Classic quotes

Schiller's famous sayings

1. The law will never produce great people. Only freedom can create huge people and heroes. - Schiller

2. Life is just a matter of moments. Death is also a matter of moments.

3, time has three kinds of steps: the future is late, now flies like an arrow, the past will never stand still.

4. The greater the fallacy, the greater the victory of the truth.

5. Truth does not suffer the slightest damage because someone does not recognize it.

6. The true value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play.

7. Truth is never to be distressed because someone does not recognize it.

8. If the truth is so trustworthy, then the lie must be the passport here.

9. Those who are fearless are as strong as those who have deterrent power.

10. He only plays when the person is full of people; only when the person plays, he is completely human.

11, only perseverance can make you achieve the goal, only erudition can make you discern the world, the truth is often hidden in the deep bottom of things.

12. Really beautiful things must be consistent with nature on the one hand and consistent with ideals on the other.

13. Friends are precious, but the enemy may also be useful; friends will tell me what I can do, the enemy will educate me, what should I do.

14. The spark of the genius's life burns faster than the spark of the ordinary human life.

15. True friendship is sincere and bold.

16. Even if morality is wearing sloppy clothes, it should be respected.

17. I feel that there is a big army on my fist.

18. Without knowing the dignity of his own people, he cannot respect the dignity of others at all.

19. In all ancient customs, there is a profound meaning.

20. Really beautiful things must be consistent with nature on the one hand and consistent with ideals on the other.

21, words can be recovered, but life can not be like this.

22. No genius can develop in a lonely state.

23. The true value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play.

24. Finding beauty from the beauty of things is the task of aesthetic education.

25, the person with a cheerful heart, the face is also cheerful.

26. Thinking is my infinite kingdom, and words are my winged props.

27. There are three kinds of time steps: the future is late, and now it flies like an arrow. The past is always standing still.

28, only desperate gamblers are willing to take all of them as desperate throws. If a businessman puts all his property on a ship, he will call him a daredevil.

29. If a country cannot bravely maintain its dignity at all costs, then this country is worthless.

30. A person who has never had a communication will accept the promise of general form of courtesy as a sign of courtesy. When he is disappointed, he will complain that it is hypocrisy. - Schiller

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