Classic quotes

Chinese traditional virtues

Chinese traditional virtues famous sayings


1. The world is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible. ——Gu Yanwu

2, I am not afraid to forget the country. ——-Lu You’s "Sickness of the Book"

3, Wang Shibei set the middle of the original day, the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Nai Weng. - Lu You "Shower"

4, the disease does not forget the country, loyalty also. - "The first year of Zuo Zhuan Zhaogong"

5, long and too much interest to cover up, mourning the hardships of the people. - Qu Yuan "Li Sao"

6, life since ancient times who did not die, to retain the heart of the blue. - Wen Tianxiang "Zero Crossing"

7, loyal to the country. - "Song Shi Yue Fei Biography"

8. For profit-making countries, do not seek wealth. - "Book of Rites, Confucianism"

9, donate to the country, as if death and death. - Cao Zhi "White Horse"

10, the world is worried and worried, the world is happy and happy. ——Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower"

11, home for the family, township for the township, the country for the country, the world for the world. - "Pipe · Herdsmen"


12. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the steadfastness of perseverance. - Su Shi's "The Mistakes"

13, the ambition is high. ——Zhu Geliang, “The Book of Foreigners”

14, aspiring is not high in the year, no ambition to be 100 years old. ——Shi Chengjin, “Biography of the Family, Folks and Herdsmen”

15, Zhao Wendao, eve can die. - "The Analects of Confucius"

16, the sages are in the way, and the disgrace of the bad eater, not enough. - "The Analects of Confucius"

17, non-indifferent without Mingzhi, non-quiet and far-reaching. - Zhuge Liang, "Zizishu"

18, aspiring people have succeeded. - "Han Han Shu Bi Biography"

19, the three armed forces can win handsome, but the husband can not win. - "The Analects of Confucius"

20, Zhixiao is easy to foot, easy to foot is no way. - Zhang Zai, "The Study of the Grottoes of the School of Science and Technology"

21, Shishi can not be Hongyi, heavier and farewell. - "The Analects of Confucius·Qin Bo"

22, Zhizhi is not strong. - "Mozi Slim"

23, Yan Ke An Zhi Hongzhi Zhizhi! - "Historical Records Chenshe Family"


24, the age of cold, and then know the pines and cypresses withered. - "The Analects of Confucius"

25, when the poor festival is seen, one by one. - Wen Tianxiang "Positive Songs"

26, not for the poor, not for Yi Zhi. ——桓宽《盐铁论·地广》

27, rather jade, can not be full. ——《北齐书·元景安列传》

28, the wind knows the grass, the board swayed Cheng Cheng. - Li Shimin, "Give Xiao Yu"

29, out of the mud without dyeing, 濯 clear and not demon. - Zhou Dunyi, "Love Lotus"

30. The festival is heavy in Taishan. - Yu Qian "Untitled"

31, the body is not afraid of the bones, leaving innocent in the world. - Yu Qian, "Lime"

32. It is determined that the green hills are not relaxed, and the roots are in the rock.

33. Thousands of thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is northeast and southwest. ——Zheng Wei (xiè), title painting, bamboo stone

34, Zhishi Renren, no survival to harm the benevolence, there is a killing to become a benevolence. - "The Analects of Confucius"

35, do not drop their ambitions, do not insult themselves. - "The Analects of Confucius"

36, wealth can not be lascivious, infertile can not move, might not be able to bend. - "Mencius Teng Wengong"

37. If you are poor, you will be good at it, and you will be good at the world. - "Mencius and Heart"

38. People are inherently dead, or heavier than Taishan, or lighter than Hong Mao. ——Sima Qian’s “Reporting for Anshu”


39, a hundred feet, and further. - Zhu Xi, "Agree Gong Zhongzhi"

40, life as a person, death is also a ghost. - Li Qingzhao "Wujiang"

41. How difficult it is to be in front of you, since ancient times, men have become self-reliant. - Li Xian used "give people"

