Classic quotes

A famous sentence sentence to learn to give up

1. God will open another door for you while closing a door.

2, willing, willing, have a home. - Buddhist scriptures

3. Don't lick the sesame and lose the watermelon.

4. When did you learn to give up and when you learned to mature?

5. If you want to have forever applause, you have to give up the vanity in front of you.

6. If you want to cross the desert, you have to give up coffee and cola.

7, where there is no grass in the end of the world, why not love a single flower.

8. Take your own path and let others talk about it!

9. Sun Zikai: If you want to take it, you must give it first.

10, the Buddhist scriptures: willing, willing, have a home.

11, a leaf fall, ridiculous the whole spring.

12, natural materials will be useful, thousands of gold will be returned!

13, know how to give up, in order to have a better future.

14, the hardest thing in life is not how to own but how to learn to give up, this is not necessarily the end, the new beginning will come.

15, stay in the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.

16, for a long time calm, take a step back.

17, a leaf fall, ridiculous the whole spring.

18. When a person gives up, think that you have grown up!

19, want to go beyond yourself, sometimes you need to learn to give up what you have hard to get.

20, sometimes you have to learn to give up, in order to find happiness.

21, if the smoke is forgotten, the heart is unselfish and wide.

22. The higher the goal pursued, the more things you need to give up.

23, there are many difficult things to choose from in a person's life, and the trivial things that are confused are entangled. What is needed at this time is a categorical abandonment and wise choice. The only thing that will limit us is to be determined.

24. If you give up the give up, you will get the one you got. Giving up is not giving up your ideals, but giving up your ideals for the time being.

25. Giving up is a realm and a necessary way for the development of nature.

26. Ships abandon a safe harbor to harvest full fish, shrimp and shrimp in the deep sea.

27, if you want to take a bunch of fresh mountain flowers, you have to give up the comfort of the city; if you want to be a mountaineering athlete, you have to give up the delicate white skin color. You can't get everything, so you should learn to give up.

28, plum, chrysanthemum give up comfort and comfort, in order to get the glamorous snow of the arrogant frost; the earth to give up the gorgeous evening, will usher in the dawn of the rising sun; spring abandon the fragrant flowers, can enter the golden fruit of the fruit . Giving up does not mean losing, because only giving up will have another gain.

29, giving up is a song of wandering, low back singing in the heart, is a frustrated life full of vibrating and confident; let the fall of faith re-emergence; make the depression of the fighting spirit to the dawn of the morning; Dispute into a jade...

30. Find your position and you will shine the beauty you deserve. With a fresh mind, you can seriously imagine your prospects, and you will achieve the goal you want to achieve.

31. Learn to give up and give up is a kind of wisdom and beauty. Knowing how to give up, you know how to own and know how to cherish.

32. Giving up is not only a way to traverse the return, but also a way to re-enter the journey. It is also a road to inspiring thoughts in the past, and it is also a road to the future. Thousands of wise lights illuminate the soft and clear sky, bringing out the soft wings of life music, and bringing out the season of bright spring.

33, is to better achieve your ideals. In fact, it takes courage to give up temporarily. Not everyone has this courage! Many people have wasted a lot of precious time and opportunities in the trade-offs. Some people have even spent their lives in the trade-offs, and finally have no income. Because he did not learn to give up.

34, learn to give up, give up is a needle to wake up. Let you calm down and reflect, and make your mind clearer. You have to do everything you can, and you won’t be able to touch the sky as soon as you reach out. Learning to give up, giving up is a starting point for renewal.

35. After years, people always have to mature. Sometimes we always hesitate in life and loss, and often we lose more! In fact, life always has to learn to give up, will get more gains!

36. There are hardships and joys in life, there are joys and sorrows, and there are gains and losses. Having a good and cheerful heart will make the ordinary and bleak life become fascinating and vivid. The inexplicable sorrow and the emptiness of life that have existed before will be like a passer-by.

37, learn to give up, let the sadness go with the wind, only happy to follow; learn to give up, turn away before the tears, leaving a simple back; learn to give up, will be buried in the heart yesterday, leaving the most beautiful memories.

38. Regardless of whether it is sunny or hazy yesterday, learn to give up, you will get a new round of the sun from your own tomorrow, and get a bigger blue sky for you to ride!

39. Learn to give up, give up is not to give up, it is a kind of waiting, waiting for a better time. Wu Shengguan, the incarnation of the word "Yi", has not had the experience of "falling Han not to drop Cao"? But he "people in the heart of Cao Ying in the Han", the heart always wants to help Liu Fuhan, and finally there is a feat of "a thousand miles to ride a single ride"!

40. In the storms of life, we often learn the captain's appearance and throw away the bulky goods under the storm to reduce the weight of the ship. - Balzac

41. In addition to spreading the truth, the highest behavior of man is to openly give up mistakes. - Liszt

42. If you want to succeed, you must have the spirit of never giving up. When you learn to give up, you will begin to progress. Chairman of Alibaba's Board of Directors, famous business elite - Ma Yun

43. The horse can be an adventure, and the power field is not as good as the cow; the car can carry the weight, and the river is not as good as the boat; the long-term is short-term, and the seeker is difficult. ——Wei Zheng

44. How happy a person who has a house, and a miserable miser is unfortunate. - Rudaki

45. An old man accidentally dropped a new shoe he just bought from the window on a high-speed train. The people around him felt sorry for it. Unexpectedly, the old man immediately threw the second shoe from the window. This move is even more shocking. The old man explained: "No matter how expensive this shoe is, it is useless to me. If anyone can pick up a pair of shoes, maybe he can wear it!" Secret: Successful people are good at giving up, good at See the value in the loss.

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