Classic quotes

Mrs. Chaichel’s famous saying, Mrs. Chaichel’s classic quotations

1. Wherever there is discord, we must work hard for harmony; wherever there is a fallacy, we must work hard for the truth; wherever there is doubt, we must work hard for trust; wherever there is despair, we want Work hard for hope. There is work waiting for us to do now. (In 1979, after being elected to the Prime Minister for the first time)

2. I am not a consensus politician. I am a politician with faith. (1979)

3. I like to argue. I like to debate. I don't want anyone to just sit next to me and agree with me. This is not their job. (in 1980)

4. I don't care how much my ministers talked, as long as they do what I said. (in 1980)

5. If you like, you can change it yourself. But the lady will not change. (In 1980, Chaichel insisted on his position when his economic policy was attacked)

6, home is where you have nothing to do when you go. (May 1991, after leaving office for 6 months)

7. As a member of the conservative Conservative Party, we have the right to speak; we will make great progress and turn the past suffering into today's calm. (The first political speech in 1945.)

8. Pay attention to your thoughts, because it will become words; pay attention to your words, because it will become action; pay attention to your actions, because it will become a habit; pay attention to your habits, because it will become a character; pay attention to your character Because it will determine your destiny. - Mrs. Chaichel

9. Where there is chaos, we bring harmony; when there is a mistake, we bring it to the truth; where there is doubt, we bring it to trust; where there is frustration, we bring hope. - Mrs. Chaichel

10. No one will remember to be helpful, if this person is only kind. He still has money and people will remember. (in 1980)

11. I like Mr. Gorbachev. We can do business together. (In 1984, after meeting with former Soviet leader Gorbachev)

12. Just for the joy of our army and navy to win the news... delighted. (1982, Battle of Inama Island)

13. There is no such thing as 'social' at all. (1987, interview)

14. I want to continue fighting. I have to fight until victory. (On November 21, 1990, Mrs. Chaichel said after failing to win enough votes in the Conservative Party. On the following day, she resigned as prime minister.)

15. After 11 and a half years of good times, we will eventually leave Downing Street. I am very happy because today's Britain has become better than when I took office 11 and a half years ago. (In 1990, Chaichel issued a tearful speech with tears.)

16. All we need is to get our money back - even though this sentence has been misunderstood as 'I want to get my money back'. (1984, EU Summit)

17. In my time, no woman will become a prime minister or foreign minister, and it is impossible to assume these top positions. Anyway, I don't want to be prime minister, but you should be 100% confident in yourself. (In 1969, when the opposition Conservative Party member)

18. Anyone who knows how to manage a family will know more about how to manage a country. (In 1979, that year became the British Prime Minister)

19. If you want to talk emptyly, ask a man; if you want something, ask a woman. (1982)

20. I came to this office with a purpose: to make the British society move from dependence to self-reliance; from everyone to me to everyone; to build a prosperous Britain, not a passively completed UK. (Chaichel outlined his political philosophy in 1984)

21. We must stop the British from going backwards. Today, the spirit of the UK reappears and burns like the past. (1982, the battle for the island)

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