Classic quotes

Good words and phrases about health

1, health depends on health, exercise depends on perseverance.

2, the activity is like a ganoderma lucidum, do not have to find the fairy side. Every day, the doctor will never find it.

3, if you want to be healthy, practice every day, health is a long-lived companion, exercise is a source of health.

4. The greatest wealth in life is hope. The greatest capital in life is health. The greatest happiness in life is happiness, and the greatest luck in life is peace!

5. Matter is the foundation of health, spirit is the pillar of health, exercise is the source of health, science is the magic weapon of health, and health is the guarantee of health.

6, concept is more important than ability, planning is more important than implementation, action is more important than commitment, choice is more important than effort, respect for life is more important than others!

7. It must be understood that I have created every "disease" of my body, mastered my own body, and mastered my own life. Providing enough energy to the body will completely change your life.

8. Regular life is the secret of health and longevity. - Balzac

9. A healthy body is the living room of the soul, and a sick body is the forbidden room of the soul. - Bacon

10, health is the best talent, contentment is the greatest wealth, trust is the best character. ——Sakyamuni

11. Health is not a matter of physical condition, but a problem of mental condition. ——(United States) Mrs. Eddie

12. Don't decorate yourself with treasures, but arm your body with health. - European slang

13, the heart can support the boat in the chest, health and longevity for more than 100 years. I can pull the car in my heart and health, and live a long life of more than 100.

14, to live well, my heart is not small, good anger, life countless. Smile, open, sick, troubled, sick.

15, angry four harmful: blood pressure becomes higher, blood lipids become thicker, blood color becomes purple, blood vessels become thinner. Cause brain congestion, myocardial infarction!

16, longevity six ring six to: one ring indulgence, two ring fame and fortune, three ring smoking, four ring gluttony, five ring lazy, six ring depression. One must limit the amount of tea, the second is to work hard, the third is to be open-minded, the fourth is to chew slowly, the fifth is to be quiet, and the sixth is to be clear-minded.

17, Jiangshan is a good change, the nature is difficult. Change one's habits----easy, change one's temperament----difficulties. In order to maintain health, for health care, it is hard to change the temperament, but also change.

18, health is not everything, no health, no everything.

19, not afraid of low wages, I am afraid of returning to the West. Not afraid to make less money, I am afraid to die early.

20, cure the disease first cure God, medicine first treatment; physical health and physical fitness, mental health and heart.

21, pay for the disease, do not be fine, do not go with yourself. The disease is coming to relax, and it is optimistic to overcome the disease.

22, the width of the room is wide, not as good as the heart; thousands of good, not as good as heart.

23, you have 10,000 kinds of functions, you can conquer the world, and even change the race, you are not healthy, can only talk empty talk.

24, the wise man wants the cause not to forget the health, the fool only cares about the road and ignores everything.

25, people can do a lot of stupid things in their lives, but the most stupid thing is to ignore health.

26, exercise can replace health care products, but all drugs and health care products can not replace sports.

27. Compared with gold diamonds, gold and diamonds are useless waste.

28, the body is weak and deceiving, the body is strong and bullying.

29, the room is wide and wide, not as wide as the heart.

30, thousands of health care, health care, mental balance is the key.

31, senior officials are not as good as Kochi, Gaozhi is not as good as high salary, high salary is not as good as high life, high life is not as happy.

32, "four no" life and longevity: not anxious not annoyed for a hundred years is not old, not lazy and prolonged life.

33. When you are young, give up health and gain wealth; when you are old, you will give up all your wealth to restore your health.

34, the body is a carrier of wisdom, is the capital of the cause. If you are responsible for your old age, you should not overdraw your health in your later years.

35. The way of thinking determines the way out, the concept determines the direction, the character determines the destiny, and the way of life determines health.

36, health is a longevity partner, health is a longevity friend.

37, the tree is afraid of the sky, people are afraid of loose. Quit and quit, and strictly end.

38, the sky is afraid of the dark clouds, people are afraid of disease, grass and frost. The disease of the mind is more dangerous than the disease of the body.

39, thousands of health care, health care, psychological balance is the key. Thousands of health, 10,000 health, psychological balance is the "truth."

40, laughing and raising the heart, depression "injury" heart. Pay attention to health, first of all to raise your heart. Early health care, late death; late health care, early death. Lifelong health care, lifelong health; lifelong health, lifelong Corning.

