Classic quotes

Life motivation quotes, classic inspirational quotes

1. Youth, once pawn, it will never be redeemed.

2, go your own way, no matter what people say, only need to witness in the sun and the moon, this happens to be the most real living method and explanation in life.

3, a lifetime is just a river, flowing from the clear stream into the desolate river, and then into the boundless sea. The water is flowing fast, and it will pass.

4, life, simple, plain, faint, is a spiritual transcendent, is the sublimation of life.

5. Bring your face to the sun, there will be no shadows.

6, to lose to lose to the pursuit, to marry to marry happiness.

7. On the top of people, you must be a person; under people, you must be yourself.

8. Life is to be born and to live.

9. Youth is a book that can't be closed when it is opened. Life is the way to go back when you step on it. Love is a bet that can't be returned if it is thrown out.

10, take out the complaints every day to bask in the sun, the mood will not be calcium deficiency.

11. People always cherish what they have not got, and forget what they have.

12, youth, a classic will never be redeemed.

13. Life is too short, and today it is not always possible to give up tomorrow.

14. Tell yourself once a day: I am really good.

15. Keep in mind: Every day is the best day of the year.

16. Don't always blame God for being unfair to you. In fact, God doesn't know who you are.

17. Don't expect everyone to understand you, because radish cabbage has its own love. If you make a radish, you can't make green vegetables.

18. Good love will teach us how to treat an imperfect person.

19. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

20, the road is a difficult scar on the earth, so every step of life is a faint pain.

21. If everything goes with her, it is a free person in the world.

22, love like the pi, infinite loop.

23, online years like a flying knife, knife and ruthless reminder old. The revolutionary body is the most important, and you should not go to the Internet.

24, a long road to life, has been lost.

25. The beginning and ending of some stories are doomed, no matter how many times the process can be changed with Moonlight.

26, the so-called low-key is a high-profile without revealing.

27. The night gave me a black mouse, but I used it to play the game.

28. Happiness will not fall from the sky for no reason, and will be compensated if you work hard. No one can be brilliant casually, unless it is just a good dream.

29, successful flowers, during which the tears and sweat of the struggle. However, with tears and sweat, everything can be achieved.

30. Only those who love life and are good at brains can truly live.

31. Because of dreams, seriousness, change, and hard work. Dreams are the driving force of one's struggle, and dreams are the source of one's motivation.

32. Happiness and joy are struggles, and the most valuable thing is to fight for dreams. With dreams, the heart has a direction, and having a dream is not struggling for the past.

33. Those who take the wrong way are smart, because they have found shortcuts; those who take the straight road are open-minded because they can see more scenery.

34. Destiny is not an opportunity problem, but a choice problem; not something we have to wait for, but what we want to achieve.

35. Dreams are the driving force of one's struggle, and dreams are the source of one's motivation.

36. All seemingly beautiful, have experienced or are experiencing bad.

37. Envy, envy, hate, it is better to appreciate, respect, and learn.

38, only compare with yourself. Just ask yourself: Is there any improvement over yesterday?

39. No one asks you to be excellent, except yourself. No one can reach excellence in one step, just a little progress every day.

40. Do the most important thing first.

41. Give up the "victim psychology" and first see every thing and everybody's positive side.

42. Under what circumstances you must love yourself.

43. Everyone can't avoid suffering, not just that you are suffering alone.

44, how can the sky be high, and picking up the toes can get closer to the sun. If the heart does not have a place to live, it is wandering everywhere.

45, life will always give you the answer, but will not tell you everything right away. As long as you are willing to wait, the beauty of life will always come to you when you are not satisfied.

46. ​​If you don't worry about yourself, others will never bother you. The trouble is from yourself, because you can't put it down.

47. Life is a strange road for everyone.

48. Everyone has life, but not everyone can understand life; everyone has a mind, but not everyone uses their minds.

49. No one will be responsible for your happiness, and soon you will know that happiness is your own search. Pin your spirits in other places, and after a while you will get used to the new life.

50. Simple things are done, each time a small step is made; the difficult things are done, and each step is a big step forward. Whether it is a small step or a big step, it is progress.

51. There is no need to do the first, but you can do it only.

52. Allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive yourself for making mistakes.

53. Growth is not about changing oneself, but constantly improving oneself.

54. If you are defeated, you will grow up.

55. Failure is reserved for those who do not insist.

56, you deserve to have all the good, smile and wait, smile and accept.

57. Don't care too much about other people's opinions. Be clear about what you think.

58. Conquering the world is not great. One can conquer oneself and is the greatest person in the world.

59. Lower your desires to the lowest point and sublimate your rationality to the highest point, which is the saint.

60, can reflect, can not regret, because that will not help.

61, you are not happy, because what you don't have, you keep on pursuing; you already have, you have forgotten.

62. The boundaries of a person's career are in the heart. To ensure that the boundaries of your career grow, you must expand the boundaries of your mind.

63. The secret of happiness is not to do what you like, but to do what you like.

64, behavior lazy and poor - generation, thinking lazy and poor three generations!

65, a flower withered and ridiculous can not be the whole spring, a setback can also ruin the entire life.

66. People with patience can make their wishes come true.

67. Think of all the sad reminders of life as experience life, no sadness and no life.

68. To blame others and hate dissidents is to give life to others.

69. If a person is not infected by bad habits, happiness is near.

70, the uncontrollable desire will inevitably give you nothing.

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