Classic quotes

Famous sayings about business management

1. The crisis not only brings trouble, but also contains unlimited business opportunities. -- Greg Brunnman, President of Continental Airlines

2. Microsoft is only 18 months away from bankruptcy. - Bill Gates, the world's richest man

3. Prevention is the best way to solve the crisis. - British crisis management expert Michael Rijster

The 20th century is the century of productivity, and the 21st century is the century of quality. - Dr. Joseph Juran, a famous American quality management scientist

5, for product quality, not 100 points is 0 points. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

6, the world does not have a poor quality, cheaper products can survive for a long time. —— Xu Shiming, General Manager of ASUS

7, to dig up our top 20 people, then I tell you that Microsoft will become an insignificant company. - Bill Gates, the world's richest man

8. Please pick up the right person and get off the bus. - Management Scholar James Collins

9. Talent is the most profitable commodity, and the enterprise that can manage talents is the ultimate big winner. ——Liu Chuanzhi, President of Lenovo Group

The 10th and 20th centuries are the century of productivity. The 21st century is the century of quality. Quality is the most effective weapon for peacefully occupying the market. - Dr. Joseph Juran, a famous American quality management scientist

11. Quality is the best guarantee for maintaining customer loyalty. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

12. Think more about your competitors. - Bill Gates, the world's richest man

13. A great enterprise, always have to fight against achievements, such as thin ice. ——Zhang Ruimin, President of Haier Group

14. The enterprise is human. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

15. The biggest asset of a company is people. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

16, the use of people is not how to reduce the shortcomings of people, but how to play the strengths of people. - famous management scientist Peter Dulac

17. Effective managers are good at using people. - famous management scientist Peter Dulac

18. Make people ahead of creation. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

19. Staff training is the strategic investment with the least risk and the most profit. ——Warren Benis, a well-known professor of business management

20. Cooperation is the foundation of all team prosperity. - David Steyr, leader of the US Liberal Party

21, the best CEO is to build their team to achieve their dreams, even if Michael Jordan needs teammates to play together. ——Charles Lee, Chairman of General Telephone Electronics

22, big success depends on the team, small success depends on the individual. - Bill Gates, the world's richest man

23. If you don't innovate, you will perish. - Ford's founder Henry Ford

24. The only advantage of sustainable competition comes from the ability to innovate beyond competitors. - Famous management consultant James Morse

25. Business management used to be communication, now communication, and communication in the future. - Matsushita Yukisuke

26. Management is communication, communication and communication. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

27. Communication is the concentration of management. -- Wal-Mart President Sam Walton

28. Quality is equal to profit. - Management thinker Tom Peters

29. If the yield rate is set at 85%, then it means that 15% of the errors are allowed. ——Quality management master Philip Klausby

30. Product quality is produced, not tested. - Dr. William Deming, American Quality Management Master

31. The success of a company depends on the team, not on the individual. - Management Master Robert Kelly

32. Do everything possible to ask a high-tech expert doctor, it is better to ask an on-call and cheaper Jianghu Langzhong. - Management Scholar James Collins

33. A company needs to develop quickly and effectively to hire good people, especially smart people. - Bill Gates, the world's richest man

34, the most basic ability of managers: effective communication. - British management scientist L. Wilder

35, not good at listening to different voices, is the manager's biggest negligence. ——American female entrepreneur Mary Kay

36. Business management used to be communication, now communication, and communication in the future. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

37. Management is decision making. ——Herbert Simon, the famous American management scientist

38. Of the 100 large companies that have closed down in the world, 85% are caused by inadvertent decision-making by business managers. ——World famous consulting company RAND Corporation

39. The right decision comes from the wisdom of everyone. ——American sociologist T.Day

40. A successful decision is equal to 90% of the information plus 10% intuition. ——American entrepreneur S·M·Walson

41. If you are hesitant, you can avoid some of the possibility of doing something wrong, but you also lose the chance of success. ——Chinese American entrepreneur Dr. Wang An

42. Do not make any decisions until there are no different opinions. ——Alfred Sloan, President of General Motors Corporation of the United States

43. Don't put all the eggs in the same basket. - American economist Tobin

44. A good retreat should be rewarded as a great victory. - Swiss military theorist Fiumini

45. Seizing the opportunity and making quick decisions is the key to the success of modern businesses. ——Essenhart, Professor of Stanford University, USA

46. ​​Never make a major decision without a choice. ——Li Eikeka, President of Chrysler Automobile Company, USA

47. If there is a project, first consider whether anyone is doing it. If no one does, give up, this is a necessary condition. ——Liu Chuanzhi, President of Lenovo Group

48. Love your employees, he will love your business hundreds of times. ——French business world famous words

49. Innovation is the only way to become a big company. - Management Master Jeffrey

50. Customers are an important source of innovation. - Manager Peter Peters

51. Innovation is the only way to eliminate yourself, otherwise competition will eliminate us. -- Intel Corporation President Andy Grove

52. Creative imitation is not a cloud of people, but a transcendence and re-creation. - Theodore Levitt, Professor of Harvard University