41. Go with the flow and do what you can. Being kind to yourself is worthy of your heart. It’s easy to follow. Believe in the horse, happy and healthy.

42. Life has a chance to get together, why not go with people. When people sigh, they are short, and my life is not in my days.

43. People have no habitual habits and there will be no healthy body.

44, people meet with each other in ancient times, full of white hair to laugh. Being in the age of prosperity, the past is like a rain. Diligently looking for joy on paper, cherish the body today. Seeing the spring in the world, it is pink and green.

45, narrow-minded, rat belly chicken, cares, long life. Be generous, relaxed, happy, and long-lived.

46. ​​It is advisable to stop the difficulties, and the people who are in difficulty should be thick, and it is difficult to make matters difficult.

47, contented people are always happy, can ninja self-security, longevity of the hungry, cold-resistant people health.

48. Life is like a mirror, and it can shine in people's shadows. You cry and cry, you laugh and laugh. I often cry, and I often get sick.

49, every day often smiles Yan Qiao, seven or eight points full of people are not old, Feng Jun Mo asked to stay in spring, indifferent to tranquility than medicine.

50, three laughs a day, life is difficult. Three annoyed one day, not old and old.

51, smile and laugh, ten years less, smile often open, health is always there.

52, a smile troubles to run, two smile angry, three smiles regret, four smile sick escape, five laugh people are not old, six smiles happy. Every day, laughing, life is higher than Peng Zu.

53. Liberal and generous, the world is full of people and people. Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

54. Health is your own, and money is children. I only care about my own affairs, and my children and tribes go by him.

55, be generous and treat others, be strict with self-discipline, contentment is always happy, not to climb.

56, small things confused, big things understand. The metric is larger, the style is higher, the distance is farther, and the thought is wider. "Zhu Ge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused."

57. Pay attention to health, indifferent to money, and die without taking it.

58. Forget the past, cherish the present, enjoy today, and be optimistic about the future.

59. Open-minded, kind-hearted, calm and cheerful. Love labor, not lazy, love activities, not idle.

60, cure the disease first, treat the person first. Poor mental health, poor treatment. Mental health, good health. Do not have a disease, no prescription.

61, the disease from the mouth, the disaster from the mouth, no gas is not sick, non-toxic and not sore.

62, psychological balance, physiological balance, prevent disease, the body is quiet.

63. Mental health is the source of wisdom; physical health is the guarantee of happiness.

64, rather eat a good peach, do not eat a basket of rotten apricots. Overeating will cause illness, and regular timing can be peaceful.

65, happy in the heart, physical fitness; heart irritability, hurt God to reduce life.

66, life is understanding. Life is justification. A happy life comes from a healthy body.

67, the water is not rot, the household is not awkward. I am afraid that I will not move. I am afraid that I am not strong, and I am afraid that I will not be quiet. The machine does not turn to rust, people do not exercise to reduce life.

68, the general rule does not hurt, the pain does not work. The blood is smooth, and all diseases are not born. The brain is commonly used, and the eyes are clear. If the spirit is not transported, it will be foolish.

69, good health, good mood, is the best fund for happiness.

70, eat 70% full, wear less appropriate, resistant to hunger and cold, longevity and longevity. This is fulfilled, the famous saying of the ages: "If you want to be physically safe, three points of hunger and cold."

71. Some people live to eat (satisfied to enjoy, greedy to eat), and some people eat to live (ie, delicious, but also pay attention to nutrition and health. Health and longevity, and more to contribute to the motherland.)

72, breakfast is good and small, lunch is thick and full (eighty-nine minutes full), dinner is light and small. Eat a wound, ten soups. Would rather store in the pot to keep the belly full.

73, fine grain four, coarse grain six; staple food four, non-staple food six; animal four, plant six; a handful of vegetables a bean, an egg plus some meat.

74. Learn deep and detailed research, and be knowledgeable and exquisite. Eat and chew slowly, physical and mental health and safety; learn sloppy careless, knowledge is true and false. Eat and eat, swallow, stomach and swell.

75, drink soup before meals, slim and healthy; drink soup after meals, the more you drink the more fat.

76, through the wind and rain, see the world, diligent activities, more exercise, spiritual well-being, physical fitness.

