Life whisper

The famous sayings of the mind that need to be cultivated

The mind needs to be cultivated, just as marble needs to be carved.

Not long ago, I went to the country with Sovan to visit my friends and stayed in a log cabin for the guests. The chalet is very beautiful and surrounded by fruit trees and flowers. There are a few lines of paint on the door, the color is bright, the font is smooth, the content is:

The heart is like a garden, and the mind is kind.

It has both flowers and wild animals.

At that time, we didn't quite understand this little poem, but then it brought profound influence to our thinking mode and art work.

It was almost like a game at the beginning. We decided to take the next real effort to examine our own thoughts and see what we have planted in our "heart garden". At first it was not easy, but gradually, we began to pay more attention to what kind of thoughts were flashing in our hearts.

When we found that most of the "seeds of thinking" are very negative, and it is destined to grow into a clump of barbed wild pheasant and nettle in our daily life, how troublesome it is!

We are gradually realizing that many of the problems and difficulties we encounter in our lives are the seeds of our doubts, fears and anxieties that we continue to plant in our hearts.

This is really a laborious thing, but like everything else, it is also practice. Surprisingly, when we become more aware of these negative thoughts, we can say, "No! I will not plant this weed in my heart."

I will consciously choose and plant something better. This experience has made me very productive.

When you begin to consciously cultivate your heart, the changes that occur in life will surprise you. The obstacles disappeared, the gaps disappeared, and things that you thought were impossible or far away from you suddenly appeared in front of your eyes.

Every garden is constantly changing. Only planting a happy seed, and then throwing it back is not enough. Your weak seedlings will soon be swallowed up by the wild donkey. When the wilderness of fear, doubt, and anxiety grows out, they must be removed and thrown away.

Love, happiness and tranquility are all infectious. Those who continue to sow these seeds in their own gardens will also plant love, happiness and peace into the hearts of others.

please remember,

The heart is like a garden, and the mind is kind.

It has both flowers and wild animals.

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