Classic quotes

Goethe famous sayings

1. Perfection is the scale of heaven, and the desire to achieve perfection is the measure of humanity.

2. I should not attribute my work to my own wisdom, but also to the thousands of things and characters that I have provided to me outside of me.

3, experienced people read with two eyes, one eye sees the words on the paper, the other eye sees the back of the paper.

4. Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people.

5, the decision of a person's life, and the entire fate, is only a moment.

6. My industry is so beautiful, so wide, so wide, time is my property, my field is time.

7. A person with real talents feels the highest level of happiness in the course of his work.

8. As far as women's talents are concerned, I often find that when a woman gets married, she will be finished.

9. Hope is the second soul of the unfortunate.

10. Hope is the soul of life, the beacon of the soul, the guide to success.

11, hope is the dawn of the stormy night.

12, death, not a horror for the wise, not the end of the good.

13. No one is stupid, but if you don't use your brain, you will find that you are stupid!

14. Who is the happiest person? It is a person who can feel the merits of others and regard the happiness of others as their own pleasure.

15. The greatest happiness is that our shortcomings are corrected and our mistakes are remedied.

16. The person who can connect the end of his life with the starting point is the happiest person.

17. When a fool feels that life is difficult, the sage looks easy; when the fool feels easy, the sage feels difficult.

18. Isn't life for the sake of making short-lived things permanent? To do this, you need to know how to value this short and permanent.

19. Although everyone is asking for a lot, what is needed is minimal. Because life is short-lived, human destiny is limited.

20. Anyone who has not eaten bread with tears is a person who does not understand the taste of life.

21, life is good, freedom is good, you must win every day, this is eligible to enjoy it.

22. Only such talents are worthy of life and freedom, if he struggles for it every day.

23. As long as a person declares that he is free, he will feel that he is restricted at the same time. If you dare to claim that you are restricted, you will feel that you are free.

24. Telling yourself about others is a kind of nature; therefore, taking seriously what others tell you about his own affairs is a kind of education.

25. Wisdom can only be found in the truth.

26. We serve the motherland, and we cannot all use the same method. Everyone should do everything they can according to their qualifications.

27. The wise and the fool are harmless. The most dangerous thing is wisdom and ignorance.

28. It is a terrible thing for an outstanding person to be appreciated by a group of fools.

29. If a smart person does something stupid, it won't be a little stupid thing.

30. Stupid people always ask questions that smart people have answered thousands of years ago.

31. It is not how correct, powerful, or beautiful the language itself is, but the power of the thought it embodies.

32. Our life is like traveling, thinking is a tour guide, without a guide, everything will stop. The goal will be lost and the power will be lost.

33. Heresy is the poetry of life, so there is a heretical thought that does not hurt a poet.

34. It is easier for us to admit behavioral errors, mistakes, and shortcomings, but not to ideological mistakes, faults, and shortcomings.

35. People often mix truths and mistakes to teach people, but they insist on mistakes.

36. What is the most difficult job in the world? thought. Nothing that is worth thinking about is not something that people have thought about; all we have to do is try to think again.

37. My life is basically just hard work. I can say that I lived seventy-five years old. No one has lived a real life. It is like a stone going up the mountain. The stone keeps rolling down and pushing it up.

38. A person cannot ride two horses. If you ride this one, you will lose that horse. A wise man will put all the demands of distracting energy out of his mind and only concentrate on learning one.

39, the career is the most important, the reputation is empty words.

40, to have a strong will, excellent ability and perseverance to achieve the goal, in addition to the details.

41, the theory of gray is everywhere, my friend, only the tree of life is evergreen, lush.

42. Believe in life, it teaches people better than any book.

43. Those who are good at using time will always find plenty of time.

44. The most worthy of cherishing is the value of each day.

45. Life lies in contradiction and lies in movement. Once the contradiction is eliminated, the movement stops and life is over.

46. ​​Ideals - A string of musical notes that played the movement of youth in our hearts; burning the flames in our chests.

47. If you want to value your own value, you have to create value for the world.

48. The closer the goal is, the more difficult it is. I hope that everyone will be as calm and calm as the stars and continue to follow their established goals.

49. It is not enough to move towards the ultimate goal that is finally reached on a certain day. We must also regard each step as a goal and make it work as a step.

50. Whoever plays the game, he will never be alive, who can't dominate himself, will always be a slave.

51, just use the time! What do you want to understand, don't go far.

52. As long as we can make good use of time, we will never be able to use enough time.

53. To do a great career, we must start in the youth.

54. What is the best government? It is to guide us to govern our own government.

55. No matter where you go, no matter what career you are engaged in, he will eventually return to the path of his own nature.

56, career is everything, the name is just a virtual voice.

57. The relationship between mistakes and truth is like the relationship between sleep and lucidity. When a person wakes up from his mistakes, he will move toward the truth with new power.