77, evil and bad news, good and good news, not not reported, the time has not arrived, the time is up, everything is reported. The wicked are mostly short-lived, and good people are safe in their lives.

78, the couple three from the four: the correct obedience, the command of the obedience, the wife to go out to follow; a moment of impulsive ***, buy necessities are willing, mutual benefit remember, life health know.

79. The method of healthy longevity: “health exercise, go jogging”; the path of health and longevity: “three or four, five or seven minutes full”; the secret of health and longevity: “live on time, regular life”; : "Psychological balance, happy every day."

80, ten life, namely: reasonable diet life, physical and mental life, life-thinking life, diligent brains, self-cultivation, life, life, life, life, life, life, life, life Listen to the optimistic view of the life, the old and the future.

81, health care, sick health care, it is too late, paying for crimes. The result - average life expectancy, 20 years difference.

82, exuberant energy, from a healthy body; happy laughter is a sign of mental health.

83, greedy and snooze, add sickness and age. Sweet words, sweet teeth, bad teeth. Life has a degree, life is life. Have a meal, not fat or thin.

84. A person who travels frequently must have profound knowledge and unyielding perseverance. A person who exercise regularly must have healthy body and abundant energy.

85, four Mo forget: health does not forget to raise the heart, nourish the heart and forget the desire; to the music, forget to seek knowledge, seek knowledge, forget to read.

86, do not worry about trouble, so as not to be old and weak first; do not worry about trouble, so as not to white head.

87, people labor and five injuries: long-term injury, long-term injury, long-term injury, sedentary injury, long-term injury. Change from time to time, action posture. Good for health and good for rest.

88, sick in advance, obesity in advance, aging in advance, early death. A common phenomenon in today's society. I am greedy and eat good, ignoring health. Spiritual civilization has not kept up. Serious study, health knowledge. Strengthen exercise and regulate diet. Peace of mind, good health.

89, the line is like the wind, standing like a pine, sitting like a bell, lying like a bow.

90, sleep like a "dog", live to ninety-nine. Live a day, earn a day, live a day, and enjoy the day.

91. Life lies in exercise, and life lies in rest. Maintain optimism and follow the rules of life. When you exercise on time during the day, your body will be Corning. Rest in time at night, the spirit will be comfortable.

92, a small amount of wine, a friend of health; a large amount of wine, the culprit.

93. There is a lot of harm in the smoke, and there is no benefit. Swallowing clouds, hurting the body, polluting the environment, harming others, admitting addicts, quit smoking, do not smoke.

94, big fish and big meat, big smoke and big wine, body fat and blood thick, life is not long.

95, alcohol loss out of control, addicted to alcohol. Unfortunate accidents, repeated occurrences, more drink and injury, prefer to be able to. Do not think that sorrow is arrogant.

96, alcoholism and life-threatening couplets: Shanglian: Luzhou-flavor, sauce-flavored, it is wine. Downlink: Ill, drink, drink, drink every day. Horizontal batch: Drinking and pulling down.

97, stupid people intrigue, fight for power; smart people exercise, physical health. Power is temporary and health is long-lasting.

98, the heart can support the boat in the chest, health and longevity for more than 100 years. I can pull the car in my heart and health, and live a long life of more than 100.

99, to live well, my heart is not small, good anger, life countless. Smile, open, sick, troubled, sick.

100, angry four harmful: blood pressure becomes higher, blood lipids become thicker, blood color becomes purple, blood vessels become thinner. Cause brain congestion, myocardial infarction!

101, cure the disease first cure God, medicine first treatment; physical health and physical strength, mental health and heart.

102, do not spend money to cure diseases, do not go with yourself. The disease is coming to relax, and it is optimistic to overcome the disease.

103, the width of the room is wide, not as good as the heart; thousands of good, not as good as heart.

104, the sky is afraid of the dark clouds, people are afraid of disease and grass. The disease of the mind is more dangerous than the disease of the body.

105, thousands of health care, health care, psychological balance is the key. Thousands of health, 10,000 health, psychological balance is the "truth."

106. The first major event is quiet, and the distress beach is quiet and far-reaching.

107, laughing and raising the heart, depression "injury" heart. Pay attention to health, first of all to raise your heart. Early health care, late death; late health care, early death. Lifelong health care, lifelong health; lifelong health, lifelong Corning.

