Classic quotes

a famous saying about perseverance

1. Patience and persistence are painful things, but they can gradually bring benefits to you. - Ovid

2. The most important thing about my success in science is the love of science and long-term exploration. ——(UK) Darwin

3, Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out, plum blossoms come from bitter cold.

4, without a bit of bone cold, how can plum blossoms scent?

5, against the water boat, force to support, a glimpse of the retreat. - Dong Biwu

6, the rope saw is broken, the stone is worn by water.

7. Whoever has the will to live through hardships will be able to achieve any purpose. - Minand

8, no accumulation of steps, no more than a thousand miles; no accumulation of small streams, no rivers. - 荀子

9. Since you are expecting a glorious and great life, you should start from today, with unwavering determination and unwavering faith, with your own wisdom and perseverance to create the happiness of you and humanity.

10, poor and hard, do not fall into the blue cloud. - Wang Bo

11, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle. --Chinese Sayings

12. Only perseverance will make us successful, and the source of perseverance lies in unwavering determination and resolutely adopt the means needed to achieve success. - Chernyshevsky

13. Everything new is always the beginning. At first, there were a lot of enthusiastic people, but soon it will be cold and will not be done, because he already understands that it is impossible to do without some hard work, but only want to The person who did it has endured this pain. - Dostoevsky

14. Therefore, the heavens will be reduced to a large number of people. Therefore, people must first suffer from their own minds, work their muscles and bones, be hungry for their body, lack their bodies, and do what they do, so they are tempted and can not do anything. - Meng Hao

15. For the students to be just and constant, if they are not just then, they will not retreat. - Feng Zixian

16, expensive and constant, why not three more sleep. The most unhelpful, I am afraid that the day will be exposed to the cold for ten days. - Mao Zedong

17. Perseverers can struggle in the storm of fate.

18, perseverance, gold stone can be awkward.

19, the tree of patience, the fruit of gold.

20, the camel walks slowly, but can finally reach the destination.

21. Patience is the foundation of all intelligence.

22, sincerely, the stone is open. --CaiE

23. Those who persist in pursuing and getting the most happiness from them are the winners. - Thoreau

24. Patience is the foundation of all intelligence. - Plato

25. Without great willpower, there can be no talents. - Balzac

26, perseverance is a permanent enjoyment.

27, although the axe is small, but after many times cut, will eventually be able to cut a knife to the hardest oak.

28, do not experience the wind and rain, can not grow into a big tree;

29, watching the sunrise must be kept to dawn.

30, talent is long-term persistence.

31. Success is ultimately a patient waiting patiently.

32, patience and perseverance will always get paid.

33. The secret of success is to never change the established goals.

34, aspirations and perseverance are the wings of the cause.

35, tenacious perseverance can overcome any obstacles.

36. Those who experience vicissitudes will not be easily discouraged.

37. The cause is often persevering and ruined.

38. If you climb a mountain, you will climb to the end. When you fall, you will fall into the abyss.

39. Life is just like a marathon... Only the person who persists to the end can be called a winner. - Ikeda Daisaku

40. Start with ease and do one thing, but once you start, you must stick to it. - Bias

41. Great works are not done by strength, but by persistence. ——Johnson

42. Don't lose your confidence. As long as you persist, you will end up with results. —— Qian Xuesen

43. Often the last key opens the door.

44, tenacity is the best assistant of the will. --Europe

45. Life is like the ocean. Only a strong-willed person can reach the other side. - Marx

46. ​​It is not enough to move towards the ultimate goal that is finally reached on a certain day. We must also treat each step as a goal and make it work as a step. - Goethe

47. To persist in the great cause of the will requires a spirit of unswerving. - Voltaire

48. In the duel of hope and disappointment, if you hold with courage and determined hands, victory must be hope. ——Prini

49. What a person can do is to make good example and have the courage to firmly hold up the ethical belief in the society of the wind and the wind. - Einstein

50. Since you are expecting a glorious and great life, you should start from today, with unwavering determination and unshakable faith, with your own wisdom and perseverance to create the happiness of you and mankind.

51. As long as you continue to work hard and work tirelessly, there will be no conquering things. - Seneca From: famous quotes

52, insist on courage, just as the wheel is for leverage, that is the eternal renewal of the pivot. - Hugo

53. The water of the dripping can eventually wear the big stone, not because it is powerful, but because of the dripping of the night and night. - Beethoven

54. The permanence of science lies in its unremitting pursuit. Science is not exhausted in terms of its capacity. As far as its objectives are concerned, it is never accessible. - Card von Burr

55. Don't be discouraged, even if you lose everything, you still have the future. - Oscar Wilde

56, Taishan does not let the soil, it can become its big; rivers and seas do not choose a trickle, so it can be deep. - Li Si

57, under the hard work, three words, one is called, one is called bitter, one is called work, must be refreshed, and hard work. - Mao Zedong

58. We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence! We must believe that our talent is to be used to do something. - Mrs. Curie

59. I have two loyal assistants, one is my patience and the other is my hands. ——[法]Montaigne

60. No matter what time, no matter what happens, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged. - Edison

61. Start with ease and do one thing, but once you start, you must stick to it. - Bias

62, the book does not remember, familiar reading can be recorded; righteous is not refined, careful thinking can be fine; but there is no ambition, no direct focus. - Zhu Xi

63. Determined not to be strong, and ultimately not good. - Zhu Xi

64. The goal of will is not in nature, but in life.

65. As long as you have strong willpower, you will naturally have the ability, the cleverness and the knowledge. - Dostoevsky

66. Being able to stand still and stick to the righteous view is not much. - Hugo

67. Whoever has the will to live through hardships will be able to achieve any purpose. - Minand

68. With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to the feet. - Joe Bailey

69. The will of the supported people with indomitable beliefs is more powerful than those seemingly invincible material forces. - Einstein

70. The emergence of the will is not a denial of desire, but a merger and promotion to a higher level of consciousness. - Luo Luomei

71. The intensity of pain is directly proportional to the will and stiffness of nature. ——Wu Ren Xiao Lu Shi

72. There will never be manpower to repel a hope of resolute and strong. - Kingsley

73. To succeed in this world, you must stick to it: you can't let go until you die. - Voltaire

74. A person can achieve his goal as long as he is persistently and persistently pursued. - Stendhal

75, as long as perseverance, knowledge, and finally find its mystery. ——Yang Zhenning

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