Classic quotes

Han Feizi's famous sayings and sentences, Han Feizi's fable story

1, the thousand miles of the embankment, destroyed in the ant hole. - "Han Feizi Yu Yu"

2, flashy, virtual and useless. - "Han Feizi, Unspeakable"

3, the speed is not up. - "Han Feizi, the foreign reserve said left upper"

4, do not blow the hair and ask for a small. - "Han Feizi, General"

5, win without arrogance, defeat without resentment. ——《商君书·战法》

6, the nature of the people, hunger and seek food, work and seek fast, bitterness is seeking pleasure, insulting is seeking glory, life is profitable, death is considered.

7, with the spear of the child, the shield of the attacker. - "Han Feizi, One Hard"

8, want to become a thing, first lose.

9, the Tao private chaos, the Taoist rule.

10, cleverness is not as good as piety, but honesty can win people's hearts. - "Han Feizi, said on the forest"

11, Sayong lost the horse, knowing the blessing. - "Han Feizi said difficult"

12, long-sleeved dance, more money and good. - "Han Feizi Wuyi"

13. The Lord's Guide is the leader of the minister. The two handles, the criminal virtue also. What is the virtue of punishment?

14, all traitors are willing to follow the heart of the Lord, in order to take advantage of the pro-fortunate. It is because the Lord has good, and the minister is known. The Lord has something to do, and the minister is destroyed. The generality of mortals, the choice of the same person is also the same, and the choice of the opposite is not the same.

15. The cause of the Lord is to believe in people. Believe in people, it is made in people.

16. Therefore, as a person of the party, there is no need to sneak a glimpse of his heart, and the lord is arrogant, and this world has robbed the monarch.

17, husband and wife, not the grace of flesh and blood, love is pro, not love is sparse.

18, the wise man, will be farsighted and clear, not clear can not be private; the law of the law, will be strong and straight, not strong can not be raped.

19. Those who are ill with the dead, can not be born, and those who are colleagues in the country cannot be saved.

20, the Lord lost his god, the tiger followed; the Lord did not know, the tiger will be a dog.

21, lend its power, then the upper and lower translocation. This can not be borrowed from power.

22, the old man is acting, the benefit is the heart, the more people are easy to get together; the harm is the heart, then the father and son leave and complain.

23. Therefore, the rule of the Lord is also governed by the state, and the people are encouraged to make meritorious deeds;

24, the nature of the people, the evil and happy. If you are a wasteland, you will not be cured, if you are not cured, you will be chaotic, and you will not be able to enjoy the punishment.

25, the rule of the people is impermanent, the only law is governance. When the law is changed from time to time, governance and the world are good.

26, Ming Jun is doing nothing, and the group of ministers are afraid of the next.

27, explore their arms, win the power. Use it on the main, if the electricity is thunder.

28, Xiaoxin Cheng is a big letter, so the main accumulation in the letter. If the reward and punishment are not believed, the ban will not work.

29, the more the ant ant to the meat, the fish fly to fly.

30, Ai Chen too close, will be the main body; people are too expensive, will be the main position.

31, the group of ministers for learning, the door is a good argument, the merchants outside the accumulation, the small people right-handed, can also die.

32. The hardships of the world will be done in the easyness; the great things in the world will be done in fineness.

33. The rule of the saints, the first ruler is strong, the first battler wins.

34, the road is not visible, used in unknowable.

35, confiscate its traces, hide its end, the next can not be original; go to its wisdom, absolutely can, can not be under.

36. The ruler of the thousand rides is not prepared, and the minister of the hundred rides will be on the side of it, and the kingdom of the multiplication will be poured out of the country; if the king of the multiplication is unprepared, there will be a thousand-dollar house on its side to migrate its people. Pour the country.

37, the Yellow Emperor has a saying: one day battles.

38. The interests of the lords and the different people are also. Why is it clear?

39, the way of the Lord, retreat to treasure.

40. Therefore, Chen Qiyan, a group of ministers, confessed his work with his words. If you do something, you will be rewarded when you say something; if you don’t do it right, if you don’t do it, then you are embarrassed.

41, self-winning is strong. (The ability to beat their own talent is strong)

42. Self-seeing is clear. (It is wise to be able to recognize your talents)

43. It is difficult to be a sage, not to win, but also to win. Therefore, the self-defeating is strong. (Set a wish, ambition is difficult, not to win others, but to overcome their laziness.)

44, a single shot, although silent. (One hand clap, there will be no sound even if you use it again)

45, determined to be difficult, not to win, to win.

