Classic quotes

100 incisive life, perfect words, good words

1. The reason why a river can reach its destination is because it knows how to avoid obstacles.

2, sunrise in the East China Sea, Xishan, Yi also one day, hi also one day; when the incident does not drill the horns, people are also comfortable, and the heart is also comfortable.

3. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion. Repentance is a greater loss than loss, a bigger mistake than mistake, so don't regret it.

4, death teaches everyone everything, just like the results announced after the exam - although suddenly realized, but it is too late!

5. Everyone is born with originality. Sadly, many people have gradually become pirated.

6. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered by habits, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.

7, pinning your fate on yourself, this is the most wonderful mind in the world. Work hard for this, fight hard, stay up all night.

8, everyone's heart is full of the devil, learn to control him.

9. If you still think that you are still young, you can still lick the years, you will never accomplish anything, and you will always sigh.

10, in the realization of the ideal road, we must eliminate all interference, especially to see the beautiful temptation.

11, forbearance of a moment of anger, free of worry for a hundred days.

12. Confidence, perseverance, and courage are all available, so there is nothing that can't be done in the world.

13, change yourself is self-help, affecting others is to save people.

14. When you feel helpless, there is a solid force to rely on, that is yourself.

15. Thinking about the past is a distraction. Thinking about the future is delusion. It is best to grasp the moment.

16. Happiness is not getting more, but less is being counted.

17. Change others, it is better to change yourself first.

18, how far a person can go, depends on who he walks with; how good a person is, depends on who he is pointing to; how successful a person depends on who he is with.

19. The same bottle of beverage, 2 yuan in the convenience store, 60 in the five-star hotel. In many cases, the value of a person depends on the location.

20, busy is a kind of happiness, let us have no time to experience the pain; running is a kind of happiness, let us truly feel life; exhaustion is a kind of enjoyment, let us have no emptiness.

21, don't frown even if you are not happy, because you never know who will fall in love with your smile.

22. No matter how unfortunate you feel, someone will always be more unhappy than you.

23, failure is a thing, it should never be a person.

24. Defeating yourself is the most sad failure. It is the most valuable victory to defeat yourself.

25. There is only one failure, and that is halfway.

26. In order not to leave regrets and regrets in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our lives.

27. Without the ability to withstand difficulties, there is no hope.

28, to achieve their own goals, must be able to withstand loneliness.

29, never fall is not brilliance, every time you fall, you can stand up again, is the greatest glory.

30, there is pressure, but will not be crushed; confused, but never desperate.

31. What we are most proud of is not to fall, but to climb up after each fall.

32. When you can't get from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not done overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

33. There is no sowing, how to harvest; no hard work, no success, no grief, no glory; no setbacks, no glory.

34. Belief is strong, suspicion only suppresses ability, and belief is power.

35. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting.

36. Let us change the worries beforehand to the thinking and planning beforehand!

37. Think carefully before making a decision. Once you make a decision, you must go forward and stick to the end.

38. Start working hard! You have to give up a lot of things in the process, but you have to understand that they are not what you ultimately want. You have to believe that after you succeed, one day they will come back again and be better than now!

39. No matter how great you feel, there will always be someone stronger than you.

40. Losing money loses very little, people who lose health lose a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.

41. Successful people learn from others, and those who fail only learn from their own experiences.

42. The firmness of the goal is one of the most necessary sources of strength in character, and one of the tools of success. Without it, genius will be in vain in the path of inconsistency.

43. Failure is only a temporary suspension of success. If I can't, I will have to; if I want, I will!

44. In order to prove yourself to others and to the world, once you have achieved the results, you will understand that people do not need to prove anything to others, as long as you can surpass yourself.

45. Even if there is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person to insist on doing it, in the end there will be hope.

46. ​​There is no education that can withstand adversity.

47, beautiful can only provide eye for others, but not necessarily for happiness.

48. If you give your heart, you will get the true heart, but you may be hurt thoroughly. If you keep your distance, you can protect yourself, but you are destined to be lonely forever.

