Classic quotes

Engels famous quotes

1. Only when the possibility of winning is very large can a decisive battle be made.

2. The belief of courage and victory will often end the battle.

3. Humor is a sign that workers have confidence in their own career and show that they are dominant.

4, the father's children, brothers and sisters and other titles, is not a simple honorary title, but a form of a solemn and solemn mutual obligation with complete certainty, the sum of these obligations constitutes a substantial part of the social system of these people.

5. Once the society has technical needs, this need will push science forward even more than ten universities.

6. It is only in the stage of social development that not only eliminates class opposition but also forgets this kind of opposition in real life, the morality of the real person who transcends class opposition and transcends this opposite memory becomes possible.

7. Unite in order to achieve great goals. The millions of troops necessary for this should always remember the main things and not lose their way because of the unnecessary nitpicking.

8. In order to fight, we must twist all our strength into a rope and concentrate these forces on the same attack point.

9. When a person is planning for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied in very rare circumstances, and it is by no means beneficial to himself.

10. Utilization time is an extremely advanced law.

11. Whoever can work hard, who can make many achievements, can be outstanding.

12. The most intense and personal of the most painful is the pain of love.

13. Complex labor involves the use of skills and knowledge that require more or less hard work, time and money.

14. No major historical disaster is compensated by historical progress.

15. The capitalists struggle for their own profits. The workers fight for their own health and fight for a few hours of rest every day, so that they can engage in other activities in addition to work, sleep and diet.

16. Universal suffrage will force the ruling class to show goodwill to workers. In this case, the four or five representatives of the proletariat are a kind of power.

17. The movement of matter without movement and the movement without substance are equally unimaginable.

18. Family, the simplest and original form of social integration for production purposes.

19. In the oldest spontaneous communes, at most, only equal rights between members of the commune can be discussed. Women, slaves and foreigners are naturally excluded from this list.

20. If there is a large inequality in the distribution of members, then this is the sign that the commune began to disintegrate.

21. Not everyone can use slaves to serve. In order to be able to use slaves, two things must be mastered: first, the tools and objects needed for slave labor, and second, the materials needed to sustain the hardships of slaves.

22. Marriage itself is still a form of prostitution that is legally recognized as before, is the official cloak of prostitution, and is supplemented by the numerous adultery.

23. He (Fu Liye) first showed the idea that in any society, the degree of women's liberation is a natural measure of universal liberation.

24. Looking at another distribution of products from the capitalist mode of production, that is to say that the electrodes of the battery are not connected to the battery without decomposing the water, and the oxygen is not emitted from the anode and the hydrogen is evolved from the cathode.

25. The first major division of labor, the separation of cities and villages, has caused urban residents to be enslaved by their own specialized crafts. It undermines the foundations of the spiritual development of rural residents and the foundations of the physical development of urban residents.

26. Naturally, if not everyone is liberated, society itself cannot be liberated.

27. If a nation wants to stand at the highest peak of science, it cannot be without theoretical thinking for a moment.

28. Labor creates the people themselves.

29. Whenever and wherever, their last sentence will always be: the liberation of the working class!

30. The communists have always been the most active and knowledgeable members.

31. The organization itself is completely democratic. Its committees are elected and ready to be removed. This alone has blocked the path of any conspiracy dictatorship.

32. Only by greatly improving the productivity achieved by the large industry, it is possible to distribute labor to all members of society without exception, thereby greatly reducing the labor time of each person so that everyone has enough time to participate in society. Theoretical and practical public affairs. Therefore, only now, any ruling class and exploiting class become superfluous; only now, the ruling class and the exploiting class, no matter how much "direct violence" they have, will be ruthlessly eliminated.

33. In Marx's view, science is a revolutionary force that has played a role in history. Every new discovery in any theoretical science, even if its actual application is not even foreseen, makes Marx feel heartfelt, but when there is an immediate revolutionary impact on industry and general historical development, his The joy is completely different.

34. Once the society possesses the means of production, the production of the goods will be eliminated, and the rule of the producers on the producers will be eliminated. The anarchy within social production will be replaced by a conscious organization with plans. The struggle for survival has stopped. Therefore, in a certain sense, talents finally get rid of the animal kingdom, and enter the real human living conditions from the living conditions of animals.

35. The elimination of the opposition between urban and rural areas is not only possible. It has become a direct need of industrial production itself, just as it has become a need for agricultural production and public health... The distribution of large industries in the country as balanced as possible is a condition for the separation of cities and villages, so in this respect, It is not a fantasy to eliminate the separation of cities and villages.

36. Completing this cause of liberating the world is the historical mission of the modern proletariat. Examining the historical conditions of this cause and the nature of the cause itself, so that today's oppressed classes with missions to accomplish this cause recognize the conditions and nature of their actions. This is the theoretical manifestation of the proletarian movement, the scientific society. The task of the doctrine.

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