46, the world is well-known, counted and counted. (There must be certain principles in doing things, both of which must be counted, but also counted as lost)

47, so go to hi to evil, humbly think that the Tao. (So ​​you should abandon the feelings of being close to aversion and aversion, in order to successfully use the technique of tactics)

48, Jun did not see what he wanted. (The monarch should not reveal his or her preferences)

49. Go to the evil, the minister is the prime; go to the old to the wisdom, the minister is self-prepared. (The monarch hides his own likes and dislikes, and he will see the true features of his subordinates; throwing away old stereotypes, not revealing his own wisdom, will let the ministers keep their duties)

50. If the person is good, then the group of officials will be invited to invite the king, but the feelings of the group will not be effective. (The monarch likes to use the talented person, then the minister will self-paint and greet the monarch) (Note: Let everyone do their job, don't pin their hopes on individual wise men, prevent the shift of rights)

51. When there is fullness, things are beneficial, and things have life and death. (The timing of the surplus is coexisting, the pros and cons of the world are both, the life and death of the transaction is one) (Note: the monarch can not be resentful because of these inevitable gains and losses)

52. See you without seeing, smelling and not knowing. (I don’t see it when I saw it, I didn’t hear it, I didn’t know it)

53. The world has something to gain, and things can't be done. (There are always things that are not available in the world, and there are always things that cannot be done)

54. Famo is obvious, but surgery does not want to see. (The law must be clear, and the surgery must not be noticed)

55, the virtual is the truth, the static is the person who knows. (If you stay out of the way, you will see the truth; keep calm and develop the principle of action)

56, the group of ministers are good, then the monarch is not obscured. (The original appearance of the group officials appears, then the monarch will not be blinded)

57. It is because of wisdom and wisdom, to go to the sage and to have merit, to be brave and strong. (Without wisdom, you can see clearly, you can achieve great cause without being wise, and you are still strong when you are brave.)

58. Nothing is quiet, nothing to see. (Keeping a state of inactivity, often revealing the behavioral loopholes of others from a hidden perspective)

59, the system is heavy, not leaving the place quiet. If you can make it light, you can make it light. (The authority is the weight that is said in the hand, and the static is not the place. The heavy one can control the frivolous, the quieter can restrain the rush.)

60. Things are in the Quartet and they are in the Central Committee. The sage is committed and the Quartet comes into effect. (The specific affairs should be carried out by the responsible persons at all levels, and the monarch should guarantee the consolidation of the central power. As long as the monarch can accurately grasp the overall situation, then the subjects of the Quartet will serve) - the power of the state should be concentrated in the monarch ("sage ") In the hands of one person, the monarch must have the power to govern the world.

61, cooking small and number of scratching, then thief Qi Ze; governance of the country and the number of changes, the people suffer. (Cooking fish has repeatedly flipped, it will make it broken; in the case of a large country, it has repeatedly changed the law, which will make the people not look at it.)

62, the people help to force, the near is the result of the success, the distant desire to name, the sages carry the momentum. (The people will do their best to help him, the people around him are happy to make him, the people in the distance really praise him, and the people with high authority will also praise him)

63. If the monarchs release their punishments and use them, then the monarchs will oppose the courtiers. (The monarch listens to the punishment and the grace of the court, so that it will be controlled by the court.)

64. If you see evil, then the group will be secreted; if you see it well, you will be able to do it. (If it is disgusted by the monarch, then the ministers will hide it; if the monarchs like it, then the ministers will resort to falsification to cater to)

65. It is countered to the question. (Deliberately speaking or doing something right, to test the court)

66, not for the small harm, so there is a big name; not seeing the show, so there is great merit. (I don’t get rid of my strengths by small things, so I can get a big name; but I can show my talents early, so I can achieve great cause)

67. Going to the sage and going to the heart of the sage, is it beautiful? (Things doing good virtues don’t live in sage, and there is nothing that can’t be done well)

68. Go to his wisdom, and he can't do it. (The monarch hides his wisdom and does not reveal his talents. He can't guess his intentions.)

69, the virtual is the truth, the static is the person who knows. (If you stay out of the way, you will see the truth; keep calm and develop the principle of action)

70, Ai Chen too close, will prestige his body; people are too expensive, will be the main position. (Being too loyal to the minister, it will inevitably endanger the monarch himself; if the power is too heavy, there must be a heart of decency)

71. The people are indifferent and heavy. (The loss of the monarch’s maintenance turned to the lower minister)

72. If you love someone, you can’t rehabilitate it. (Pretend to hate it, you can't hate it any more; pretend to hate it, you can't give it any favor)

73, the tree orange cigar, the food is sweet, the smell is fragrant; the tree is thorny, and the stab. Therefore, the gentleman is careful to make a tree. (planting citrus pomelo, it tastes sweet and smells fragrant; while planting thorns, growing up will stab people.) (Note: Cultivating people should be extra cautious)

74, the world is not available, things can not be done. (There are always things that are not available in the world, and there are always things that cannot be done)

75, survival is in the real thing, not in the public. (The survival of a country depends on whether the authority is in the hands of the monarch, not the strength of the state.)