49. Sometimes, not the other party does not care about you, but you see the other party too heavy.

50. The most exciting thing in life is not the moment to realize your dreams, but the process of persisting in your dreams. Excerpted from: famous sayings

51. The reason why people live tired is because they can't put down the shelf, can't open their faces, and can't solve the plot.

52, tiny happiness is around, easy to meet is heaven.

53. When I was young, I took a lot of photos and showed them in the living room. When I was old, I realized that the photos were taken for myself.

54, the test can use fire, try women can use gold, try men can use women.

55. Life belongs to you. You should live according to your own wishes.

56. Those who try to do something but fail do not know how much better than those who try to do but succeed.

57. Do you want to be happy? I hope you first learn to eat hard.

58. A weak person will only wrestle, and a savage person can only be led to burn, and only a truly brave person can be invincible.

59. The ladder steps are never used to rest the feet. It just puts people's feet on for a while so that the other foot can go up again.

60. No matter how steep the mountains are, always leave a path for people who are not afraid of hardships.

61. Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause.

62, smart out of hard work, genius lies in accumulation.

63. Smart people have long ears and short tongues.

64. Dissatisfaction with yourself is one of the fundamental characteristics of any truly talented person.

65. Opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared.

66. The rudder that controls the fate is a struggle. Don't hold a little fantasies, don't give up a little chance, don't stop working hard every day.

67. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

68. There is no ambition in the chest, and I will live forever.

69, Zhi is not standing, the world can not be done.

70. Life is much easier than you think. Just learn to accept those that are unacceptable, give up those who don't want to give up, and tolerate those that are intolerable.

71. The most basic skill in life is communication. The most dependable quality is patience. The worst behavior is complaining. The most effective effort is to start from yourself.

72. The peak is only true to those who climb it instead of looking at it.

73. The world is not in the hands of those who are ridiculed, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism.

74, planting ideas, achievement behavior; planting behavior, achievement habits; planting habits, achievement of character; planting character, achievement of destiny.

75. There is no pine in the pot, and there is no eagle in the bird cage.

76. Frustration is actually the tuition fee payable for success.

77. A great cause is not accomplished by the strength, speed, and agility of the body, but by the power of character, will, and knowledge.

78. The most important thing is not to look at the distant distance, but to do things clearly at hand.

79. In real life, every great cause begins with confidence and takes the first step by faith.

80. In the sea of ​​life, although we can't grasp the size of the wind, we can adjust the direction of the sail.

81. The smile that has been soaked in tears is the most brilliant, and the soul that comes out of the confusion is the most sober.

82. Everyone has life, but not everyone understands life and even cherishes life. For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment for him.

83. The person who creates the opportunity is the brave. People who wait opportunity is stupid.

84, life not only needs length, but also needs width.

85. I can do what others can do.

86. You have hopes than those who are lying in the grave.

87. Always think that you are a good person in your heart, then the things you do will be excellent.

88. Things that are difficult, you will no longer have difficulty doing it.

89. When you can't hold on, stick to it!

90. The most sad person in the world is that there is no advantage to show off, but it has concealed its poor inferiority complex with arrogant arrogance and boastfulness.

91. What kind of mentality do you face in life, what kind of mood will you harvest?

92, you laugh, the whole world laughs with you; you cry, the world only you cry alone.

93. There is no legend in this city that the grass grows long, it lives forever in reality, fast drumming, rushing figure, numb eyes, false smile, and I am being assimilated.

94. Use strong desires as a backing to achieve your dreams, and make desires become fanatical, making it the most important thing in your mind.

95. Don't be mixed with arrogance in your wisdom. Don't make your modest heart lack wisdom.

96. It is not necessary for a person to have money without money, but if this person has no dreams, this person is determined.

97, life is not perfect, if you find it wrong. Come back again, others will not forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Never use a mistake to cover up another error.

98, has lost it may wish to let it lose, at least no longer waiting.

99. You can only make a difference in your life. That is now, however, many people have wasted a great time in remorse for the past and worry about the future.

100. Facing failures and setbacks, it is an optimistic self-confidence. Facing misunderstandings and hatred, it is a kind of tolerance; it is a calm and relieved to face troubles and sorrows.

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