Life whisper

100 philosophical idioms

1. The reason why people have a mouth and two ears is because they listen twice as much as they say.

2, philosophers have no worries, wise men are always happy. It's not because he loves everything he has, but everything he has, he loves.

3. The chemical composition of tears and sweat is similar, but the former can only exchange sympathy for you, but the latter can win success for you.

4, the more mature rice ears, the more you know how to bend over.

5. The reason why Jianghai can become the king of Baigu is because he knows how to be inferior.

6. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy: it is covered by habits, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.

7. Being angry is to punish yourself by doing something wrong with others.

8. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion. Regret is a greater loss than loss, a bigger mistake than mistake, so please don't regret it.

9. There are a few things in life that must not be lost: self-control, calm mind, hope and confidence.

10. It is not the situation that creates people, but the man-made situation.

11, you must first see yourself, others will be able to see you.

12, to remember in mind: every day is the best day of the year.

13. The power of love is so great that it can make people forget everything, but it is so small that even a grit of sand can not be accommodated.

14, people can live happily, but we have chosen a complex, chose to sigh!

15. In the past page, if you don't turn it over, you won't turn it over. If you turn down the dust, you will lose your eyes.

16. If a person is weak, he is his greatest enemy; if a person is brave, he is his best friend.

17. Before you can correct others, first reflect on whether you have made mistakes.

18. What many people lack is not beauty, but self-confidence. Remember: self-confidence is a kind of beauty. With a positive attitude, it is easy to succeed.

19. People always cherish what they have not got, and forget what they have.

20. Face the past with the least regret. Face the present with the least amount of waste. Face the future with the most dreams.

21. Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves.

22. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

23. A thousand people have a thousand ways of living and a way of life. If you want to change something, you must first find yourself back.

24. Any restrictions are started from your own heart. Forget about failure, but keep in mind the lessons of failure.

25. If I can't, I must. If I have to, I will.

26. A person who can look at things from the perspective of others and who can understand other people's spiritual activities will never have to worry about their future.

27, life is only 30,000 days, success failure is frank, is not a grudge, care and health, the most valuable.

28. There are two kinds of people in the world: the requester and the giver. The former may be able to eat better, but the latter can definitely sleep better.

29, the environment will not change, the solution is to change oneself.

30. To make things change, change myself first; to make things better, let yourself be better.

31. Don't sigh at setbacks. Think of it as a preparation that you must undergo before you become a major event.

32. When you were born, you cried and the people around you smiled; at the end of life, you smiled and the people around you were crying.

33. The great man is great because when he coexists with others, he loses his confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goal.

34. If you wake up in the morning and you find yourself breathing freely, you are more blessed than the one million people who passed away this week.

35. When should you not give up hope, the more sinister the environment, the more it will ignite the will of hope.

36. Positive people see an opportunity in every worry, while negative people see some kind of worry in every opportunity.

37. Many people are seeking the perfect ending of life. They do not know that beauty is not at the end, but in the process of pursuit.

38. Maybe some people are very hateful, some people are very mean. And when I set it up for him to imagine, I realized that he was more pitiful than me. So please forgive everyone you have met, good or bad.

39. An unintentional word may ignite a dispute. A cruel word may ruin life. A timely sentence may dispel tension. A well-intentioned word may heal the wound and save others.

40. Life is a process of gradually spending and using time. Once lost time, life will come to an end.

41. There is no reward in the world to encourage work hard, and all rewards are only used to reward the work.

42. The integrity of life lies in forgiveness, tolerance, waiting and love. Without all of this, you have everything and nothing.

43. When we look into the distance, the nearby scenery will not be clear.

44. If you want to succeed, use perseverance as a good friend, experience as a reference, be careful as a brother, and hope as a sentinel.

45. Thinking is one of the hardest jobs, which may be the reason why few people are willing to think.

46. ​​The probability of success is distributed. The key is whether you can stick to the moment when success begins to appear.

47. It is the most sad failure to defeat yourself. It is the most valuable victory to defeat yourself.

48. People who applaud others are also cheering for their lives.

49. Having a dream is just an intelligence, and realizing a dream is an ability.

50. If a person does not know which dock he is going to, then any wind will not be downwind. Excerpt from: ( )

51. The talent of a person is like the water of a sponge. Without the squeeze of external force, it is absolutely incapable. After flowing out, the sponge can absorb the new source.

52, grateful to life, thank her for giving us a smart brain. Think about difficult problems, the meaning of life; praise truth, goodness and beauty, criticize false evils. Remember the wonderful moments, the excited moments, the warm scenes, the sweet shots. Grateful life gives us a unique spirituality.