76, one shot alone, although silent. (One hand clap, there will be no sound even if you use it again)

77. Don't be mentally tired, don't be tired of yourself; send a mess to a spell, and don't reward you. (Don't be exhausted by over-thinking, not to suffer from personal desires; to govern the country according to laws and powers, and to show the right and wrong through rewards and punishments.)

78. The way of saints, go to wisdom to be clever. It’s hard to be wise. (Sages do not need wisdom and ingenuity. Because it is difficult to maintain long-term success without abandoning intelligence.)

79, cleverness, ambiguity. (Being a rut is smart, but making a raft is stupid) (Note: consider cost and actual efficacy)

80, swaying and losing water, the ants are stunned. (The fish swims to the shore and it is time to eat it.)

81. There are things that are defeated, and those who are wise. (Things have been done but not successful, but this is better than not doing it.)

82. The gloom of the righteousness of the house, the peace of mind knows the cause of evil. (After being quiet and indifferent, you can grasp the principle of choice, and you can only know the clues of misfortune after a smooth and peaceful life.) (Note: Rejecting the temptation of the outside world)

83. Taishan does not stand evil, so it can become its high; Jianghai does not choose small help, so it can become rich. (Taishan does not choose earth and stone with its own likes and dislikes, so it has achieved its own height; Jianghai does not divide the size to accommodate the river, so it has achieved its extensiveness)

84, the husband and the object are appropriate, only those who have applied, everywhere is appropriate, so up and down. (Everything in the world has its own characteristics, and different talents have different directions for their development, so that talented people can get what they want, so the monarch can do nothing.)

85, the fire shape is strict, so people are burning; the water is awkward and people are jealous. (The shape of the fire seems to be harsh, so few people are burned; the shape of the water looks weak, so it is often drowned)

86. It is inconvenient, so it is not so good. (So, when the situation is inconvenient, it should not be reluctant)

87. To make the machine of killing, to be robbed in the minister, if it is invaded. (The right to kill and kill is in the hands of the minister, so that the monarch has a crisis of losing power)

88. If you love more, then the law will not stand, and those who are widowed will invade. (Being too loyal to the minister, the decree is difficult to establish. If there is no majesty, it will be bullied by the court.)

89. If you win privately, you will lose less. (The winds of malpractice are prevalent, and the ministers can’t work for Jun.)

90, temptation to fight for the distance, not the first and then the same, and the heart is in the court, how to adjust to the horse? (On the road, horse racing, not leading or lagging behind, but at this time always pay attention to the opponent's words, how can you handle your horse handy?)

91. And the husband and the people are wise and widowed, and they are incompetent, and the wisdom is not enough to know the things, so the things are controlled by things. (Compared to complex worlds, personal wisdom is very small, and personal wisdom is difficult to handle complicated matters, so tools should be used to handle transactions) (eg legal system and judicial personnel settings, etc.)

92. Going to Thailand, it is harmless. (The behavior is not excessive, it will not endanger your own body)

93, the husband is material and has no potential, although the yin can not cure. Therefore, the ruler is above the mountain, and it is the brook (xi1), the material is not long, and the height is also high. (There is talent and no power. Even a sage can't control the unscrupulous. A long tree of wood stands on the mountain and can overlook the abyss. This is not a long wood, but a high position.)

94. If the vision is strong, then the eyes are unclear; if you listen, then the ears are not clear; if you think too much, you will be confused. (If you use too much eye, your vision will drop; if you use your ear too much, your hearing will drop; if you use your brain too much, you will think about confusion.)

95, Limo is longer than Jane, and Fu Mo is long. (The biggest benefit is simple, the biggest Fukuzawa is not stable)

96. Because of the potential, seek for easy. (Based on a situation that can be successful, to find an easy way to succeed)

97, the heel of the family, not decorated with five. (Jade jade like the 璧 ,, do not have to use five-color ornaments to decorate)

98. Those who are versatile, with no set, no desire, no thought, no need to be solid. (All virtues are gathered because of inaction, because of the lack of desire to achieve, because they do not think and are stable, because they are not strong.

Han Feizi's Fables:

Self-contradictory Zheng people buy their grievances, ill health, kill pigs, teach children, three people into tigers, full of private pockets, rare words

Waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the rabbit, filling the shackles, catching the shackles, stalking the old horse, knowing the way, the people of the Song, the neighbors, and the singer

The seedlings encourage the blockbuster, the target, the evil, the fullness, the nearness, the far-reaching

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