53. Innovation is the creation of a resource. - Management Master Peter Durak

54. It would be more beneficial to regard your competitors as opponents rather than enemies. - Harvard Business School Professor Rosa Beth Moss Kanter

In the 55th and 21st centuries, no sense of crisis is the biggest crisis. - Richard Pascal, professor of Harvard Business School

56, reward what, you will get what. - Management expert Mitchell Rabeford

57. The only lasting competitive advantage is the ability to learn faster than your competitors. - Shell Oil Company Dege

58. I will defeat you today. I will defeat you if I don’t sleep. This is our culture. ——Hu Bolin, general manager of Oracle China

59. Management is a serious love. - Silos Mecock, Chairman of the American International Agricultural Machinery Corporation

60. Companies that use love as a cohesive force are much more stable than companies that rely on fear. ——Herber Kelleher, President of Southwest Airlines

61. Emotional investment is the investment with the least cost and highest return rate among all investments. ——Teng Tiantian, Chairman of McDonald's, Japan

62. In addition to being grateful, it is not enough. You must also put your hands together to lead your employees with a sincere heart. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

63. Trust is good, monitoring is more important. - Lenin, the leader of the former Soviet Union

64. Authorization is like flying a kite. The subordinates' weaknesses must be collected. If the subordinates are strong, they should be released. ——International Strategic Management Consultant Lin Zhengda

65. Authorization and trust is the effective way to authorize. - Management expert Ke Wei

66. Use him, trust him; don't trust him, don't use him. ——The god of business, Matsushita Yukisuke

67. The less the management level, the better. - Ben Bidville, Chairman of Chrysler Motors

68. Management is to simplify complex problems and plan things that are confusing. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

69. Within the company, there is only cost. - American Management Master Peter Dulac

70. Putting people first and foremost from the beginning and the end, respecting employees is the key to success. -- IBM founder Thomas Watson

71. It is the employee who feeds the company. ——Li Jiacheng, the richest man in Asia

72. With less management, it is well managed. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

73. People who can use their wisdom to complete their work are great. - Management expert Dann Piat

74. Successful business leaders are not only authorized masters, but also masters of control. - Management expert Peter Stump

75. There are only two ways to make more money: not to sell more, or to reduce management fees. - Lee Ecker, President of Chrysler Motors

76, saving money is to make money. - American Oil King John Rockefeller

77, business management, cost analysis, to get to the bottom, analyze the last point. ——Wang Yongqing, Chairman of Formosa Plastics Group

78. Save every penny for customers. - Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton

79. Not only rewards success, but rewards fail. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

80. If you cannot evaluate it, you cannot manage it. ——Manager Margarita

81. You can't measure it, you can't manage it. - Management Master Peter Durak

82. If you emphasize anything, you will check what; if you don't check it, you will not pay attention. ——Guosner, President of IBM

83, the third-rate ideas plus first-class execution, always better than the first-class ideas plus three-stream execution. ——Sun Zhengyi, Chairman of Softbank Corporation of Japan

84. Let the process speak, the process is the only way to turn the saying into doing. ——Strategic expert Jiang Yuxiang

85. The execution of the company relies on discipline. ——Lu Zhengwei, President of China Taiwan Construction Corporation

86. The competitor is like a sharpening stone. It sharpens us very sharply, and then we cut our hands and cut off our competitors. ——Zhong Hongjun, President of 3721 Website

87. The inequality of detail means that a 1% error will result in a 100% error. - "Details determine success or failure" author Wang Zhongqiu

88. Management is to do countless small details. ——International Strategic Management Consultant Lin Zhengda

89. It is important to develop the right strategy, but more importantly, the implementation of the strategy. ——Yang Yuanqing, President and CEO of Lenovo Group

90. The more refined the strategy, the easier it is to be thoroughly implemented. - John Reid, Chairman of Citibank

91. If GM can't sit in the first or second position in a certain field, GM will buy or withdraw its business in this field. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

92. If you can't beat your opponent, join them. ——American business world famous words

93. Speed ​​is everything, it is an indispensable factor in competition. -- Jack Welch, President of General Electric

94. In the new economic era, it is not that big fish eat small fish, but fast fish eat slow fish. ——Chenbos, President of Cisco, USA

95, the devil exists in the details. ——Miss Van Dro, International Architecture Master

96, do not let go of any details. ——The god of Japanese business, Matsushita Yukisuke

97. Errors occur in detail, and success depends on the system. - Bill Marrett, president of Maritt, the world's largest hotel chain

98. It is not easy to do a simple thing. It is not extraordinary to do every ordinary thing. ——Zhang Ruimin, President of Haier Company

99. The future competition of enterprises is the competition of details. - Business Pope Bruno Titz

100. We declare that we are striving for performance and effectiveness, but we often reward those who specialize in superficial articles and opportunistic. - Management expert Mitchell Rabeford

101. You can't engage in egalitarianism. The egalitarian punishment is good. If you encourage poor performance, you will only get a bad team of workers. - Management Scholar Stig

102, first, not to say bad things about competitors; second, not to say bad things about competitors; third, still not to say bad things about competitors. ——Ma Yun, President of

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