Classic quotes

Life feels classic quotes, classic life sentiment

1. The greatest incompetence of people is not to know, but to know but to be reluctant to do it, so there are many people who are mediocre but self-pity.

2. Don't look back, why not forget. Since there is no reason, why do you have to vow. Today, there is no trace of water. On the eve of the night, Jun has been a stranger.

3, life is cruel, with sadness to let you know what is happiness, use noise to teach you how to appreciate the silence, use a detour to remind you in front of the road.

4. There are only two types of people who are truly happy in this world: one is the person who stands at the origin, is willing to be ordinary, and the dust settles like a non-empty person; the other is to cross the purple mottle, chase the dream, and go to infinity. People.

5, you never need to find, chase, or win love, because love will not hide, will not run away, and will not ask you any price. As long as you leave a space for it in your heart, love will naturally infuse you into your heart.

6, hands, let go, understand the preciousness of possession; tears, when you fall, you know that the heart will really hurt; heart, broken to understand the bitterness brought by love; love, go to understand the pain of being abandoned by love .

7, to be a person to be subtle, have been too much, do not have to care about it, the water is clear and no fish, people are clear, no one is with whom, for a lifetime, some things in the heart.

8. If you don't try to find fun, then emptiness, boring and boring, or even nothingness, will soon fill your brain and fill your life.

9. Some defects appear to be insignificant on others, and it is not worth mentioning; however, if these defects are placed on oneself, it is difficult to treat them easily, and even life can not be relieved.

10, have a heart and soul, have a sincere road, the correct attitude can make your life more calm and comfortable. Of course, the mentality is adjusted by yourself. If you like, you can give yourself a correct attitude.

11, life is seeking, it is gratifying, not worry-free. The bitterness of the fun, the gains and losses. Suiyuan is a kind of mind, a kind of maturity, a kind of self-confidence and grasp of the self.

12. You only cherish the possession at this time, and there will be less regret and hate in the memory of life.

13. When unfortunately come on others, they tend to comfort others like wise men; and when the same misfortunes come to themselves, it is often difficult for people to enlight themselves.

14. We traveled all over the world, and finally found out that our smile is the most beautiful scenery.

15, you can have a thousand reasons for a lack of energy, but as long as there is a reason you must stand up strong!

16. When someone else accidentally makes a mistake in a public place, we often laugh at it; and when the same situation appears on ourselves, we often can't get out of it.

17. When a poor person sees the rich, he thinks that they have everything, which is really enviable. When a rich man sees a poor man, he thinks that he has nothing but happiness. In fact, we are the poor or the rich who are always dissatisfied with their own lives.

18, some words, suitable for hiding in the heart, some pain, suitable for silent forgetting. When you have experienced it, you grow up and you know it. A lot of changes don't need to be said by yourself, others will see it.

19. I have been looking for that feeling, the feeling of holding a pair of warm hands and walking forward in a cold day.

20. When a person feels contented, his heart is not bothered, his body is not tired, he has nothing to ask for, and his heart can be safe, happiness is in it. When a person feels that they can eat, play, sleep well, and are not worried, happiness is in it.

21, a man must be able to withstand lies, be able to stand up to perfunctory, endure deception, forget the promise, let go of everything, and finally use laughter to disguise the tears falling, remember that the more you hold back the tears, the more you will Become a good medicine for happiness.

22, everything will be fine, even if it is not today, there will be one day.

23, prudence is also an art, it is able to grasp the appropriate time to make a quick decision, but this is not an excuse for deliberation and stagnation.

24. Remember, whenever you need to give yourself a clear bottom line, because sometimes many people will wipe out your bottom line a little bit. When you don't have a bottom line, you are completely controlled by others. .

25, I have said that I have done things that hurt others' minds, and I may forget them all in a blink of an eye; what others have said or done to hurt themselves can always be remembered clearly and cannot be forgiven.

26, the shortcomings of others are like black spots on white paper, you can see it at a glance; but the shortcomings of your own body are hard to find.

27, the road of life, relying on their own step by step, really protect you, is your own choice. And what really hurts you is the same, your own choice. It is not fate that determines life, but every choice of your own.

28, work is like a lover, although sometimes conflict with you, but every day to meet. Interest is like a lover, although it makes you passionate, but it can't replace bread.

