Classic quotes

Celebrity famous sayings about courage and courage

1. There is genius, strength and magic in bravery. - Goethe

2. Have courage to deal with poverty, have the courage to endure ridicule, and have the courage to face up to the enemy in your camp. - Russell

3. Adversity can test a person's character; a very situation can show a very good atmosphere; a calm sea, all the ships can drive and compete; when the fate of iron boxing is critical, only the great and brave talents can be calm. . - Shakespeare

4. The extremely important first commandment: Don't let the enemy scare you. - Elmer Davis

5, I think the best way to overcome fear is: face the fear of the heart, go ahead and do it until success. - Roosevelt

6. Courage is one of the most important qualities of mankind. If you have the courage, other qualities of human beings will naturally be available. - Churchill

7. Bravery is a combination of deep thinking and decision-making. ——Yu Wujin

8, the fear of the human heart, the bright future, happiness is hidden in the dark. - overlooking

9. You are only a means of taking security. It not only reduces our ability to defend, but even drives us to the cliff of destruction, causing us to face the scourge that we never intended to commit. - Shaying Cibury

10. The person who is really brave is the person who knows the happiness and the disaster of the most, and then goes forward and takes on the accident that will happen in the future. - Burleigh

11. There are many kinds of courage, but the first-class merits should be left to those who are unparalleled in the world. They are single-handed, dare to face the whole society, have pronounced judgments in the Supreme Court, and the whole society believes that the trial is legal and fair, dare to speak out loud. justice. —— Fang Long

12. Courage is not only a virtue, but also a manifestation of various virtues when they are tested, that is, in the most realistic situation. ——Lewis Cyril Connolly

13. Our most important principle is: don't let people down you, and don't let things knock you down. - Mrs. Curie

14. The things in the world are never absolute. The result is completely different from person to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for genius, a fortune for capable people, and an abyss for the weak. - Balzac

15. There is no such thing as a failure for those who have self-confidence and do not mind the temporary success or failure! There is no such thing as a failure for those who have a firm will to be indomitable! Let go of others, and he still insists; others back, and he is still rushing, there is no such thing as failure! For each fall, and immediately stand up; every time you fall to the ground, you will jump higher than the ball, there is no such thing as failure! - Hugo

16. If you want to try the taste of the brave, you must be like a real brave, to give up all the power to act, then your fear will be replaced by brave and bold. - Churchill

17. Who is an invincible person? The kind of person who is at risk at all times. ——Ebike Ted

18. A person with a strong mind, property can be plundered, but courage cannot be deprived. - Hugo

19. Courage is a kind of tenacity; just because it is a kind of tenacity, it makes us have any form of self-denial and self-victory. Therefore, it is with this point of view that courage has a lot to do with virtue. ——Schopenhauer

20, the courage to heaven, and the way to hell. - Seneca

21. A person who has courage is a person who does not panic, a person who has courage is a person who considers danger and does not retreat; a person who still maintains his courage in danger is brave, and a rash person is rash, he dares to Going to risk is because he doesn't know the danger. ——Kant

22. Hesitation may be necessary before making up his mind. However, once you have made up your mind, you should always go forward. ——Shichuan Dasan

23. Brave is the light when it is in adversity. - Zweig

24. When the blood is boiling and the reason is allowed, the person who dares not to stand forward is the coward; the person who is still advancing after reaching the intended purpose is the villain. ——Heine

25. You are weak like a portrait of water. This will be discovered soon. They don't have to work hard to find out that you are not a man. They can deal with you like a slave. --Mark Twain

26. The test is huge, severe, and complicated. The better for those who are good at taking the test. No matter how much pain, anyone who can see that this pain brings extraordinary benefits to people will lose its effectiveness. - Rousseau

27, life shrinks or expands with the courage of people. ——An Nas Nine

28. In addition to fear, there are no other things in the world that can be compared to courage. ——John Win Wright

29, bitterness and sweetness come from the outside world, strong from the heart, from one person self-effort. - Einstein

30. People who are accustomed to real life can persist in the end, insist on the final outcome, and those who reflect on the theory of self-reflection and empty talk do not want to cross their own designated boundaries, and will always stop there, they are in lofty intentions, absolute sincerity and Under the conditions of talent, the incident is hindered, because the mountains will hurt them. - Turgenev

