Classic quotes

Hawking famous sayings

1. There is hope in living.

2. When you face the possibility of abortion, you will realize that life is precious and you have a lot of things to do.

3. Is there any end to time?

4. Does the universe have a beginning? If so, what happened before this?

5. Where does the universe come from and where do you go?

6. Is there a chicken first, or is there an egg first?

7. I have noticed that even those who claim that "everything is destined, and we are powerless to change" will look around before crossing the road.

8. Scientists and aunts are doing what they like to make money.

9. If a person has a disability in his body, he must not have a disability in his heart.

10. Life is unfair. No matter what your situation is, you can only go all out.

11. I have noticed that even those who claim that everything is destined and we are powerless to change will look around before crossing the road.

12, my goal is very simple, is to understand the universe as a whole - why it is so, why it exists.

13. If life is not fun, it will be a tragedy.

14. Eternity is a long time, especially at the end.

15. Even if I was locked in the husk, I still thought it was the king of infinite space.

16. When I was 21, my expectations became zero. Since then, everything has become an extra allowance.

17. In order to display this icon reasonably, I really need a four-dimensional screen. However, due to government cuts, I can only find ways to provide a two-dimensional screen.

18, my fingers can still move, my brain can still think; I have the ideal of lifelong pursuit, I have love and love my loved ones and friends; right, I have a grateful heart...

19. Einstein was wrong - he said "God does not play dice." Studies of black holes have shown that God not only plays dice, but sometimes he will confuse us because he threw them into invisible places.

20. Someone told me that every equation I loaded into the book would halve sales. However, I still put an equation into the book - Einstein's most famous one, E = mc2. I hope this will not scare me half of the potential readers.

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