escape the problem, and you have the opportunity to find a solution to the problem.

30. You have hopes than those who are lying in the grave!

31. Destiny is in your own hands. Sitting at home waiting for a house, car, it is better to sleep and have a good dream.

32. To do one thing, before you succeed, there is no need to tell others. After you succeed, you don't have to say it, everyone else will know. This is the effect brought about by the information age.

33. Those who strive to be motivated do not always think about who they are, who are selfish, and who is the most reliable person.

34. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Change the future, from now on. Changing the present is to change the future.

35. If the heart is calm, there will be no storm outside.

36. Inferiority is the biggest obstacle to hurting yourself.

37. Some people say that the most beautiful thing in the world is the dream. The longest is the road. The easiest thing to do is the dream. The hardest thing to walk is the road.

38. Those who are aspiring have a long-term ambition, and those who have no ambition have long been determined.

39. The simplest thing is persistence. The hardest thing is persistence.

40. Know what you want to do, stay quiet in the night, ask yourself, plan for the future, and move toward that direction. Instead of doing nothing and doing something unnecessary.

41. Modifying yourself is to modify the world. Naturally, we must be useful. We are a very important program in the whole universe. We must believe in our potential.

42. The game of life is not about taking a good card, but how to play a bad card. There is no permanent victory in the world, and the courage to surpass yourself can get the final trophy.

43. The strings are slack, and there is no music to play; the life is sloppy, and the flames of life are not burned.

44, love someone, take care of him, protect him, give him freedom, is truly elegant love.

45. People are always trying to cherish what they have not got, and forget what they have.

46. ​​It is the height and slope of the mountain. It is the width and depth of the river; there are deficiencies and mistakes.

47, the beautiful face is for others to see, and the wise mind is for their own use.

48. We must thank pain and frustration. It is our homework. We must train from it and then break through, so that we can truly be free.

49. The biggest waste is that we don't know our own wisdom and don't understand that we have the power of the whole universe.

50, the heart is like a child, very simple, very simple, can progress quickly. It's simple, but not simple.

51. Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves. Excerpted from: famous sayings

52, passion, this is the wind full of sails. The wind sometimes blows off the sails; but without the wind, the sailboat cannot sail.

53. The world will give way to those who have goals and visions.

54. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting; no matter when it is over, it is important not to regret after the end.

55. The result of repeated research on a simple problem is that the problem is more complicated than before.

56. No one can disappoint you, except yourself.

57. When you encounter a low tide, encourage yourself. Don't beg, rely on others to encourage you.

58. The optimists see that the articles are all roads, and the pessimists see that the roads are all unreasonable.

59. Without a reef, there will be no beautiful waves; without setbacks, there will be no magnificent life.

60, life is too short, today, given up tomorrow may not be able to get.

61. Only through the hardships of life can we realize the value of life.

62. There is no mountain higher than people, no longer than the foot.

63. Learn to be strong and be a camel that never cries in the desert!

64. A person who does not have money does not necessarily have to be poor, but if he does not have a dream, he will be exhausted.

65. The difficulty is like a spring. If you are strong, it will be weak. If you are weak, it will be strong.

66, the strong conquered today, the coward lamented yesterday, the lazy man waited for tomorrow.

67. Old people who rely on the encouragement of others to fight are not strong; those who are encouraged by others to struggle are simply cowards.

68. Although we cannot change our lives, we can change our outlook on life. Although we can't change the environment, we can change our mindset.

69. When you feel that no one is coming to love you, what others see is pitiful, uncharacteristic.

70. Don't just say that you don't have time, time is squeezed out.

71. A person's life is like an article. Only after many times of careful revision can it be continuously improved.

72. Tell yourself once a day: I am really good.

73, the calm lake can not exercise the fine sailors; the comfortable life can not create the great man of the era.

74. There are three days in life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yesterday has passed and tomorrow has not yet arrived. We can only grasp today and cherish today to add brilliance to life.

75. Even an immature attempt is better than a strategy in the womb.

76. Use ideal paper, use diligence as a pen, and write magnificent youth.

77, wild grass can not cover the light of the sun, the difficulties can not stop the footsteps of the brave.

78. People will cry when they are born, and laughter is learned later. So sadness is a low-level instinct, and happiness is a more advanced ability.

79. Hope is the sunshine of life, and action is the wings of hope.

80. Thinking is one of the hardest jobs, which may be the reason why few people are willing to think.

81. Life is always a high-spirited song for the wise, and its main theme is always struggle.

82. In the realization of the ideal road, we must eliminate all interference, especially to see the beautiful temptation.

83. The coward puts the difficulty on the top of the head, and the hero puts the difficulty under his feet.

84. Being strong is the pass for the winner, and weakness is the epitaph of the loser.

85. If a person is weak, he is his greatest enemy; if a person is brave, he is his best friend.

86. There will always be an unusual story behind successful people.

87. Hold the greatest hope, and do the worst for the best effort.

88, to the bulls and then hard, can not squeeze a drop of milk.

89. The human body can age with time, and the thoughts that give life to human beings can stay young forever, coexisting with the sun and the moon.

90. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself. All failures are insignificant compared to the failure to lose oneself.

91. Destiny is like your own palm print. Although it is curved, it is always in your own hands.

92. People who lived yesterday lost their past, those who lived tomorrow lost their future, and those who live today have the past and the future.

93. Heavenly rewards, maybe you don’t necessarily get a return, but you don’t have to pay back.

94, please be confident. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's landscapes. From: Celebrity Quotes

95, play less games, this is not South Korea, you can not play the house car and capital. You can have hobbies, but you need to grasp the scales, play less farms, pastures, landlords and other highly attractive games. Maybe your level is very high, but it does not mean how successful you are, but will affect and occupy your success. time.

96, the most fearful thing, the most should go to break through.

97. The best way to change is that we communicate with our inner strength and then it will change us.

98. People have inertia. This is innate, but we can change this inertia the day after tomorrow. The more people change, the more successful they will be.

99. The soul is purifying in the pursuit of knowledge, and the faith rises in the cause.

100. Most people tend to succumb to the lost opportunities, but they turn a blind eye to the opportunities ahead.

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