31. When a person dares to take risks with himself and dare to experience a new way of life, he is likely to change and develop. - Herbert Otto

32. The world is full of people who are brave and brave in their pursuit of success and who can succeed. - Napoleon

33. Brave comes from struggle, and courage is gradually formed in the tenacious struggle with difficulties. The motto of our young people is brave, tenacious, firm, that is to overcome difficulties and obstacles... - Ostrovsky

34, bravely conquer everything: it can even add strength to the flesh and blood. - Ovid

35, fear of the enemy in vain frustration of their courage, that is, weaken their own power, increase the enemy's momentum, is equal to let their stupid attack themselves. Fear can't be saved from death, and the result of the war is too big to die. Fighting to death is to destroy death by death, die of fear, but become a slave to death. - Shakespeare

36. Being brave can remove all obstacles. - Pasternak

37. As long as you persist for a long time and come at a certain moment in fear, fear is no longer an extreme pain, but a very annoying and annoying stimulus. - Faulkner

38. There is a limit to pain, and fear is endless. - Purinis II

39. There must be courage in morality, and those who are upright will never be timid. - Shakespeare

40. Bravery is an ability developed based on the consciousness of self-esteem. - Napoleon

41. If you are brave, you will have the courage to come; - Conrad

42. Insulting those who can't ask you to apologize is a manifestation of embarrassment. - Mick Shard Kalman

43. There is no risk that can be overcome without risk. - Pibriulus Jean Noon

44, brave in the soul, not just a strong body. - Kazanzhaki

45. The snoring of “getting the guts” is the mother of all success. - Hugo

46. ​​Adventure is an element of historical vitality, both for individuals and for society. ——Wei Qian Bolido

47. Among all human beings, all who are strong, upright, courageous, and kind, are heroes! - Beethoven

48. Who is afraid, who is tormented and has been tortured by his fears. ——Montaigne

49. Fear and courage are close at hand, and they coexist with each other - those who rush into the enemy's squad are most aware of the truth. - 棱罗

50. Although the danger is not approaching, the head-on invitation is better than watching it for a long time, because if a person looks at it for a long time, he is very likely to sleep. - Bacon

51. Weakness is even more harmful to virtue than evil. - La Roche Fuco

52, human courage can bear all the burdens; human patience can endure most of the pain. - Samuel Jensen

53. The courage shown in misfortune always irritates the despicable mind and delights the noble soul. - Rousseau

54. You have to be like a banyan tree. The wind blows the tree, but the huge trunk is always straight. ——裴多菲

55, brave and persevering true wisdom is the ambition of fortitude. - Napoleon

56. In the life of a person, the most glorious day is not the day of success, but the challenge of life from lamentation and despair, to the day of braveness toward the will. - Flaubert

57. Going toward a certain goal is "chi". It is "qi" to stop without stopping in the middle of the drum. The combination of the two is ambition. The success or failure of all careers depends on this. - Dale Carnegie

58. It doesn't matter what direction we are in. What matters is what direction we are moving. - Homez

59. The real perseverance is that when a person encounters any disaster or danger, he can calm down and do his duty. - Locke

60. Since the important basis of child terror is pain, the way to train children to make them not horrible and not afraid of danger is to make them suffer. - Locke

61. People only think about how to protect their children. This is not enough. He should be taught how to protect himself after being an adult, teach him to withstand the blow of fate, teach him not to look at luxury and poverty, teach him when necessary, in Iceland's ice and snow or on the island of Malang The rock can also live. - Rousseau

62, brave, bold and determined determination can be worthy of the weapon. - Da Vinci

63. It is impossible to be brave in thinking that suffering is the greatest misfortune; it is impossible to be temperate to believe that enjoyment is the greatest happiness. - Cicero

64. If a person’s passion, whether in happiness or distress, has the creed that he should not forget the reason that should be feared and should not be afraid, then we will call each of these because of his passion. Man is a brave person. - Plato

65. A hero is a person who has gone all out to do everything, from beginning to end. - Baudelaire

66. Be strong, be brave, don't let despair and vulgar sorrow overwhelm you, and keep the great soul open and calm when suffering. - Amicis