42, Tian Xingjian, gentleman to self-improvement. - "Zhou Yi dry elephant"

43. The winner is powerful and the winner is strong. - "Laozi" Chapter 33

44, do not blame the sky, not especially people. - "The Analects of Confucius"

45, the day will be reduced to the people of the S, also must first bitter their minds, labor and muscles, hungry their body, empty body, do what they do. - "Under the Mencius

46, born in sorrow and died in peace. - "Under the Mencius

47. Those who can win the enemy are the first to win. ——《商君书·画策》

48. The old man is in a hurry, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao "Turtle Although Life"

49, Mo Daosang evening, for the sky is still full. ——Liu Yuxi’s “Review of the Old and the Old”

50. The road is long and the road is long, and I will search for it. - Qu Yuan "Li Sao"

51. To cultivate self-improvement, the name is matched. - "Xunzi·Slim"


52. Lost faith does not stand. - "Zuo Zhuan Gong twenty-two years"

53. Light promises must be reliant. - "Laozi"

54. My three provinces are: I am not loyal to people? Do not believe with friends? Passing away? - "The Analects of Confucius"

55. Make friends with friends and have words. - "The Analects of Confucius"

56, the words must be believed, the line must be fruit. - "The Analects of Confucius"

57, a promise of gold. ——《史记·季布栾布列传》

58. People don't believe, they don't know what they can. - "The Analects of Confucius"

59. The people do not believe in standing. - "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan"

60, rhetoric and sincerity. ——《周易·干·文言》

61, not refined and dishonest, can not move. - "Zhuangzi·Fish Father"


62. With copper as the mirror, you can wear the crown; with the ancient mirror, you can know how to replace it; with the human mirror, you can understand the gains and losses. - "The Old Tang Book · Wei Zheng Biography"

63, the speaker is not guilty, the smell is full. ——Bai Juyi and Yuan Jiu Shu

64. If you don't know, you can't know it. If you know it, you can't change it. - Li Wei, "Easy on the Ninth"

65. If you smell it, you will be happy. ——Lu Jiuyuan and Fu Quanmei

66. If there is a change, if it is not, then it will be crowned. ——Zhu Xi's "The Four Books and Chapters Collection Notes" <The Analects of Confucius Notes>Volume One

67, not expensive, but not expensive. - Wang Shouren "Changed"

68, Qin bad news has died and Han Hao can listen to the fun. - Xue Yu's "Reading Book"

69. Changed to the past, moved (promoted) the body of good, called "slim". - Yan Yuan, "Mr. Yan Xizhai's words and deeds"

70. Loyalty is good for the ears, and good medicine is good for the disease. - "Zengguang Xianwen"

71. Is there no one? I can change it and be good. - "Zuo Chuan Xuan Gong two years"

72. If you don’t change it, it’s too much. - "The Analects of Confucius and Wei Ling": With errors and not correcting, this is really wrong.

Ren Hou

73, the benevolent invincible. - "Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang"

74. Do not do what you want. - "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan"

75, with people good words, warm in the cloth; hurt people to speak, deeper than the spear. - "Xunzi·honor and disgrace"

76. Do not hide the goodness of people, do not speak evil. - "Warring States Policy, Wei Ce"

77. Love is not in the way, so it is appropriate. - "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" Volume 96 If you love him, if it is not correct, it is just harming him.

78. To love someone with your own heart, do your best. - Zhang Zai, "Zheng Meng·Zhong Zheng"

79, old and old, and old people; young and young, and young people. - "Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang"

80, the gentleman is much better with others. - "Mencius Gongsun ugly" The highest morality of a gentleman is to do good with others.

81, lover, people always love; respect people, people always respect. - "The Mencius Leaving Your Majesty"

82, the people, my compatriots; things, my and also. - Zhang Zai, "Zheng Meng · Dry Name"

83. Only benevolent people can be good people, can be evil people. - "The Analects of Confucius Liren" Only the benevolent people know how to love people, how to hate people.