108. Let it go, let's do it. Being kind to yourself is worthy of your heart. It’s easy to follow. Believe in the horse, happy and healthy.

109, life has a chance to get together, why not go with people. When people sigh, they are short, and my life is not in my days.

110, people have no habits of temperament, there will be no healthy body.

111, people meet with each other in ancient times, full of white hair to laugh. Being in the age of prosperity, the past is like a rain. Diligently looking for joy on paper, cherish the body today. Seeing the spring in the world, it is pink and green.

112, narrow-minded, rat belly chicken, cares, long life. Be generous, relaxed, happy, and long-lived.

113. Life is like a mirror, and it can shine in people's shadows. You cry and cry, you laugh and laugh. I often cry, and I often get sick.

114, every day often smiles Yan Qiao, seven or eight points full of people are not old, Feng Jun Mo asked to stay in spring, indifferent to tranquility than medicine.

115, three laughs a day, life is difficult. Three annoyed one day, not old and old.

116, smile, smile for ten years, smile often, health is always there.

117, a smile and troubles to run, two smiles angry, three smiles regret, four smile sick escape, five smiles are not old, six smiles happy. Every day, laughing, life is higher than Peng Zu.

118. Health is your own, and money is children. I only care about my own affairs, and my children and tribes go by him.

119, be generous and treat others, be strict with self-discipline, contentment and happiness, not to climb.

120, small things confused, big things understand. The metric is larger, the style is higher, the distance is farther, and the thought is wider. "Zhu Ge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused."

121. Pay attention to health, indifferent to money, and don't bring it to death.

122. Forget the past, cherish the present, enjoy today, and be optimistic about the future.

123, open-minded, kind-hearted, calm and cheerful. Love labor, not lazy, love activities, not idle.

124. Treating people first, treating people first. Poor mental health, poor treatment. Mental health, good health. Do not have a disease, no prescription.

125. The heart of the world, the heart of the world, the heart of the world, the world of the world, the heart of the world, the heart of the world. The world is full of worries and worries, and the world is happy.

126, by the grace of others, when the spring is reported. Look at the strengths of others, remember the benefits of others, help others more, and pity others.

127, wide-minded, health care couplet: Shanglian: Honor and disgrace is not shocked to see the flowers before the court. Downlink: Going to stay and not paying attention to the sky and the moon. Horizontal batch: Let the wind and waves sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

128, Seon lost the horse, and the peace of mind. There are unexpected events in the sky, and people have a good fortune. When the disasters and blessings depend on each other, the life and the wind turn. The dawn before the night, the winter is the spring.

129. There is a lack of gloom in the moon, and people have joys and sorrows. There are many bumps in life, and you are in the face of adversity.

130. With the change of the world, my heart is calm and healthy. Pushing the physics to make fun, what is the name of me.

131. If life is a play, it will be a gathering. Friendship must be cherished. Trivial fights, mediocrity. If you are ignorant, you will take it for granted. Pitching innocent, relaxed and happy. It’s easy to follow.

132, the sick emperor, it is better to be sick.

133. People who have lost their health feel healthy and happy; people with diseases feel the pain of the disease.

134, good child, good son, it is better to be a good body. The body is spirited and the family is full of enthusiasm. Less illness, less cumbersome, and less guilty. Children are less affected, save money and save money.

135. Eat less and eat more meals, and prolong life. Sleeping is not hooded, walking in the suburbs at dusk, no need to sweep the house, it is like a drug shop. I often wash my clothes and take a bath.

136, three days do not eat green, two eyes take Venus. Eat more fruits and eat more vegetables, clean up the stomach and make up calcium. Antihypertensive and lipid-lowering anti-cancer, fitness and disease prevention.

137, the disease from the mouth into, the cold from the foot; no disease to prevent early, sick to be treated early.

138, medicine supplements, no forget to make up. Medicinal diet, forget the treatment.

139, want to have a long life, the stomach is always clear; nails are often cut, pay attention to hygiene. Limit alcohol and quit smoking, body and mind must be healthy; spring and autumn and autumn, not sick.

140, neck short neck thick, five short stature. Body fat and blood thick, latent damage. Lose weight and reduce fat, not to wait. Eat more fruits and eat more vegetables. Prevention of blood clots, myocardial infarction. Slim and self-contained.

141. To lose your temper for small things, why not think about it when you look back. When others are angry, I am not angry.

