Classic quotes

A famous sentence

1. Three feet of ice, not a cold day.

2, the water drops stone wear, the rope saw is broken.

3, accumulate soil into mountains, stormy and prosperous; accumulated water into a deep, 蛟龙生焉; accumulation of good morality, and the gods are self-satisfied, holy heart prepared.

4, so do not accumulate steps, no more than a thousand miles; no accumulation of small streams, no rivers. - "Xunzi"

5, 骐骥 骐骥 ,, can not be ten steps; - "Xunzi"

6, squatting and giving up, the dead wood is not folded; perseverance, the stone can be smashed. - "Xunzi"

7, the thousand miles of the embankment, collapsed in the ant hole.

8, the scourge often accumulates in the slightest, and Zhiyong is more trapped in the shackles. - Ouyang Xiu

9, reading a million volumes, the pen is like a god. - Du Fu

10, the taste of foreign objects, long time can be annoying; the taste of reading, the longer the deeper. ——Cheng Wei

11. Read 300 poems of Tang poetry. ——Sun Yan’s "Three Prefaces of Tang Poetry"

12, cleverness is diligence, genius lies in accumulation. - Hua Luogeng

13. The qualitative change of any performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative changes.

14. Success is not something that will come in the future, but it will continue to accumulate from the moment you decide to do it.

15. A long way, you can finish step by step, and then you can't reach without a foot.

16, "Difficult" is also the case, facing the cliffs, a hundred years can not see a seam, but with an axe chisel, can enter an inch into an inch, have to go one foot into a foot, continue to accumulate, leap will come, break through . - Hua Luogeng

17. Learning needs to accumulate over a long period of time. To achieve a career, you need to accumulate and work tirelessly. Accumulation is a kind of perseverance, a path from small to great, a prerequisite for success, and a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

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