Life whisper

Several famous sayings about tolerance

Here are some good quotes about tolerance. I believe it will have some inspiration for you.

Tolerance is good for everyone, otherwise it will not be good for anyone.

Forgiveness may be sacred, but no one says it is easy to do. When you are deeply hurt, it is very difficult to do it without hate. But forgiveness is possible, and it will bring unexpected benefits to your physical and mental health.

Dr. Frederick, author of The Benefits of Forgiveness, said: "People who understand forgiveness don't feel so depressed, angry and nervous. They are always hopeful. So forgiveness helps reduce the loss of various organs in the body. The degree of fatigue in the immune system makes people more energetic."

So how do you restore your emotions? Try some of the steps below:

Let yourself calm down. Try a simple decompression technique to calm your anger. Frederick suggested: "Do a few deep breaths, then think about things that make you happy, such as the beauty of nature, or the people you love."

Don't wait for someone to apologize. Frederick said: "Many times, people who hurt you don't want to apologize. They may be intentional or just different from the way you look at things. So if you wait for someone to apologize, you might wait. For a long time. "You have to remember that forgiveness does not necessarily mean obeying those who upset you, nor does it mean forgive him or her."

Don't let people who offend you control your emotions. I always think about my own pain in my heart, and I will only give strength to those who hurt you. Frederick said: "It is better to learn to look for the truth, goodness and beauty around you than to always pay attention to the harm you have suffered."

Try to look at the problem from the perspective of others. If you stand in the position of others, you may realize that he or she did it because of ignorance, fear, and even love. In order to be able to stand on the side of others, you can write a letter to yourself from the standpoint of the person who offended you.

Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Studies have shown that people who understand forgiveness are more energetic, have better appetite, and sleep better.

Don't forget to forgive yourself. Frederick said: "For some people, forgiveness is the biggest challenge."

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