Classic quotes

Peter Drucker manages famous quotes

1. Effective managers do not make too many decisions. What they do is a major decision.

2. Effective managers insist on putting important things in front of them, and only do one thing at a time.

3. A specific task of the manager is to invest today's resources into the creation of the future.

4. An effective manager intends to do a new business and must first remove an existing business.

5. “Concentration” is a kind of courage to dare to decide what to do and what to do first.

6. Time is a very special resource. No matter how much you need, time will not increase.

7. Even managers who focus on contributing will not necessarily get satisfactory results.

8. Value is the part we pay and is received by others.

9, time is fleeting, can not be stored, time is the most shortage of things.

10. Within a certain range, we can replace one resource with another. But nothing can replace the time that has been lost.

11. To say that effective managers are different from others, the biggest difference is that they love their time.

12. Effective decision-makers must first identify the nature of the problem: Is this a recurring problem that is repeated, or is it an accidental exception?

13. It depends on what “legitimate decision-making” is, not what “people can accept”.

14. The rich need only work hard for a while, but the poor need to work hard for a lifetime.

15. We should incorporate actions into our decisions, otherwise we will talk about it on paper.

16. The world has never lacked beauty, only the lack of beautiful eyes.

17. Effective managers know that a decision does not begin with the collection of facts, but first has its own opinions.

18. The opposite of decision-making is not making any decisions.

19. A fruitful manager knows that to use his time well, he must first know how his time is actually spent.

20. First, you must discover and eliminate things that you don't need to do at all and things that are purely time-consuming and have no effect. To do this, all activities on the record need to be carefully reviewed.

21, to have enough courage, dare to arrange the order of work according to their own analysis and understanding. Only in this way can managers have the hope of becoming the masters of time and tasks, not just their slaves.

22. Perhaps the more important question is: "Do I have the right time for the really important things?"

23, all important things have to spend a lot of time, and it is a complete big time. Whether it's discussing a new product or a major human decision, almost everything is the case.

24. Our lives are limited. The goals we want to pursue and the knowledge we learn are infinite. It is impossible to pursue unlimited goals and knowledge with limited life. Therefore, in life, we must learn to "orientate", and choice and effort are equally important!

25. Paying attention to contribution means paying attention to effectiveness.

26. Any new things require a lot of upfront work. You need someone else's understanding and build consensus.

27. In the many activities of mankind, the only eternal law is change. Therefore, only satisfied with today's business. In the uncertain future, you will find it difficult to survive.

28, we must accept a very simple, very cruel, very strict rules - individuals to get rid of the predicament, seize the opportunity, the most important thing is to put resources on tomorrow's results, rather than yesterday's memory.

29. Managers must be effective.

30. “Know your time”, as long as you are willing, it is a fruitful road.

31. Unless the strategic evaluation is implemented in a serious and systematic manner, unless the strategy makers are determined to achieve good business results, all energy will be used to defend yesterday. No one will have the time and energy to open up today, not to mention Said to create tomorrow.

32. Management is to define the mission of the company and to motivate and organize human resources to achieve this mission. Defining mission is the task of entrepreneurs, and stimulating and organizing human resources is the scope of leadership. The combination of the two is management.

33. A well-managed factory is always tedious and there are no exciting events.

34. Effective results can be learned.

35. Effectiveness is a habit and a complex that is constantly trained.

36. A person who values ​​contributions, who is responsible for the results, regardless of his position, he is still a "top management."

37. Who must use my output to make my output productive?

38. Effective managers must tolerate the shortcomings of others while using their own strengths.

39. No one can change the situation, but only before the change.

40. The goal is not an order, but a responsibility or commitment. Goals don't determine the future. They are just a means of mobilizing the resources and energy of the company to create the future.

41. Effective managers use people to focus on opportunities rather than on problems.

42. We should know the strengths of using our boss, which is the key to the effectiveness of subordinate work.

43. Effective managers will adapt to their habits and will not force themselves.

44. Effective managers need the impact of decision-making, not the skill of decision-making; they want good decisions, not clever decisions.

45. Unless there are different opinions, there is no way to make a decision.

46. ​​An effective manager will ask: “Do I really need a decision?”

47. Decision-making needs to suffer.

48. The self-development of effective managers is the key to organizational development.

49. Intelligence, imagination and knowledge are all important resources for us. However, what resources can achieve is limited, and only "effectiveness" can turn these resources into results.

50. Today's organization needs to do something extraordinary by a group of ordinary people.

51. Innovation is the creation of a resource.

52. The competition among enterprises today is not competition between products, but competition between business models.

53. A company can only grow within the entrepreneur's thinking space. The growth of a company is limited by the thinking space that its operators can achieve!

54. Unless an enterprise produces a profit greater than its cost of capital, the enterprise is operating at a loss... Before the cost of capital is earned, the enterprise does not establish value and is destroying value.