53. Be kind to yourself, be very happy, be kind to others, be very happy, be kind to life, and be very healthy.

54. All great actions and thoughts have a negligible beginning.

55. When you are angry, close your mouth, lest you increase your anger.

56. The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don't have.

57. Pride is the egg under victory, but it is a failure to hatch.

58. No friend is comparable to health. No enemy is worthy of illness. Instead of crying for illness, it is better to add color to life.

59. There is nothing wrong with it, nothing else has no money, no shortage of health, health is not everything, but without health, there is nothing.

60, anything can be bad, the mood can not be bad; nothing can be lacking, self-confidence can not be lacking; nothing can be, happy can not be; anything can be forgotten, fitness can not forget.

61. Choosing the right cause can make a lifetime, choosing a friend can be a smart life, choosing the right environment for a lifetime, choosing a partner can be a happy life, and choosing a lifestyle can be a healthy life.

62, people with tears sowing must be able to smile.

63. The power developed by a person with conviction is greater than the one who only has interest.

64. Endurance is better than brainpower.

65. It is not just the environment that affects our lives. In fact, it is the mentality that controls the actions and thoughts of individuals. At the same time, the mindset also determines a person's vision, career and achievements, and even a lifetime.

66. Behind every effort, there must be a double reward.

67. Laziness is like rust, which consumes more body than labor.

68. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself. All failures are insignificant compared to the failure to lose oneself.

69. Frustration is actually the tuition fee payable for success.

70. In this world, although there are many colds and a lot of darkness, as long as there is more trust between people and more care, then it will increase a lot of sunshine.

71. A person who can look at things from the perspective of others and who can understand other people's spiritual activities will never have to worry about their future.

72. When a person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.

73. No one is so rich that they can not help others, and no one is too poor to help others in some way.

74. Anyone who really tries to help others does not help himself.

75. Active people believe that only by promoting themselves can promote the world, as long as they promote themselves, they can promote the world.

76. The biggest bankruptcy of a person is despair. The biggest asset is hope.

77. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions, the higher the score.

78. The environment will never be perfect. Negative people are controlled by the environment, while active people control the environment.

79. When everyone is low-key, you can be high-profile, but you can't run.

80. The law of success is extremely simple, but simplicity does not mean easy.

81. Those who are willing to bow their heads will never hit the low door.

82. Prepare for a few more minutes last night. It is a few hours less trouble today.

83. Look at others with a telescope and look at yourself with a magnifying glass.

84, a thought to put down, all comfortable.

85, six can not: can not be hungry to eat, can not be thirsty before drinking, can not sleep before sleep, can not be tired to rest, can not be checked before the disease, can not be old and then regret.

86. The house is also a temporary residence. Only the small raft is a permanent home. Therefore, the width of the house is not as wide as the heart, and the body is not as good as the peace of mind!

87. The biggest mistake in life is to exchange health for the things outside of the body. The greatest sorrow in life is to exchange life for personal troubles. The biggest waste of life is to solve the troubles of self-made with life!

88, the biggest sorrow in life, is the child wants to be filial and not in love! The biggest tragedy in life is that the family is not rich and the people are dying first. The greatest pity in life is to understand what you should do when you are in the middle of dying!

89. When the mind is calm, the spirit is eternal! Lower the desire to the lowest point and sublimate the rationality to the highest point. You will feel that peace is a blessing, pure heart is a luke, and lust is a life!

90, the best doctor is himself, the best medicine is time, the best mood is quiet, the best health care is smile, the best exercise is walking!

91. Joy is a wonderful medicine for longevity. Diligence is a healthy spirituality. Exercise is a healthy investment. Longevity is the return of fitness. When you meet, you can ask for a spring, and it is better than medicine!

92, money is difficult to buy health, health is greater than money, money is difficult to buy happiness, happiness must be healthy, life's happiness is not in fame and fortune in health, physical strength is not in money in sports!

93, diet is expensive at the festival, reading expensive in the fine, exercise expensive in the constant, diet diet stomach, more reading and daring, hi exercise extension!

94, you can't control the weather, but you can change your mood. You can't change your looks, but you can master yourself. You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today!

95. People who love life, life loves him too.

96, smile does not cost, but can create wealth. Praise does not cost money, but it can produce strength. Sharing does not have to be excessive, but it can multiply happiness.

97. Happy and generous people are accompanied by wealth, always accompanied by honest people, smart always accompanied by noble people, charm always accompanied by humorous people, health always accompanied by open-minded people.

98. The fool uses the flesh to monitor the soul, and the wise man uses the mind to monitor the flesh.

99. If life is stripped of ideals, dreams, and fantasies, then life is just a pile of empty shelves.

100. Try to build a solid foundation from the bricks that others have photographed, and life will not be so hard.

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