58. The struggle is the school that masters the skills. Frustration is the bridge to the truth.

59. The love of truth is reflected in knowing how to discover and cherish the benefits of everything.

60. We must often repeat the truth for the truth, because some people are repeatedly propaganda because of mistakes, and not individual people, but a large number of people propaganda.

61. The key is to have a soul that loves the truth, and when it meets the truth anytime and anywhere, it absorbs it.

62. Finding out the sporadic truths obtained by the predecessors and further developing them is a credit for merit.

63. Smart young people think that if they admit the truth that has been acknowledged by others, they will lose their originality. This is a great mistake.

64. Truth is a torch, and it is a great torch, so when we try to walk past it with fear of being burned by it, even our eyes are hard to open.

65. It is much easier to see the mistake than to find the truth; because the fallacy is in the clear and can be overcome; the truth is hidden deep, and no one can find it.

66. Whoever accepts pure experience and acts according to it will have enough truth.

67. True like-minded people cannot argue for a long time; they will always say good things.

68. As long as you tell me what kind of person you are paying, I can tell who you are.

69. Friendship can only be produced in practice and maintained in practice.

70. Those who know the danger and not say it are the enemy.

71. People should have a love of the truth, and adopt the soul like it when they see the truth.

72. The final conclusion of wisdom is: life is good, freedom is good, every day to win, this is eligible to enjoy it.

73. The history of knowledge is like a great polyphonic music. In this song, the voices of various nationalities are sounded in turn.

74. There are many beautiful and outstanding things in the world, but they are not dependent on each other.

75. Although we can grow up with the shelter of parents and relatives, rely on brothers and friends, help by the help of friends, and get happiness because of love, but in any case, human beings still rely on themselves.

76. How magnificent, vast and far-reaching my heritage is! Time is my property, my field is time.

77. Use time to save some money. I am likely to get the most precious diamonds.

78. If you can’t do it today, you won’t do it tomorrow. I can't afford to spend a day. I have to make up my mind to grasp the possible things and hold them tightly. If I am determined, I will not let them escape, and they must implement them.

79. There are 60 minutes in an hour and more than a thousand minutes in a day. After understanding this truth, you know how much people can make.

80. Labor can free us from three major disasters: loneliness, bad habits, and poverty.

81. If you want to rejoice in your meaning, you must give meaning to the world.

82. Anyone who is self-improving will eventually succeed.

83. Fantasy is the poet's wings, assuming the scientist's ladder.

84. As far as science is concerned, finding out the sporadic truths obtained by the predecessors and further developing them is a credit for merit.

85. There is a long time between today and tomorrow; when you have spirits, learn to do things quickly.

86. It is not only that he has everything when he is born, but that he makes himself by everything he has learned from his studies.

87. An experienced person reads two eyes, one eye sees the words on the paper, and the other eye sees the back of the paper.

88. Who has the brain to think about it, and in the end he will have nothing but his feelings.

89. When a great thought comes to the world as a gospel, it becomes an offense to the well-regulated masses, but it is a stupid thing to those who read a lot but have little knowledge.

90. Without a courtesy, you will see the lack of education at a glance. The correct education is to make the appearance of courteous and noble education at the same time.

91. A person should have good courtesy to highlight his unique nature. Everyone likes to be a leader, but this should not be annoying to others.

92. A person's courtesy is a mirror that looks at his portrait.

93. Accepting advice is to improve one's own ability.

94. Devotion is not an end, but a means to achieve the highest level of cultivation through the purest tranquility of the soul.

95. There is a kind of courtesy from the heart. It is a form of love that has transformed. This produces an optimum courtesy of external expression.

96. The so-called true wisdom has been thought of thousands of times. But if we want to make them truly our own, we must go through my own thoughts until they take root in my personal experience.

97. The body has at least a great influence on creativity. There was a time in the past where people in Germany often imagined genius as a short, thin, hunchback. But I would rather see a physically strong genius.

98. The first and last things required by genius are the love of truth.

99. If it is a rose, it will always bloom.

100. We all have to learn something from our predecessors and peers. Even the greatest genius, if he wants to deal with everything by his own inner self, he will never achieve much.

101, talent can be cultivated in solitude, character is best formed in the turbulent waves of the world.

102. It is not a virtue to be in the lower ranks; it is a virtue to decline, and it is a virtue to admit that things below us are higher than us.

103, generosity, especially modesty, will make people feel good.

104. Many ideas are produced from a certain cultural accomplishment, just as a young shoot grows on a green branch.

105. If you lose property, you only lose a little; if you lose your honor, you will lose a lot; if you lose your bravery, you will lose everything.

106. The artist has a dual relationship with nature. He is both a natural master and a natural slave. He is a slave to nature, because he must work with the materials of the world to make people understand. At the same time, he is the master of nature. Because he obeys this higher material in his world, and serves this higher purpose.

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