Classic quotes

Describe fast-paced sentences and describe idioms that have passed fast

1, the sun and the moon

2, time is like an arrow

3, fleeting

4, wind and power

5, the years like flow

6, white gap

7, a flash in the pan

8, the day does not give

9, between the fingers

10. Advise the king to take the juvenile.

11. Tomorrow's day, tomorrow, how many tomorrows, I will be born tomorrow, everything will be a success.

12, young and hard to work hard, the old man is sad.

13, difficult to stay in the year, the time is vulnerable.

14, people mistakenly for a moment, the wrong person for one year.

15. The year is in spring, and the day is in the morning.

16, a fleeting vertical: release; death: disappear. It disappeared after a little relaxation. Describe time or opportunity, etc. is easy to pass.

17. A bullet refers to the time when a finger is hit. The analogy time is extremely short.

18, Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad.

19, one inch of time, one inch of gold, inch gold is difficult to buy inch time.

20, the water falls and the spring goes, the heavens and the earth.

21, persuaded the monarch to cherish the golden robes.

22, tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow, how many tomorrow, I am born tomorrow, everything will be a success.

23, Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad.

24, one inch of time, one inch of gold, inch gold is difficult to buy inch time.

25, Tianbo is easy to thank, it is difficult to stay in the heat.

26, three more lights five chickens, it is the man reading, the black hair does not know how to learn early, white hair regrets reading late.

27, entertaining at any time.

28, if the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will come to the autumn to come.

29, looking at the east of the water, look at the sun and the sun.

30, life geometry? Passed like a morning glow.

31. There is no heavy time, and Hua is not in the sun.

32, juveniles are easy to learn and old, and an inch can not be light.

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