29, lover is like a coarse cloth, although not beautiful, but can block the cold. Lovers are like fashion, they feel good, but they can't wear them out.

30, loved ones are like old cotton coats, it is out of the scorpion, still want to stare at you. Friends are like raincoats. They need to be worn when they are needed.

31, the beautiful face is for others to see, and the wise mind is for their own use.

32. When people are most saddened and most panic, there are no tears. Tears will always flow at the end of the story, and flow at the end of everything!

33. People who have no reference in life are pitiful; those who choose the wrong reference are sad.

34, I can do my best, but I want to be innocent.

35, back to the sun, a shadow; facing the sun, the sky is full of light.

36, the brave, the foot is the road; the wise, know which way to go the best.

37. Nothing is a hypothesis. Thinking is a kind of maturity. It is a virtue.

38. The bridge that communicates with the soul is understanding, and the way to connect the mind is trust.

39, sour and bitter is the richness of life, red orange yellow green is the life of the gorgeous.

40. It is not difficult to do it for the first time. The hard part is to do it every time.

41. The society is like a fish pond. Although the mud and sand are all under the water, it is really a bit scary. The family is like a fish tank, needs to be cleaned, needs to be ventilated, needs careful care, or it can't survive.

42. Holding gold is precious, and knowing the value of the music is worth a thousand dollars.

43. The first thoughts are wonderful, and the heart is up to the highest.

44. Don't be greedy for the odds, the people who are contented are always happy.

45. Marriage is just a beginning, not an end. It may be the beginning of trouble, or it may be the beginning of happiness.

46. ​​It is a luxury to talk about spring flowers on the table in the winter; it is ruthless to imagine the autumn leaves in the spring garden.

47. Tolerance is the best gift for others. If you leave it to yourself, it is the beginning of the fall.

48. Take a step back and make the three points calm.

49. If you want to make progress, you need to think about it. If you start to think about letting go.

50. If you are not willing to go back, you should have more steps to do things.

51. If you point the camera at a person, record all his words and deeds, and then edit it according to your wishes, anyone can be a good or a bad person.

52. Yesterday was an abandoned check. Tomorrow is a deposit that has not yet expired. Only today is the cash you can control.

53. A beautiful woman is like a craft in a showcase. There are many people who appreciate it, but only one person can buy it.

54, the boss is like a tiger, the tiger's ass, can't touch, the tiger's ass, it is not suitable to shoot. Colleagues are like playmates, playing on the stage, unloading the clothes to know that everything is ridiculous. The lower level is like a spring, you can press him, but he will also top you, if you pull


55. Maybe he will give in.

56, life is only a few decades, don't leave any regrets for yourself, want to laugh and laugh, cry when you want to cry, love when you love, no need to suppress yourself.

57. Make mistakes and honestly admit your mistakes. Discerning and smashing will only harm you.

58. People are always trying to cherish what they have not got, and forget what they have.

59, the beautiful face is for others to see, and the wise mind is for their own use.

60, the heart is not good, the color is not temperament.

61, you have to accommodate those who have different opinions from you, so that the days are better. If you always want to change him, then you will be very painful. Learn how to tolerate him. You have to learn how to accommodate him.

62, love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with tears.

63. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

64. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself. All failures are insignificant compared to the failure to lose oneself.

65, people can live happily, but we have chosen a complex, chose to sigh!

66. When your most difficult time is not far from success, if you encounter difficulties, you will retreat. If success is already on the other side, it will not be with you.

67. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting; no matter when it is over, it is important not to regret after the end.

68, the more annoying things, the more difficult. There is nothing wrong with the world.

69, please be confident. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's landscapes.

70, love a person does not have to have, but if you have a person, you should love her to care for her.

71. There is a person in the world who will wait for you forever. No matter when, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always such a person.

72. Conscience is the most impartial judge of every person. You deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.

73. When should you not give up hope, the more sinister the environment, the more it will ignite the will of hope.

74. There is an ideal place, hell is heaven. Where there is hope, the pain is also joy.

75. People always cherish what they have not got, and forget what they have.

76. Face the past with the least regret. Face the present with the least amount of waste. Face the future with the most dreams.

77. A classic of youth will never be redeemed.

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