55. The first thing to say is that the CEO has to take responsibility, not "power." You can't define work with the power of work, but only with the results you produce for this work. The CEO is responsible for the organization's mission and actions, as well as its values ​​and results.

56. Management is a kind of practice. Its essence is not "knowledge" but "row"; its verification is not in logic, but in achievement; its sole authority is achievement.

57. In time, in the social field, no one starts life with the beginning of time, ends life with the end of time; everyone accepts the legacy left by the past from the people in front, holding a short moment And give it to later people.

58. A business is not defined by its name, bylaws, and company regulations, but by its mission. Only when companies have clear tasks and objectives can they set clear and realistic corporate goals.

59. The only major reason for the company to suffer setbacks is that people rarely think about what the company's mission is.

60. Strategic management is not a magic box, nor is it just a set of techniques. Strategic management is analytical thinking and an effective allocation of resources. The plan is not just a bunch of digital. The most important issue in strategic management is that it cannot be quantified at all.

61. Managers are people who do things right. Entrepreneur is the person who does the right thing.

62. The business objectives can be compared to the compass used for ship navigation. The compass is accurate, but in actual navigation, the ship can deviate far from the route. However, if there is no compass, the ship can neither find its port nor estimate the time it takes to reach the port.

63. There is no strategic decision to “perfect and perfect”. People always have to pay the price. People must always balance the contradictory goals, contradictory views and contradictory priorities. The best strategic decisions can only be approximate and always risky.

64. There is only cost within the organization, and the results exist outside the organization.

65. The focus of the organization must be on opportunities, not on issues. If the organization puts its energy in the place where the results are produced—that is, on the opportunity, then there will be excitement and impulsiveness.

66. Putting talents into practice – can't be useful in itself. Many talented people have a lifelong inaction, usually because they see talent as a result.

67. Management is what people call a comprehensive art – “integration” because management involves fundamental principles, self-awareness, intelligence, and leadership; “art” is because management is practice and application.

68. The only definition of a leader is that there are followers behind it. Some people are thinkers, some are prophets, these people are very important, and they are urgently needed, but without followers, there will be no leaders.

69. A good company, the first one is not how much you pay, but who you pay. If you have the right employees, they will work hard to create a great company within their reach. They will do their work efficiently, and they won't get lost because they pay less, which is like their breathing is not controlled.

70. You will be surprised to find that there are many things in the world that you don't have to do, and it doesn't matter. If your answer is: "It doesn't matter if you don't do these things." You have to unknowingly delete things that you don't have to do. Scholars should say "no", whether you use a very euphemistic way or a strict word, in short, say "no".

71. It is not the Fortune 500 that determines the economy's development. They only decide the headlines of the media, newspapers and television. The real percentage of GDP is the few innovative SMEs; the real promotion of social progress is also Not a few star-style CEOs, but more people who work quietly. These people are also unknown, and even the educational background is not high. Among these people, there are managers and entrepreneurs. There are also entrepreneurs.

72. Emphasis on contributions can shift the attention of managers from their narrow departments, professions and skills to the overall performance of the organization, making him pay more attention to the outside world. Only the outside world is where efficiency comes, and managers may have to reconsider his skills, profession, role, and the relationship between his department and the organization and its goals. ... After such a consideration, what the manager should do for himself, how it may be, may produce many different ideas from the past.

73. Management is an organ that gives life, dynamic, and dynamic organs to the institution. Without institutions (such as business enterprises), there will be no management. However, if there is no management, then there will only be a group of people, not an institution. The institution itself is an organ of society. It exists only to provide the society, the economy and the individual with the desired results. However, organs are never what they do, let alone what they do. They are determined by their contribution.

74. No company can do everything. Even if there is enough money, it will never have enough talent. It must be prioritized. The worst thing is to do everything, but only do a little bit. This will not accomplish anything. Not the best choice is better than no choice.

75. Tomorrow will always come, and it will always be different from today. If you don't focus on the future, the most powerful companies will also have trouble. It is dangerous to be surprised by what happened. Even the largest and wealthiest companies can't afford this danger, and even the smallest companies should be wary of this danger.

76. You can easily see that these people have not contributed. The reason for their failure is that some managers have a common problem, that is, expert arrogance. Think that others should understand their terminology and think in his own way. ... They think that the rest of the people should know what to do even if they don't communicate. Therefore, effective managers can't help but ask: “What should you contribute?” Also ask: “Who should know what I want to contribute in the company, and what am I doing? How can I express it in order to make it Others understand and use, is someone else also an effective manager?"

77. Promotion should be given to those who do their jobs differently, to those who can expand their business. Those who can ask themselves such questions should be asked: “What contributions can I make to really make my work a new impact? Have a new meaning? Have the ability to achieve new performance?” These questions are for those who have already been promoted. For people, it seems more important. better ask yourself what contribution you can make to create something different. In this way, you can get rid of stereotypes in order to have new ideas, to surpass the original scope of work, and to turn promotion into an opportunity for new success.

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