Classic quotes

Proverbs on cooperation, good sentences, and slang about solidarity and cooperation

1, the monofilament is not in line, the wood is not a forest. - Sayings

2, three stinkers, the top Zhuge Liang. - Sayings

3. Unity is power. --proverb

4. A pile of sand is loose, but when it is mixed with cement, stones, and water, it is tougher than granite. ——Wang Jie

5. People need to be helpful. Although the lotus is good, it must be supported by green leaves. A fence hits three piles, and a hero has three gangs. - Mao Zedong

6. I should not attribute my work to my own wisdom, but also to the thousands of things and characters that I have provided to me outside of me. - Goethe

7. We know that individuals are weak, but we also know that the whole is power. - Marx

8, a million people fucked a bow, a total shot, and recruited. - "Lv Spring and Autumn"

9. The people of the people are strong. ——荀荀

10, only wide can accommodate people, only thick can carry things. - Xue Xuan

11, the two are united, and their power is broken. - "Book of Changes"

12. No matter what the goal of the effort is, no matter what he does, he always has no power. Cohesion is always the highest need of all kind-hearted people. - Goethe

13, up and down with the desire to win. ——Sun Wu

14. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything. --Ostrovsky

15. People can make a career that a single person can't do; wisdom + hands + strength combined, almost omnipotent. - Webster

16. All tested friends should be united around you. - Shakespeare

17. Unity has strength and wisdom. Without the sincerity of equality or equality, there can be no lasting and sincere unity. - Owen

18, a single person is weak, like the drifting Robinson, only with others, he can complete many careers. ——Schopenhauer

19, smart people and friends, the pace is always one. - French proverb

20. Consensus is strong, and disputes are easy to conquer. - Aesop

21. If you are not united, any strength is weak. - La Fontaine

22, the weather is not as good as the land, the location is not as good as people. - Mencius

23, a portrait of a brick in the wall of the auditorium, no one can move; but lost on the road, blocking people to walk is to be kicked off. - Ai Siqi

24. The unity of the country, the unity of the people, and the unity of the various nationalities in the country are the basic guarantees that our cause must be victorious. At present, it is of special significance to strengthen the unity of the party and strengthen the unity of the party and the people. - Mao Zedong

25, people are in harmony, Taishan moved. --Chinese Sayings

26, can use the power, it is invincible in the world; can use the wisdom, but fearless to the saint. - Sun Quan

27. Five people unite one tiger, ten people unite one dragon, and one hundred people unite like Taishan. - Deng Zhongxia

28, a drop of water can only be dried up when it is put into the sea. A person can only be the most powerful when he integrates himself with the collective cause. - Lei Feng

29. Only in the collective can an individual gain the means to fully develop his talents, that is to say, only in the collective can there be individual freedom. - Marx and Engels

30. Scientists do not rely on individual thoughts, but integrate the wisdom of thousands of people. All people think of a problem, and each person does some of its work and adds to the great building that is being built. - Rutherford

31, the sharpness of the scabbard protection knife, it is satisfied with its slowness. - Tagore

32. The organization, discipline, perseverance and solidarity of the workers with the workers of the world are the guarantee for the final victory. - Lenin

33, up and down with the desire to win. ——Sun Wu

34. The weather is not as good as the land, and the land is not as good as the people. - Meng Hao

35. In order to fight, we must twist all our power into a rope and concentrate these forces on the same attack point. - Engels

36. As long as millions of workers are united as one person, following the advancement of the outstanding figures of this class, victory will be guaranteed. - Lenin

37. Whoever is separated from the collective, whose fate will be sad. --Ostrovsky

38. Always feel that the land of the motherland is firmly at your feet, and you must live with the collective. Remember, it is the collective education of you. If you are separated from the group one day, that is the beginning of the end. --Ostrovsky

39. Whoever thinks that he is a saint is a buried genius, and whoever is separated from the collective will be sad. When the collective can improve you and keep your feet steady. --Ostrovsky

40. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything. --Ostrovsky

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