Classic quotes

Gorky's famous quotes Gorky's information

Maksim Gorky, a proletarian writer from the former Soviet Union. Formerly known as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov (Алексей Максимович Пещков). The founder of the socialist realism literature, Lenin called him "the most outstanding representative of proletarian art." Representative works, "Childhood", "In the Human World", "My University" and so on.

1. The book is the ladder of human progress. - Gorky

2. Genius is hardworking. - Gorky

3, the more people's knowledge, the more perfect the person itself. - Gorky

4. I have always hated people who plan for their own food and clothing. People are higher than food and clothing.

5, genius is labor, human talent is like a spark, it can be extinguished, it can also burn, and there is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor.

6, the value of a person, all depends on himself.

7. The value of life lies in creation.

8, don't sigh the pain of life! ... lament is weak...

9. The fastest and slowest in the world, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and the most precious, the most easily overlooked and most regrettable is time.

10. The higher the goal pursued by a person, the faster his ability develops and the more beneficial it is to society.

11, if you do not want to spend a lifetime in the world, it is to learn for a lifetime.

12, let the storm come more violently!

13. Let the whole life be spent in the pursuit, and there will be many beautiful moments in this life.

14. Only those who are confident can immerse themselves in life everywhere and realize their will.

15. Books have made me a happy person, making my life a relaxed and comfortable poem.

16. No power is stronger than knowledge, and people armed with knowledge are invincible.

17. We learn to think in our labor process, the result of labor, we know the mystery of the world, so we really change our lives.

18. Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.

19. People need truth, just as the blind man needs a bright guide.

20. Books are life partners and mentors that young people cannot separate.

21, youth is limited, wisdom is endless, short youth, to learn infinite wisdom.

22. Reason is higher than the mind, and thought is more reliable than feelings.

23. Only human labor is sacred.

24, genius is developed because of the love of the cause. It can be said that genius - as far as its essence is concerned - is only a love for the cause and work.

25. The harder the situation in life, the more I feel stronger and even smarter.

26. There are no things that are incomprehensible. We can only say that there are still things that have not yet been recognized.

27. Turning language into action is much more difficult than turning action into language.

28. The most beautiful things in our world are created by labor and by the intelligent hands of human beings.

29. I know what labor is: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.

30, love labor. No power can be a great and intelligent person like labor, the power of collective, friendly, and free labor.

31. Labor enables people to build confidence in their intellectual power.

32. The more you read, the stronger and brave the spirit will be.

33. Love books - this is the source of knowledge! Only knowledge can be useful. Only it can make us spiritually strong, loyal and rational, become the uninterrupted person who can truly love human beings, respect human labor, and sincerely appreciate human beings.

34. Books are inseparable life partners and mentors for young people.

35. A person's talent is like a spark. It can be extinguished or burned. There is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor.

36. Books have inspired my wisdom and my heart. It has helped me to get out of the rancid mire. Without them, I will die there and be stupid and stupid.

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