84, people are not benevolent, such as courtesy? People are not benevolent, such as music? - "The Analects of Confucius (Yì)"

85, benevolence. - "The Analects of Confucius"

86, the width is outstanding. - "The Analects of Confucius"


87. The people who enjoy the music and the people are happy; the people who worry about the people, the people are also worried. - "The Mencius Liang Hui Wang Xia"

88, the weather is not as good as the land, the location is not as good as people. - "Mencius Gongsun ugly"

89. If thousands of people are united, they will have thousands of people; if they are distracted, then no one will use them. - "Huainanzi · Military Training"

90, the single is easy to fold, the public is difficult to destroy. ——Cui Hong, “Thirty Country Spring and Autumn·Xi Qin Record”

91. The two are united and their profit is broken. - "Zhou Yi, Department of Ci"

92, good neighbors, the treasure of the country also. - "Zuo Chuan Hidden Six Years"

93, the use of gifts, and expensive. - "The Analects of Confucius"

94, the gentleman is different, the villain is not the same. - "The Analects of Confucius" The gentleman and the people live in harmony, but they have their own opinions; the villain is easy to share with others, but can not live in peace with others.

95, gentleman and not flow. (Stream: blind obedience) - "Book of Rites, the Doctrine of the Mean"

96, and to the gregarious, wide to take down, treat others, and gentlemen. - Lin Biao, "The Heart of the Province"

97. Have friends come from afar, are you happy? - "The Analects of Confucius"

98, the beauty of a gentleman's adult, not the evil of adults. - "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan"

99, the gentleman's friendship is as light as water, the little man's hand is sweet. The gentleman is light and close, and the little one is willing to take it. - "Zhuangzi Shanmu"

Heavy meaning

100, multiple lines of injustice will be self-defeating. - "Zuo Chuan, the first year of the hidden public"

101, righteousness to benefit, benefiting the people. - "Mandarin Jin language"

102. It is difficult to forgive. - "Book of Rites · Songs": In the face of disasters and dangers, do not sneak and steal life and lose the integrity of being a man.

103. The law of righteousness is in the right place, not in the right person. - Dong Zhongshu, "Spring and Autumn Fanlu · Renyi Law"

104, life is also what I want, and righteousness is what I want; the two can't be both, and those who give birth and take justice. - "Mencius on the confession"

105, the first righteousness and then the profitable person, the first profit and then the righteous. - "Xunzi·honor and disgrace"

106, the righteous, the heart is also raised; the benefit, the body is also raised. ——Dong Zhongshu, “Spring and Autumn Fans, Body Weight, and Righteousness”

107, the gentleman's righteousness is qualitative, the righteousness is heavy, the meaninglessness is light, the righteousness is honored, and the righteousness is insulting. ——Lu Jiuyuan and Guo Bangyi

108. Righteousness is profitable and profitable. - "Mandarin Jin language"

109, see the righteousness. - "The Analects of Confucius"

110, see the meaning. - "The Analects of Confucius"

111, not to have it, but also non-righteous. - "Mencius and Heart"


112, the benevolent must have the courage, the brave need not have the benevolence. - "The Analects of Confucius"

113, the benevolent is not worried, the knower is not confused, the brave is not afraid. - "The Analects of Confucius"

114, the place of righteousness, not to the right, regardless of its benefits. - "Xunzi·honor and disgrace"

115, knowing and asking the person holy, brave and good to ask the winner. - "Text · Nature"

116, as if death. - "Pipe Xiao Xiao"

117, do not enter the tiger's hole, not a tiger. - "Han Han Ban Chao Biography"

118, Xiaoyong, bloody; Dayong, righteousness. —Zhu Xi's "The Four Books and Chapters Collection Notes·<孟子集注>卷二"

119, the firstborn is not afraid of the tiger. —— Luo Guanzhong, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

120, the righteousness is brave. - "Zuo Chuan Aigong Sixteen Years"

121, do not know what to do, no brave. - "The Analects of Confucius"


122. Learn from time to time, don't you say it? - "The Analects of Confucius"

123. If you don’t think, you don’t think about it. - "The Analects of Confucius"

124, learning is not tired, and people are tireless. - "The Analects of Confucius"

125, the line is in thought, destroyed in the follow. - Han Yu's "Study of the School": Dexing's achievements due to deep thoughts, ruined by echoing.

