Classic quotes

Gandhi famous sayings

1. Loyalty to the God of Truth is better than all other loyalties.

2. Is it that parents can only act as a bystander at the end of the day, leaving their children to do their own thing, without dissuasion, without guidance?

3, inner enthusiasm and pure desire, often can not be achieved.

4. The highest morality is to constantly serve people and work for the love of mankind.

5. Fallacy will not become truth because it spreads thousands of times; likewise, truth will not become a fallacy because nobody knows it.

6, the slightest practice is far better than a lot of preaching.

7. They first ignore you, then laugh at you, then they fight with you, and finally you win.

8. The coward has no ability to express love; love is the privilege of the brave.

9. A "no" from the depths of the heart is better than saying "yes" to please or even to avoid trouble.

10. Women's intuition often outweighs the self-confidence of the knowledge that men are proud of.

11. People are the product of thought. What is in my heart, what kind of person will become.

12. The impureness of the means will inevitably lead to impureness of purpose.

13. My life is the message I want to convey.

14. The Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone's needs, but not enough to fill everyone's desires.

15. To change the world, change your body first.

16. An eye for an eye, the world will only be more blind.

17. Prayer is not a requirement, but a desire in the soul.

18, cowards do not have love, love is the characteristics of brave.

19. Because he is very afraid of death, he will shed tears on the death of others.

20. The culture of the country is hidden in the heart and soul of its people.

21, have confidence, that is, do not know that there is disappointment.

22. Always commit to the complete harmony of thought, language and behavior. Always committed to purifying your thoughts, and everything will be fine.

23, weak people do not know how to forgive. Forgiveness is a powerful performance.

24. Happiness is the harmonious unity of what you think, say, and do.

25. When I am desperate, I will remember: In history, only truth and love can win. There are many tyrants and murderers in history. In the short term, they may be invincible, but in the end they will always fail. Think about it forever, it will always be like this.

26. Poverty is the worst violence.

27, to live will be like tomorrow you will die and live alive. To learn, it is as if you will live forever.

28. Life comes from death. In order for the wheat to sprout, its seeds must die.

29. The state is caused by suffering.

30. Not using violence is the limit of humility.

31. If we can develop willpower, we will find that we no longer need armed forces.

32. Numerous examples have convinced me that God will eventually save those who are purely motivated.

33. If the heart changes, the attitude will change; when the attitude changes, the habit will change; when the habit changes, life will change.

34. A country that is not great and whose moral standards are high can be judged from the way it treats animals.

35. Real non-violence, power exceeds the most powerful violence.

36. "The person who was shot by the arrow of love can understand how great the power of love is." The way the father used me was to shoot into my heart with the arrow of love, and I realized that "love How great is power." I made up my mind that I must be a man of righteousness and live on the ground.

37. When a person has only a limited amount of time to control himself, he will naturally spend the most needed place. No matter how busy I am, how tired I am, how uncomfortable I am, I have to take some time to play with my son and read a book.

38. Children's need for the caress of the mother is like the need for sunlight and rain on the seedlings. For a mother, she should always put her child in the first place. Because children have a very special dependence on their mothers. For me, what matters is how to deal with the relationship between the public office I am responsible for and my obligations to the family and the child.

39. Out of love and respect for their parents, young people sometimes have to suppress their wishes and hobbies, give up their choices, perhaps have areas of special interest and talent, and succumb to the wishes of their parents or protect them. This painful choice is often enough to suppress their enthusiasm and the joy of life. This is a negative factor for the society in the already dead life, rather than adding a dynamic force.

40. Parents use his loving tears to wash away my dirty heart and replace the whipping with love. His tears are better than a thousand words of instruction, and I am more determined that I have changed my determination to be good, even though I am prepared to accept any severe punishment. If my father really blames me, it may cause my resentment, but it will not benefit my morality.

41. It is in a more advanced country that acknowledging the children's personality and their special rights is still something that has only recently happened. This is recognized through long-term exploration and failure. People realize that if they do not recognize it and do not supplement the necessary actions, they will have major social problems.

42. The best education is to lead by example. Children are very sensitive to lies or hypocrisy and are very easy to detect. If they respect you and depend on you, they will work with you when they are very young.

43. Education is to cultivate the body and mind and cultivate a sound personality so that it can adapt to the changes in life with ease. This is not available from school and textbook knowledge. The main burden falls on the mother's shoulders. She must help her children develop their self-restraint and strengthen their character. True love is not to accommodate children, let them do whatever they want, but to discipline and educate them at any time.

44. We should give our children courage and self-confidence, and help them develop, as Smith’s Dean of the Barrio College of Oxford wrote to the British Prime Minister in 1919: “Open-minded, sharp-eyed, and passionate about the truth, Can resist unreasonable sophistry, stale faith, sensationalism and hypocrisy."

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