Classic quotes

A famous poem about dedication and responsibility, a famous saying about responsibility

1, the spring silkworms to the dead silk side, the wax torch into the gray tears began to dry. - Li Shangyin "Untitled"

2, the teacher did not die before the death, the long tears of the hero. - Du Fu's "The Prime Minister"

3, sneak into the night with the wind, moist and fine. - Du Fu's "Spring Rain"

4. After collecting a hundred flowers into honey, who is hard for who is hard. - Luo Yin "Bee"

5, in order to eliminate the evils for the Holy Ming, willing to ruin the years. ——Han Yu’s “Left to Blue Shows Sun Xiang”

6, powder body broken bones do not hesitate, to stay innocent in the world. - Yu Qian, "Lime"

7, falling red is not a ruthless thing, turned into a spring mud to protect the flowers. ——Gong Zizhen's "Hei Hai Miscellaneous Poems"

8, the belt gradually widened and did not regret, for the Iraqi people to get rid of. - Liu Yong "Butterfly Love Flower"

9, life has not died since ancient times, to retain the heart of the blue. - Wen Tianxiang's "Zero Crossing"

10, the deadlocked village is not self-sacred, Shangsi is the national wheel. - Lu You's "November 4th Storm and Rain"

11, holding a heart, without half a grass to go. - Tao Xingzhi

12, cross-browed cold to thousands of fingers, bowed to the scorpion cattle. - Lu Xun

13, the profession is sacred to always exalt the reverence of the torch in front of the altar. ——Zhang Zhuochen

14, the dedication of the profession as the root of being a human being, as the soul of being a human being. --Mark Twain

15. People don't do things like nothing, nothing to do is to waste this life. - Saqitowen

16. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. - Owen's noble, great price is responsibility. - Churchill

17. Although responsibility is sometimes annoying, it is only a coward and a waste that does not fulfill its responsibilities. - Lewis

18, everyone is asked by life, and he can only use his own life to answer this question; only "responsible" to answer life. Therefore, “capable of being responsible” is the most important essence of human existence. - Victor Ferranke

19. Once people are driven by a sense of responsibility, they can create miracles. - Menken

20. The first article of all responsibilities should not become a coward. -Roman Roland

21, a sincere, enthusiastic, and fighting for the light, can not be hard and responsible. - Lu Xun

22. We are born into this world for a smart and noble purpose, and we must do our part well. --Mark Twain

23. Although responsibility is sometimes annoying, it does not fulfill its responsibilities... it can only be a coward, a waste that is uncompromising. - Lewis

24. Our responsibility is much more significant than we think, because it is related to all human beings. - Sartre

25. In this world, the youngest and the greatest have the same responsibility. -Roman Roland

26. No citizen can escape responsibility if he is a citizen. --Mark Twain

27, human society is a small group of relatively strong and great molecules built, their responsibility is not to let the bad guys who are guilty of dog lungs destroy their miserable business. -Roman Roland

28. From the moment he is thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he has. - Sartre

29. Responsibility often corrects people's narrowness. It will be a reliable guide when we are lost. - Prem Chand

30. If you do something, then do it well. If you don't or don't want to do it, then it's best not to do it. --Leo Tolstoy

31. What is the best responsibility of being a young person and a society and an era? As far as today’s situation is concerned, there is no more learning. - Gao Shiqi

32. When a fool makes something that he feels awkward, he always claims that this is his obligation. - Shaw

33. The Floms should strive to reduce suffering and cruelty. This is our most important responsibility. -Roman Roland

34. Everyone should have such confidence: I can bear the responsibility that man can bear; I can bear the responsibility that man cannot bear. In this way, you can temper yourself and seek higher knowledge and enter a higher realm. - Lincoln

35, life needs to know the responsible suffering, in order to know the fun of doing the responsibility. ——Liang Qichao

36. If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. --Leo Tolstoy

37, we should not waste our lives, we should be able to say: "I have done what I can do." - Mrs. Curie

38. Society is like a boat, and everyone must be prepared to take the helm. - Ibsen

39. It is better to reform yourself than to ban others. - Lu Xun

40. For a person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. - Einstein

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