Classic quotes

A famous saying about selfless dedication

1. People's lives are limited. However, serving the people is limitless. I must devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely. - Lei Feng

2. After collecting a hundred flowers into honey, who is hard for who is hard. - Luo Yin

3, spring silkworms to the end of the dead silk, people will not end in the period of time, still have to work hard to stay, for the youth as a category. ——Wu Yuzhang

4. If you are at any time, anywhere, what you have left to people in your life are beautiful things - flowers, thoughts, and very good memories for you - then your life will be easy happy. Then you will feel that all people need you, this feeling makes you a spiritually rich person. You have to know that giving is always better than taking. - Gorky

5. The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in the domain unique to human nature.

6. If a person only thinks about himself, then in his life, sad things must be more than happy things. - Ma Ming Siberia

7, a rich nature, if you do not take yourself to feed hungry people, you will also wither. -Roman Roland

8. Our lives are gifted. We can only get life if we give our lives. - Tagore

9. The real place where true scholars are truly amazing is that they have done a lot of great work secretly and they are not famous for their lives. - Balzac

10. The purpose of life is not in the length but in how we use it. Many people live a lot of days, but they live for a long time. ——Montaigne

11, do your best, die and then. - Zhuge Liang

12. Our generation is the generation of fertilization, using its own blood to irrigate the paradise that will be realized soon, so that future generations can enjoy all the happiness that human beings should have. This is the task of our generation. - Lika

13. Throw our heads, build a free pyramid, sprinkle our blood, dyed into a red flag, and fly for thousands of years. - Lin Jilu

14, I am a spring silkworm, eat mulberry leaves will be silk, even if it is cooked in a pot, dead silk is still continuous, in order to add a little warmth to the world. - Ba Jin

15. The heroes will die in a certain number of injuries, fight against the millennial old devil, and fight for the new generation of the dynasty. Generously throwing this body. - Hua Luogeng

16. Think about your mother, how small is her demand for life, but what kind of fate is falling on her head? - Turgenev

17. The sage does not mourn the death of his body, but he is worried about the decline of his country.

18, only work hard to reduce the suffering of others, you will be happy.

19. If there is a pair of wings, I am willing to be a moth on earth. I want to fly to the hot sun, let me in front of my eyes, a burst of heat in my body, lose consciousness, and turn into a burst of smoke, a ash. - Ba Jin

20. Self-interested people are the first to perish. He lives by himself and lives for himself. If his "I" is damaged, then he can't survive. --Ostrovsky

21. Only the human spirit can despise all restrictions, believe in its final success, and illuminate its searchlights into the darkness of the distance. - Tagore

22, Ande Guangsha million, the world is full of happiness. - Du Fu

23. Without the help of selfless, self-sacrificing maternal love, the child's mind will be a desert. - Dickens

24, how happy people are to have a house, the widowed miser is unfortunate. - Rudaki

25. Like a mother who sometimes sacrifices for the dear creature she gave birth to, we should not cherish ourselves and should be prepared to give up our lives for its success. [Speaker] Zola, a French writer. [Hint] For the great cause of mankind, you should go to selfishness and fight for it with diligence and spirit. The contribution is not enough, and it will never be enough. - Anonymous

26, peony flowers are easy to enter, the jujube flowers are small.

27, the world is worried and worried, the world is happy and happy. ——Fan Zhongyan

28. The life given by God is to contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. - Matsushita Yukisuke

29. I am a citizen of the world and should be born for humanity. - Nobel

30. The roots buried in the ground make the branches produce fruit, but they do not require any compensation. - Tagore

31. A successful person, former Soviet writer Gorky, who has obtained from his compatriots, is always incomparably more than what he has done to them. - Einstein

32. The most solemn question in the world is: What can I do good things? - Anonymous

33, the heart is also unchanged, the first cut will not change! I only want the splendid mountains and rivers, and my beautiful face! - Rou Shi

34. Not every one has to stand on the first line. Everyone should do their own work. ——Herzen

35. What we can enjoy is just the joy of giving. - Muck

36. People should use all methods at any time and place, using all means, and try their best to be good on the day of their lives. - Wesley

37. Andy Wanli, covered in Thursday; the warmth is like me, the world is infinite. ——Bai Juyi

38, hate not resisting the death of the day, staying as shame today. The country is still broken, I am sorry for my head. ——Ji Hongchang

39, Qingshan buried white bones, green water hanging faithful soul. - Zhu De

40. Our compensation depends on the contribution we make.

41. People need to have a heart that sacrifices their own self-interest. - Turgenev

42. The anchor is not afraid to bury itself. When people can't see it, it's when it is serving humanity. - Plekhanov

43. Anyone who can offer my whole body will never offer a hand. - Dickens

44, the night quietly opened the flowers, but let the day to receive the thanks. - Tagore

45. I feel that only the heart of humanity born with heartfelt gratitude is the most beautiful thing on earth. ——Wu Ren Xiao Lu Shi

46. ​​If you want to rejoice in your meaning, you must give meaning to the world. - Goethe