67. If you are a coward, you are your own biggest enemy; but if you are a brave, you are your own biggest friend. - Frank

68, bold courage, suspicious but fear. - Conrad

69. If you are timid on the day of trouble, your strength will be small. --"motto"

70. Don't pity them when they see children suffering a little bit of pain, or let them pity themselves. We should try our best to help them and comfort them, but we must not pity them. Because compassion can make their psychology vulnerable, they can't support them with a little bit of damage. The result is often that they are more immersed in the injured part, and the damage is more magnified. - Locke

71. I am a very slow person, but I never go back. --Abraham Lincoln

72. When you go forward, you have to scatter flowers all the way, because you will never go the second time on the same road. - Owen

73. The virtues that luck needs are temperate, and the virtues needed for adversity are perseverance. - Fei Bacon

74. There are many hardships in life, so we should not be too sensitive to every minor injury. In the face of life's suffering, spiritual strength and indifference are the best weapons for us to resist evil and life accidents. - Locke

75. When a child is older, he should be able to do something more brave in his nature. Initially to help him gradually let him do it, until the practice produced a greater confidence, doing it well. - Locke

76. A rational animal should have sufficient decisiveness and courage. Anything that should be done by oneself should not be withdrawn because there is danger in it. When he encounters sudden or horrible things, it should not be caused by terror. And my heart is flustered, my body is shaking, so I can't act, or run away to avoid. - Locke

77. Courage is a temperament and balance between fear and arrogance. Fear can produce timidity, arrogance can lead to recklessness, and courage will use the right people to make those Buddhists bravely face the unavoidable pain in life. - Philip Lauton Mary

78. To go to the big goal, you have to start from a small goal. - Lenin

79. Anyone who is self-improving will eventually succeed. - Goethe

80. Supporting the unremitting and persevering in the direction of the goal, fully aware of your own strength... - Dostovsky

81. Suffering can test a person's character; a very situational situation can show a very strong qi; a calm sea, all ships can compete to win; when the fate of iron boxing is critical, only the great and brave talents can be calm. - Shakespeare

82. People who don't know how to be afraid can't be brave, because bravery refers to the ability to face all the changes and strong unyielding. - Leo Roston

83. The prosperity of the prosperous world has become a group of cowards, and hardship is always the mother of strength. - Shakespeare

84. Things that were hopeless, bold, and often successful. - Shakespeare

85. The world is under the jurisdiction of a powerful person. It should be a strong person and should be above everything else. - Maupassant

86. Energetic energy and tenacious determination have created many miracles. - Dickens

87. Courage is reasonably regarded as the head of human virtue, because this virtue guarantees all the rest of virtue. - Churchill

88. When planning a major event, you must foresee the dangers, but in practice you must ignore the dangers, unless the danger is devastating. - Bacon

89. Blindness can sometimes hold on to some wise men----when they are not strong enough. - Bacon

90, the husband is insulted, pulls the sword and rises, and it is not enough to stand up and fight. --Su Shi

91. The only thing I can trust is my lion-like courage and invincible energy to work. - Balzac

92. Real courage is between extreme timidity and recklessness. - Cervantes

93. Many geniuses disappeared in this world because of lack of courage. Every day, obscure people are sent to the grave. They have never tried to work hard because of their timidity. If they can accept the initiating start, they will probably become famous. - Siba Smith

94. Among us, even the most brave people have the courage to do what they really understand, and it is rare. - Blanc

95. If you lose your property----you only lose a little, if you lose your honor---you will lose a lot, if you lose brave---you will lose everything. - Goethe

96. A bold opinion is like moving a piece when playing chess. It may be eaten by a child, but it is the starting point of the victory. - Goethe

97. When the foolish person is in danger of the future, he is very anxious and can't help himself. When the danger is over, he disappears, and the ice is sold....——Aristotle

98. If a person's passion, whether in happiness or distress, keeps the creed of what should be feared by reason, then we will call each such person a brave person because of his passion. . - Plato

99. Be cautious, if you start, you will be brave; if you are a light person, you will be brave. --Su Shi

100, strong, rare character is created in this way; suffering, often after the mother, sometimes but also the mother; hardship can breed the power of the soul and spirit; disaster is the proud milk mother; the scourge is the hero's milk. - Hugo

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