142. The joy of the heart is the joy of a person living a healthy, normal, harmonious life.

143, health and health-based, vitality can not be lost; health is the first, and the heart must be optimistic.

144. People are stronger than a pine tree, and the trees are green and lush. The wind and the rain are not afraid, and I am afraid that the abdomen will be hollowed out.

145, indifferent to fame and fortune, no luxury. Seeking what they can ask for is indispensable. Seek what they don't want, and ask for nothing. Deliberately, hurt the "heart" of the body. The art is in the ages, and life is exposed. I don't want to be rich, I am not poor; I don't want to pay with you, I don't want to.

146, staying overnight, not enough for ten nights. Rough rice to raise people, rough and fit. Hunger is not overeating, thirsty is not mad. People are not afraid of being old, they are afraid of falling ill.

147. If the disease comes, it will be safe, establish confidence, and actively treat. Fight the disease and restore health. There are no cures, only those who are not cured.

148, the disease from the mouth, the disaster from the mouth, no gas, no disease, no poison, no sores.

149, psychological balance, physiological balance, prevent disease, body quiet.

150, to overcome stubborn disease on their own, to restore health to be patient. The peace of mind is better than medicine, and joy is a patient.

151, from the mouth into the customs, the health of life. Eat less and have a taste, eat more stomach. After a meal, walk a hundred steps and shake your spirits every day. A strong person is bullying, and a person is weak and deceiving. People are lazy when they are diligent, and they are lazy when they are sick.

152, do not worry about things, longevity is not old; not angry, live to whiteheads. Happy and happy, longevity, angry and annoyed. Spit out and relax, and be sick in your heart. The diet is pleasing and clear, and the longevity and fitness.

153. Optimism and laughter are the golden key to health care; anxiety and anger are corrosive agents that damage health.

154. Exercise and exercise to improve the health and optimism of the human body. Health and optimism are the guarantee of a happy life and longevity.

155. If there is no long-term concern, there must be near sorrow; if people have no longevity, they will have no healthy body.

156, arteriosclerosis, not terrible. It can be both preventive and changeable. From nothing to nothing, from to no, from light to heavy, from heavy to light. From the beginning of the rule, two measures: go jogging and regulate diet.

157, the four most in life: the most serious because of illness, the most sorrowful illness, the most difficult recovery of the terminal illness, the most ignorant of ignorance.

158. Drink green tea and eat soy. Sleep well, often exercise. The wine is limited and the smoke is quit. Smile every day, Rong Yan Qiao.

159, health eight characters 童: child heart, monkey line, ant food, turtle desire. As carefree as a child, jumping like a monkey. Like an ant, chewing slowly, like a turtle, indifferent.

160, the definition of health definition: physical health, mental health, adaptability, moral health.

161, silk does not woven into a net, iron does not refine without steel; the body is not refined, not strong, will not be strong.

162, there are five illnesses: eat it, drink it, suck it out, lazy, and come out.

163, indifferent to Mingzhi, quiet and far away. Keep in mind that in the heart, longevity has been a hundred years.

164. The shortening of life expectancy is directly proportional to the depletion of energy; the extension of life expectancy is inversely proportional to the sorrow of mood.

165. The development of intelligence depends on the health of the body. The health of the body depends on the health of the mind.

166, happy life, colorful; physical exercise, endless fun.

167. Sorrow, anxiety and pessimism make the human body weak and sick; open-mindedness, joy and optimism make people live longer and healthier.

168. Exercise, abstinence and joy can keep people young and energetic in the following year; laziness, extravagance and sorrow can make people stay young and premature.

169, life is more than four: the better the decision, the more beautiful life, the stronger the ability to resist disease, the better the physical and mental health.

170, Xi Qin Cheng Le, Xi Le Yang Xin, is beneficial to fitness; Xi Yicheng is lazy, Xi is into a disease, harmful to the body.

171, God therapy is more important than diet therapy, diet therapy is more important than medication, and disease prevention is more important than cure.

178. Water should stop being poisoned for a hundred days, and people should be sick for a hundred days. The brain doesn't have to be smart, and the body doesn't practice Corning.

179, you take a car, I walked to see who lives longer. Walking for twenty miles a day, there is no fitness in all diseases.

180, the head should be cold, the feet should be hot, the body should be constantly moving, and the heart should be static.

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