47. For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others. - Suhomlinski

48. All I have to do is to serve the truth and justice with my meager strength. - Einstein

49. Giving is happier than accepting. --"Bible"

50. Morality is the only unbeaten investment. - Thoreau

51. People who boast of boasting have no ability, and those who have the ability do not boast. - Burmese slang

52. People are not given for access; giving themselves is unparalleled joy. - Frome

53. It should be better for someone else's life because of your survival. - Ibar

54. Trying to do one thing well is the first thing in life. - Franklin

55. Although the shell died, it left its beauty to the whole world. - Zhang Xiaotian

56. History regards those who work for the broad purpose of the goal, thus making themselves noble, as great people; experience praises the most happy people as the happiest. - Marx

57. The moon shines her light on the sky, but keeps her dark spots for herself. - Tagore

58. Once used, soap will gradually dissolve and even disappear, but in between, it can make the laundry clean and dirty. If there is soap that does not dissolve in the water, it is useless. Those who do not know how to sacrifice themselves to benefit the society, but who only know how to cherish their own power, are like soaps that will not melt. - Warner Meg

59. Individuals must go to perfection with the rest of the people and constantly do everything they can to expand and increase their progress towards this aspect.

60. The meaning and value of what people do in their lives, more than people expect, depends more on the life of the soul. - Madan Du Gard

61. Bright China, let my life burn for you. - Qian Sanqiang

62, grass, sometimes standing on the head of the mountain, silently, never show off itself. - Anonymous

63, there is a heat, send a light. - Lu Xun

64. Science has no national boundaries because it belongs to the wealth of all mankind and is the torch that illuminates the world, but scholars belong to the motherland. - Pasteur

65. The ignited torch is not for the torch itself, just as our virtues should illuminate others. - Shakespeare

66. How much life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. ——裴多菲

67. Strive to fulfill your obligations, you should know how much value you have. --Leo Tolstoy

68. The sage does not mourn the death of his body, but he is worried about the decline of his country. - Su Shi

69. You will only be happy if you try to reduce the suffering of others. - Munch

70. I can insist on our contributions over and over again. That is because only this kind of view can have the power to win human sympathy in the world. - Rodin

71. Peony flowers are easy to enter, and the jujube flowers are small. --"Augmented"

72. Individuals must go to perfection with the rest of the people and constantly do everything they can to expand and increase the flow of people moving in this direction. ——Annold

73. Dedication is the true meaning of life. What if we look at the next relics we have from our ancestors today? What they have left is their contribution to human life. - Adler

74. Like a candle for people to shine, there is a point of heat, a light, a loyal and practical contribution to the great cause of mankind to contribute their youth.

75. Like a candle for people to shine, there is a point of heat, a point of light, loyal and practical to contribute to the great cause of mankind. - Faraday

76. The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in the domain unique to human nature. - Frome

77. Our compensation depends on the contribution we make. - Wetley

78, happiness is a kind of perfume, can not fall on others, but they do not touch some. - Emerson

79. If a person works only for himself, perhaps he can become a famous scholar, a great wise man, a superb poet, but he can never become a truly perfect and truly great person. - Marx

80. The true Gaohong people will be able to benefit mankind. - Aristotle

81, but let the body not die, and report to the Qiankun. - Wen Tianxiang

82. I know one thing. The only ones who are really happy are those who can't serve the people and find out how to serve them. - Shi Wei burning

83. I am stuck in my own land by an unbroken chain. I would rather have our poor, dim world. We don’t have a chimney, a naked open space, but don’t stare at me. Sunny sky. - Gogol

84, falling red is not a ruthless thing, turned into a spring mud to protect the flowers. ——Gong Zizhen

85. If one day I can contribute to my public interest, I will consider myself to be the happiest person in the world. - Gogol

86. Like a lighthouse, use a fire to illuminate the road for anyone who can't sail at night. - Mayakovsky

87. On the way of life, the blood is dripped one by one to feed others. Although she is gradually becoming thinner, she thinks that she is happy. - Lu Xun

88. Dedication is the true meaning of life. - Adler

89. Good deeds are an unconscious seeding. - Anonymous

90. It is a waste to just one person to be alone. The birth of us is to use us as a torch, not to illuminate ourselves, but to shine the world; because our virtues cannot yet be pushed to others, it means no. - Shakespeare

91, strong heart to fill the sea, bitterness is worrying. - Wen Tianxiang

92. A person can think about the laws of others and the laws of humanity. Even if he is struggling for his own life and under great pressure, there will be no return. - Churchill

93. Heroism is about sacrificing oneself for faith and truth. - Tolstoy

94. There is wealth and no use. From the perspective of not achieving the goal. It means no wealth. - "Five Books"

95, there are very people, and then there are very things. There are very things, and then there is great work. ——Sima Xiangru

96. A ethical person often takes action for the interests of his friends and the state, and sacrifices his life if necessary. He would rather abandon the money, glory, and all things that the world is vying for, and only seek for his own nobleness. - Aristotle

97. Making a difference is the highest level in life. - Engels

98. We should dedicate ourselves to different positions. ——Haisai

99. I hope that all the people are warm and full of hard work. - Yu Qian

100, I will not be half-hearted. I will either give my whole heart or give it nothing. - Dzerzhinsky

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