Classic quotes

a famous saying about lies, a famous sentence about lying

1. Everyone does not listen to lies, and the person who lie is extinct. - Betty

2, the promise is like a horse, but the fact can catch up with it. - Spanish proverb

3. Those who believe in lies will be destroyed before the truth. - Herbart

4. Life cannot open brilliant flowers from lies. ——Heine

5. The lie that is silently spread is often the most damaging. - Luo Lu Stevenson

6. Good people should not tell lies, and smart people should not tell lies. - Nidius

7. The innocent and pure innocence is often more touching than the words. - Shakespeare

8. A person would rather have a hundred lies and would not want to hear a truth that he did not want to hear. ——Sie Jensen

9. Only children and fools in the world will not lie. - About Haywood

10. The person who defended himself confessed to himself. - Tolstoy

11. Those who believe in lies will be destroyed before the truth. - Herbart

12. Charming will never come from a great heart. - Balzac

13. The clay figurine can't stand the rain, and the lie can't stand the investigation. --Japan

14. There are no lies in the world that everyone does not believe, and there is no one who does not believe or believe in lies. ——Stalin

15. A man is born to lie, and a woman is born to believe in lies. - Gay

16. Debunking lies is easier than chasing a lame dog. --Hungary

17. Truth is a good medicine, and a lie is a virus. --Arab

18. Lies cannot last. --Germany

19. The ship of lies is not far away. --Turkey

20, the lie is the root driftwood, will be washed the coast sooner or later. --Albania

21, the truth strides forward, the lie has to run away. - Russia

22. Whenever a person claims that all human beings are bad guys, you can rest assured that he is acting as an exception. ——Jerold

23, the promise is like a horse, but the fact can catch up with it. - Spanish proverb

24. Those who believe in lies will be destroyed before the truth. - Herbart

25, the lie of goodwill is beautiful, open and honest is a mistake, I choose lies.

26, flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is caused by the shameless sin or deception of slavery. - Spinoza

27. Sometimes people hate a flattery, but only hate the way the aunt flatteres. - La Rochevko

28. Whenever a person claims that all human beings are bad guys, you can rest assured that he is acting as an exception. ——Jerold

29. Life cannot open brilliant flowers from lies. ——Heine

30. The rumor is that the more spread the more things. ——MHW

31. I would rather be swearing by someone before everyone, and would not be swearing by everyone before a person. - Howell

32. Saying "I don't know" is better than lying. - Magan

33, flattering never comes from a great heart. - Balzac

34. A half-truth lie is the most vicious lie. --Germany

35. The most poisonous lies are often spoken in a silent way. --United Kingdom

36. The most successful liars are those who make the least amount of lies work. - Sey Butler

37. Lies can grow in all seasons. - Burke

38. Every raw soil will grow hypocrisy and fraud, they are four season plants. - Addison

39. The more the lie is, the more bizarre it is. - Ovid

40, the true feelings of confession is a kind of injury, I choose to lie to the world's ruler in the talent, the talents of the world are educated. ——Hu Wei

41. The innocent and pure innocence is often more touching than the words. - Shakespeare

42. People love lies, not only because they are afraid of finding the truth, but also because they have a natural but decadent hobby for lies. - Bacon

43. The rumor is that the more spread the more things. ——MHW

44. I would rather be swearing by someone before everyone, and would not be swearing by everyone before a person. - Howell

45. Saying 'I don't know' is better than lying. - Magan

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