Classic quotes

Liang Qichao's famous sayings

1. Suffering from suffering and suffering is the highest school of tempering personality.

2, the elderly such as the evening, young people such as Chaoyang. Older people such as yak, young people like milk tiger.

3, Lei Lei fell, left alone, the husband's ambition, the husband's trip also.

4. When will you clarify and let people live hard? The tree head is a knot, but when Lang Lang thinks?

5, life is a hundred years, based on young learning.

6, the heart is like one, still can not be lost to the husband's trip.

7, peace of mind, the sea wide.

8. Self-confidence and pride are different; self-confidence is often calm, and pride is often floating.

9. The juvenile wisdom is the national wisdom, the young is rich, the country is rich, the young is strong, the country is strong, the juvenile is independent, the country is independent, the juvenile is free, the country is free, the young is progressing, the country is progressing, the younger is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe, the young is stronger than the earth. Then the country is on the earth.

10. The books you read every day are best divided into two categories: one is intensive, and the other is browsing.

11, Acacia said at the end of the tree, Alan, I don’t know.

12, the legal person, the world's public device also; change, the world's axiom also.

13. Success is a human right, and entrepreneurship is ultimately strong.

14. Whenever you do something, it will be the most difficult. Those who are a hundred miles are half-nine, and those who are interested in the world must not stop.

15. Difficulties and hardships are the highest schools for honing personality.

16, the success of the big easy, but the real rich in the period of the season, the shallow people like, and the deep knowledge of the people think that hanging.

17. The fundamental spirit of science is to develop observation.

18, the normal school, and the basis of group learning.

19, men and children are eager to do things in the world, but there is no end to progress, and the words are rewarded.

20, life needs to know the responsible suffering, in order to know the fun of doing responsibility.

21. Who is the owner of the country? That is, the people of a country are also.

22. The democratic system, the justice of the world.

23, non-precision can not be justified, non-Bo can not be about.

24. The order of industrial development in various countries is based on agriculture.

25, the use of today's machines is big, and manpower can win the day.

26. Democracy in a capitalist society is a flaw.

27. The fundamental spirit of science is to develop observational power.

28, the book read every day, it is best to divide into two categories: one is intensive, the other is browsing.

29, life needs to know the responsible bitterness, in order to know the fun of fulfilling responsibility.

30. Success is a human right, and entrepreneurship is ultimately strong.

31. It is practical and practical for learning.

32. The red day is rising, and its road is bright. The river flows out and swells. The dragon is ploughing and the scales are flying. The milk tigers are in the valley, and the beasts are shocking. The eagle scorpion test wing, the wind is arrogant. The first flower of the flower, the emperor. Dry will be awkward, there is a mans. Days wear his celestial, and the ground is yellow. In the long run, there are eight wilderness. The future is like the sea, coming to Japan.

33. Art can produce science, and it all comes from the concept of true beauty. They feel that beauty is beautiful, and they feel that beauty is beautiful, so seek beauty, start with seeking truth.

34. The movement of the world, from the chaos to the peace, the victory and defeat of the original, from the power to the wisdom, so the words are stronger than today, to open the people's wisdom as the first meaning. It’s dead, it’s a waste, it’s ignorant, weak and strong.

35. We must develop the habit of reading the book carefully, while we must develop the habit of reading fast. If the heart does not have the details, it is equal to white reading; if the eyes are not fast, then the time is not enough, and the information cannot be searched.

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