126, the saints are impermanent. ——Han Yu’s "Speaker"

127, learning to be a teacher, but also a friend. - Tang Yin, "Hidden Book, Lecture"

128, knowledge, interrogation, deliberate, clear, and walk. - "Book of Rites, the Doctrine of the Mean"

129, threesome, there must be my teacher, choose the good person from it, and change it. - "The Analects of Confucius"

130, see the sages and Qishen, see the innocent and introspected. - "The Analects of Confucius"

131, good scholars, the length of the dummy to make up for it. - "Lv's Spring and Autumn · Use the Public"

132, reading a million volumes, the pen is like a god. ——Du Fu's "Dedication of Wei Zuo's Twenty-Two Rhymes"

133, young and hard, the boss is sad. ——Han Yuefu Ancient Songs

134, the new year does not come back, the day is difficult to morning. When you are encouraged in time, you will not be treated. ——Tao Yuanming, one of the Eight Poems

135, Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad. ——Yue Fei, “Man Jiang Hong·Writing”

136, juveniles are easy to learn, and one inch is not light. - Zhu Xi "persuade to learn"

137, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, how much tomorrow! I am alive tomorrow, everything will be a success. - Wen Jia "Tomorrow Song"

138, sensitive and eager to learn, not shame to ask. - "The Analects of Confucius · Gongye Chang"

139, convinced that the school is eager to learn. - "The Analects of Confucius"

140, I have not eaten all day long, do not sleep at night, thinking, no benefit, not as good as learning. - "The Analects of Confucius"

141, erudition and ambition, ask and think. - "The Analects of Confucius and Zi Zhang": Studying broadly to strengthen your own will, earnest questions and connect with the actual thinking.

142. If you learn and learn in detail, you will say the opposite. - "The Mencius Leaving Your Majesty"

143. If you believe in the Book, you may as well have no Book. - "Mencius under the heart"

144, learning never stops. - "Xunzi·Encourage Learning": It is only the last moment of learning to stop.

145, jade is not awkward, not a device; people do not learn, do not know. - "Book of Rites · Xue Ji"


146, the gentleman made a difficult one. - "Zhou Yi·No"

147, Ke Qin Yubang, Ke Yi at home. ——《尚书·大禹谟》

148. Examine the former sages and homes. ——Li Shangyin’s History

149, sorrow can rejuvenate the country, Yi Yu can die. - "New Five Dynasties History, Eunuch Preface"

150, from the intrusion of luxury, from the luxury into the martyrdom. - Sima Guang, "Exhibition and Demonstration"

151, take a degree, use it to have a section, it is often enough. - "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" volume two hundred and thirty four

152, but you can help you, but you can be a German. - "Song Shi Fan Chunren Biography"

153, a porridge and a meal, when the thoughts are not easy; half a silk and a half, the constant mind is difficult. ——Zhu Bojun’s "The Little Language of the Family"

154, 俭, the common of Germany; extravagance, evil is also big. - "Zuo Zhuang Zhuanggong twenty-four years"

155. People's livelihood is diligent, and diligence is not awkward. - "Zuo Zhuan Xuan Gong Twelve Years"

156, the festival is Changchang, obscenity is dead. - "Mozi resigned"

157, when the day of the grass, the sweat dripped down the soil. Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey. ——Li Wei’s “Shun Nong”

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