Classic quotes

100 positive and inspiring quotes

1. Theory is to complicate simple things, the idea is to simplify complex things.

2, a great advantage of the people is: in the unfavorable and difficult encounters in the past. - Beethoven

3, the scene does not treat people, must be made into silk. - Li Bai

4. Don't wait for opportunities, but create opportunities.

5. The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history.

6. Going toward a certain goal is "Zhi". It is "qi" in the middle of the drum. The combination of the two is "ambition". The success or failure of all careers depends on this. - Carnegie

7, humans learn to walk, but also have to learn to wrestle, and only after wrestling can he learn to walk. - Marx

8. The great man is great because when he coexists with others, he loses his confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goal.

9. The person who walks the slowest, as long as he does not lose his goal, he walks faster than someone who is aimless. - Lessing

10, a bite can not eat fat, but the fat man is a bite to eat.

11. If a person is afraid of pain, fears all kinds of diseases, fears of unpredictable things, fears of danger and death of life, he can't stand anything. - Rousseau

12. The perfection of personality is the foundation, and the establishment of wealth is the end.

13, arrogant can not be long, want to be indefinite, happy, can not be full. ——Wei Zheng

14. On the top of people, you must be a person; under people, you must be yourself.

15, squatting and giving up, the dead wood is not folded; perseverance, the stone can be smashed. - "Xunzi·Encourage Learning"

16, the true person, the sincerity of the also, not refined and dishonest, can not move. - "Zhuangzi Fisherman"

17. I feel that I am going forward, why should people not walk because of a small obstacle? - Lu Xun

18. The generosity of time is tantamount to chronic suicide. --Ostrovsky

19. Success is not something that will come in the future, but it will continue to accumulate from the moment you decide to do it.

20, the world is often a difficult contract, but lost to extravagance. - Lu You

21, entrepreneurs harvest their dreams, and planting hopes; the original glory only represents the past, the future will always be blank.

22. A person who suffers the most bitterness, the most despicable, and the most sinful of destiny, has no fear as long as he still has hope. - Shakespeare

23. Anyone who struggles is true gold and is not afraid of fire; any disillusionment cannot shake their faith: because they knew from the beginning that the road to faith and the road to happiness are totally different, and they cannot choose.

24, the ambition is high. ——Zhu Geliang, “The Book of Foreigners”

25. On the road of scientific exploration, a person who walks through a detour and makes mistakes is not a bad thing. It is not a shame. In practice, he has the courage to admit and correct mistakes. - Einstein

26, not afraid to be angry is a coward, not to be angry is wisdom.

27. Think of every day you live as the last day of your life. - Helen Keller

28. The reason why simple life is not easy is because it is simple to live, and you must not think too much.

29, a flower can not be dressed up in the beautiful spring, a person is always single-handedly advanced, everyone can be advanced to move mountains and reclamation. - Lei Feng

30. Genius is not a monster that grows up in the deep forest wilderness. It is produced and grown by people who can make genius grow. Therefore, without such people, there is no genius. - Lu Xun

31. There is no fate that can be conquered without contempt, tolerance and struggle.

32. On the road of scientific exploration, a person who walks through a detour and makes mistakes is not a bad thing. It is not a shame. In practice, he has the courage to admit and correct mistakes. - Einstein

33. All perseverance efforts will get paid sooner or later. ——Anger

34, the stone can be broken, but not to win; Dan can also grind, but not to win. "Lu's Spring and Autumn · Honesty"

35, desire to improve enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth the mountains.

36. Perseverance in achieving achievements is more important than being stubborn and unyielding when it fails. - La Rochevko

37. Each type of setback or unfavorable mutation is carried with the same or a larger beneficial seed. - Emerson

38. People's lives are like floods running, no islands, reefs, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves. --Ostrovsky

39. Time is my property, my field is time. - Goethe

40. As long as the effort is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle. —— Cao Xue, “Yongzhong Guangji·Pengshan County, Shangchuan South Road”

41. God is completely trying to strengthen our will, and we have set up obstacles on our road. - Tagore

42. Don't throw a pot of cream off because you have fallen into a cow's hair. Don't throw away your life's career because you made a mistake.

43. Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower. -Roman Roland

44. Knowledge comes from hard work, and any achievement is the result of hard work. - Song Qingling

45. One of the great advantages of a great person is that it is not a bad thing in the unfavorable and difficult encounters. - Beethoven

46. ​​Don't be self-styled because of luck, don't get lost because of bad luck. The true powerhouse is good at finding shadows from good times, finding light from adversity, and constantly calibrating your own goals. - Ibsen

47. Patience and persistence are painful things, but they can gradually bring benefits to you. - Ovid

48. Providing a lot of opportunities to try is also an integral part of implementing setbacks. Once deprived of the opportunity to try, it is tantamount to being deprived of the opportunity to make mistakes and correct mistakes, so it is impossible to move towards success. - German famous expert Schumacher

49. If we have accepted the worst, there will be no loss. - Carnegie

50. Time is accumulated in minutes and seconds. Those who are good at using sporadic time will make more achievements. - Hua Luogeng

51. If you waste your age, it is very sad. Because your youth can only last a little bit of time - a little bit of time. - Wilde

52. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness. - La Rochefoco

53. Difficulties are bullying and hard. The more you fear it, the more it threatens you. The less you put it in your eyes, the more it compliments you. - Xuan Yongguang

54. Anyone who wants to achieve excellent results should cherish and control their time with great care. - Krupskaya

55. Wasting time is the most extravagant and expensive of all expenditures. - Franklin

56, forgetting to eat, happy to forget, I do not know the old is coming. - "The Analects"

57. Difficulties are just opportunities to wear work clothes.

58. Years old, then know the pines and cypresses. - "The Analects of Confucius"

59. On the fate, life is not a barbarian, nor a beggar. The human beings are surrounded by real and noble wealth - the wealth of the body and the soul. - Horace Mann

60. Mature people don't ask the past; smart people don't ask the present; open-minded people don't ask the future.

61, young and not working hard, the old man is sad. ——Han Yuefu Ancient Songs

62, not for nephews, not for things to move, and then can be a major event in the world. Lu Kun's "Slang"

63, the world is often a difficult contract, but lost to extravagance. - Lu You

64, sincerely added, the stone is open. - "Han Han Shu Guang Wu Shi Wang Biography"

65. Difficulties and torture For a person, it is a hammer that hits the blank. The broken iron scraps should be broken, and the forged steel knife will be sharp. - Chekhov

66, pride and complacency is a terrible trap for us; and, this trap is our own hands to dig. - Lao She

67. For those who are afraid of danger, this world is always dangerous. - Shaw Bernard

68. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning.

69. Success, stubbornly born out of the soil of failure.

70. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning. We should learn to be stable and calm in this process and learn how to find life from panic. ——Xi Murong

71. Although the voyagers take more risks than the waiters, they have hope to reach the other side.

72. Choose a road that suits you and stick to it. If you persist, you will succeed.

73. Beautiful fantasy can't be compared to doing things practically. Just start acting, even if it is late.

74. Those who are afraid of hardships suffer for a lifetime, and those who are not afraid of suffering suffer for a while.

75. Always be confident, know your own value, and be a treasurer who can truly strengthen yourself.

76. Only with courage and fear of hardship can we achieve greater success.

77. When no one is applauding, let us not give up our efforts and learn to applaud ourselves.

78. Meet the difficulties with an optimistic attitude, because you can beat you, only you.

79. The person who creates the opportunity is the brave, and the one who waits for the opportunity is the fool.

80. Prepare the seeds and harvest the fruits; prepare for the effort and harvest the success; prepare for today and harvest tomorrow.

81. The more times you ask, the easier it is for you to get what you want and enjoy more fun.

82, success is very close to you, as long as you insist on a little more, you will taste the fruits of victory.

83. In the face of difficulties, many people bring a magnifying glass, but if you struggle with difficulties, you will find it difficult.

84. The enemy of learning is his own satisfaction. To learn something seriously, you must never be complacent. For ourselves, "learning is not tired", for others, "deaf people are tireless", we should take this attitude. - Mao Zedong

85. Knowledge comes from hard work, and any achievement is the result of hard work. - Song Qingling

86, people's life, always inevitably floating. It won't last forever as the sun rises, and it won't fall forever. Repeatedly floating and sinking, for a person, it is tempering. Therefore, you don't have to be proud to float on the top; you don't need to be pessimistic when you sink below.

87. Must be optimistic and enterprising with a straightforward and modest attitude. —— Matsushita Yukisuke

88. The decisive factor in forming a genius should be diligence. ... There is a bit of hard work and hard work is proportional. —— Guo Moruo

89. In the journey of life, you must learn to save yourself, so that you can move forward in adversity.

90. The so-called genius is just to use the efforts of others to drink coffee. - Lu Xun

91, Tian Xingjian, gentleman to self-improvement. - "Zhou Yi dry elephant"

92. If you are forgotten by the lucky god, please don't be sad, I believe that the sun will always shine on you.

93. To be a man, like a candle, there is a point in the life of a limited life, giving light to people and warmth. - Xiao Chu female

94. There is no insurmountable scorpio in life. Just step by step, the front is the other side of happiness.

95. A pile of sand is loose, but when it is mixed with cement, stone, and water, it is tougher than granite.

96. We all have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others. - La Roche Fuco

97. Suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy. - Beethoven

98. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable to me as success. - Emerson

99. I found life to be exciting, especially when living for others. - Helen Keller

100. The hospital is a place where people finally look at their lives more heavily than money.

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