Classic quotes

Inspirational quotes, good personality signature, qq inspirational personality signature

1, the number of standing up can be more than the number of falls, you are the strong.

2, young has no failure, confidence creates wonderful.

3, people must believe in themselves, this is the secret of success.

4, the most worthy of the scenery, is the footprint of their struggle.

5, believe in yourself, better than anyone else.

6, not injured again and again, how can be a little strong.

7. If you want to realize your dreams, you must first wake up from your dreams.

8. Life will always give you another chance. This opportunity is called tomorrow.

9. All goals are dark, only action is accompanied by light!

10, the past is the memory, now is the struggle, the future is the goal.

11. Stay optimistic and positive, against the sun, all the way forward!

12, sometimes need to change a bit of thinking, change your frowning face into a smile.

13. The happiness I want is too valuable, so I can't afford it, only work hard.

14. Looking up at the sky, smiling open hands face the future.

15, rather than being laughed for a while, can not be laughed for a lifetime.

16. People always have to learn to grow up and grow up with the loneliness of the journey.

17. Reality and ideals often have some distance, but for the sake of life, we still have to go forward.

18, strong, not facing the sadness does not flow a tear, but wipe the tears and smile to face the future life.

19. Tell yourself that you missed a lot more in the sea of ​​people than you got, and you should learn to cherish it.

20. Poverty can't wait. After a long time, you will get used to poverty.

21, keep passion. Only passion, you have the motivation to infect yourself and others.

22. No matter when you start, it is important not to give up after you start.

23. Live happiness is the most important thing. No matter how many setbacks, you must work hard to rush.

24, only keep running, can catch up with my dreams.

25, I am very ordinary, very simple, but I am brave in the bones.

26, only taste the pain, can cherish the happiness that was once ignored.

27, the things you want must be taken by yourself, or even if others give you.

28. Efforts are not necessarily successful, but giving up must fail.

29. We are never qualified to give up, because this is our year, and we should have dazzling flowers.

30. Don't indulge in the past, don't fantasize about the future, concentrate on it, and live every minute and every second!

31. In order not to leave regrets and regrets in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our lives.

32. When you are happy, you have to think that this happiness is not eternal. When you are suffering, you have to think that this pain is not eternal.

33. Always believe that no matter how ordinary you are, you will have your own happiness. This is the most splendid scenery in ordinary life.

34, smile and laugh, nothing can't pass! Tomorrow is a new beginning!

35, our best gift for youth is to struggle!

36, life does not allow you to be willful, accept the reality, and work hard.

37. No matter how long the rain is, the rainbow will always appear.

38. Fall is the opportunity for God to stand up again.

39. When do you let go, when will you have no troubles?

40, life does not allow you to be willful, accept the reality, and work hard.

41. Growth is a must-go road. Our pain is inevitable.

42. Life is an attitude, and unfortunate is also an alternative life.

43. The strong is not without tears, but can run forward with tears.

44. When you are tired, turn around and look at the people who are working hard.

45, 趁 young to work hard, don't be sorry for your childhood blows.

46. ​​The life in your mouth is your own life.

47. A life without creation cannot be considered a life, it can only be considered alive.

48. As long as there is tomorrow, today is always the starting line.

49. Don't lose hope, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

50. If you can't let go of the past, don't expect a bright future.

51. Forget the darkness before dawn, remember the dawn after dawn.

52. Only when you take up the storm, can you finally hold the rainbow.

53. If you don't chase, you will never have it. Do not go forward, stay in place forever.

54. As long as we are full of hope, I believe that God will give us a chance to be happy.

55. Be the best today, review the best yesterday and meet the best tomorrow.

56, do not have a hint of fantasy, do not give up a chance, do not stop working hard.

57. There is no fate that can be conquered without contempt, endurance and struggle.

58. The freedom of living is simple to live! Close your eyes, everything is beautiful.

59, come on, what is the pain, will always wait until that second, pain, the last second.

60, pick up the mood, continue to go, miss the flower, you will harvest the rain, miss this one, you will meet the next one.

61. No one can go back to the past to start again, but anyone can write a completely different ending from now on.

62, the past can only be used for memories, do not indulge in the shadows, then you can never see the road ahead.

63, the ambition is farther, the goal is closer, and instead of lying in the same place dreaming, it is better to gradually approach the dream.

64. The life of sadness can not stop our ambition and firm smile.

65. The world of sorrow and joy, I think I can live my life, my wonderful.

66, I believe that memories are wonderful! But also know that tomorrow will be better than memories!

67. Do the work that is not busy and do not do well, and live a life that is not salty or light.

68, life bullies you, don't be sad, don't be discouraged, because as long as you are willing to look up.

69, a person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn!

70. When you encounter defeat and pain, tell yourself: it is zero, but it is coming back from the beginning!

71. The great man is great because when he coexists with others, he loses his confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goal.

72, even if you are tired, you have to pick up a smile.

73. As long as you face the sun, the shadow is behind.

74, loneliness is enough to make people have the courage to fear.

75, life is actually very simple, after today is tomorrow.

76. After the age of dreaming, you can only go forward.

77. If you decide to travel, don't be afraid of the wind and rain.

78. The person who knows his destination is the one who travels the furthest.

79. Now is the time for me to fight, because young people are in front of me.

80. If you give up too early, you never know what you will miss.

81. Living is not relying on tears to win sympathy but to get applause by sweat.

82, patience, strong point; one day, the pain you have suffered will help you.

83. To live beautifully, you need to bear great patience. Do not complain, do not explain.

84. Life is an excuse for the weak, and luck is the humility of the strong.

85, you have to believe that I am strong enough to face this world's parting turmoil.

86. Although life is difficult, if you can laugh at life, you can enjoy life.

87. There is only one thing in the world that can stop the realization of dreams, that is, fear of failure.

88. You can't ask everyone to read that you understand that you will appear to be a bargain.

89. In the journey of life, whether it is flat or smooth, muddy or low, it should be calmly faced!

90. We are never qualified to give up, because this is our year, and we should produce dazzling flowers.

91. There is no need for explanation for success. There is no reason for failure. Dreams are my wings, tears are my compassion.

92. A happy life requires three gestures: to the past, to be light; to the present, to be pity; to the future, to believe.

93. Ten years ago, the only thing I could waste was time. Ten years later, I can waste everything except time.

94. When I was young, I thought that when I grow up, I can save the world. When I grow up, I realize that the whole world can't save me.

95, the right to give up at least will not lose too much.

96, do not have to forget the past but must let go of the past.

97, brow wrinkles and rest or go.

98. Be a brave person and learn to bear the slap in the face of fate.

99. There is no way to change in the past, but the future is still in your grasp.

100. When you are desperate, look up at the light of hope, but it always exists.

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