Life whisper

100 inspiring life idioms

1. To change your destiny, change yourself first.

2. Today's success is due to yesterday's accumulation, and tomorrow's success depends on today's efforts. Success requires a process.

3, the fate is in your own hands, the fate of good or bad by their own creation.

4. If we cast a lifetime of stones, even if we close our eyes, there must be a successful hit.

5. Teach yourself well, regardless of others.

6, first open the fish net, the fish can find the entrance to the fishing net.

7. Misfortune often comes from comparison, and happiness comes from comparison.

8, the storm is big, it can not be scratched into your heart.

9. Don't forgive all beings, don't forgive all beings, it is suffering yourself.

10. What prevents you from moving forward is not a hundred stones on the road of life, but the stone in your shoes.

11. The house built up by the blocks seems to be beautiful, but it will collapse inadvertently.

12. When you hold the sand in both hands, you must not get the pearl on the ground.

13. Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.

14. With a whip, the top will rotate.

15. Success requires a price, and unsuccessful requires a higher price.

16. It is better to fail on what you like and not to succeed on what you hate.

17. There is no director in life, but each of us is like an actor, performing seriously in order to conform to the plot.

18, regardless of whether there are rice grains on the face of others, please take care of the mirror first.

19. Believing that faith can overcome everything is a great belief in itself.

20, a long way, you can finish step by step, and then a short road, can not reach without taking your feet.

21, the ears that grow around our brain, often around our brain.

22. Success is not something that will come in the future, but it will continue to accumulate from the moment you decide to do it.

23, a detail is enough to change a lifetime.

24, things that are not always available are always the best, lost love is always unforgettable, lost people will always be unforgettable.

25. Whether or not there is a goal is the fundamental difference between a successful person and a mediocre person.

26. What kind of value is given to things and what kind of actions people have.

27, put the difficulty on the head, it is the top stone; step on the foot under the foot, it is a stepping stone.

28, starting a small step ahead, life is a big step ahead.

29. Set goals and then refine the goals into practical actions at each step.

30. Time is the ultimate resource for everyone.

31. Since everything will pass, then we must seize the present.

32. The power that hinders us from flying is the fear from our hearts.

33. The awakening of nature is often after encountering reality.

34. Once laziness is allowed, it will be incompetent.

35, believe in the loyalty of friends. Believe in your courage. Believe in the stupidity of the enemy.

36. Being angry is to punish yourself by doing something wrong with others.

37. Happiness is an ability.

38. If you do not want to be knocked down, only increase your weight.

39. Inferiority is a more terrible poverty.

40, the strongest bundle is a habit.

41. If you can live again, everyone will be a winner.

42. No one can give you strength except yourself.

43. Time leaves the power of wisdom to the diligent, leaving emptiness and remorse to the lazy.

44. People who study hard always feel that time is passing too fast; lazy people always complain that time runs too slowly.

45. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy: it is covered by habits, blurred by time, and consumed by inertia.

46. ​​In places deeper than the night, there must be darker eyes than the night.

47. Life is like a big stage, and everyone has their own role. As for what role to perform, decide for yourself.

48. If you are smart, why not rich?

49. Only a fool can use his feet to test the depth of the river.

50, showing off is the need for the audience, and showing off just let us lose the audience.

51. Theory is one thing, and reality is one thing.

52. Knowledge plays with wealth.

53. Some people are watching the shadows in the light, and some are looking at the light in the shadows.

54. Solving the most complex things often requires the easiest way.

55, time is like a animal car, its speed depends on the whip in our hands.

56. Happiness is not because of having more, but because of less care.

57. Time is a constant, but it is also a variable. There are infinite numbers of diligent people, and there are infinite few lazy people.

58. When there is no retreat, it is the time when the potential is maximized.

59. The way of thinking determines the way out, the degree of determination determines the height, the details determine success or failure, and the character determines the fate.

60, no bad things, only bad mood.

61. We are always concerned about whether the things we get are worthwhile, and it is often a pity to ignore the things we give up.

62. There is nothing more extraordinary than the natural. Nothing is more fascinating than the nature.

63. How big is the heart, how big the world is!

64, the warmest flame, frozen in the depths of the most silent volcano.

65. A purposeless life is like sailing out of the sea without a compass.

66. When the great man truly stands in front of you, you will feel that he is shorter than you.

67, afraid to let go, because of fear of failure, will never succeed.

68. When you are not satisfied, don't try to drill into your sorrow. Think about the days of laughter.

69. We can't do it, often because we can't, but because others say we can't.

70. When you see a person without a right hand, you will not complain about which birthmark on your right hand.

71. What makes us feel happy is not the environment, but the attitude.

72. The so-called heroes actually refer to those who can survive in any environment.

73. Laziness is the hiding place of the weak will.

74. If people's activities are not inspired by ideals, they will become empty and small.

75. Tell you the location of a treasure, it is in your life. Excerpted from: Life

76. The punishment of laziness is not only the failure of oneself, but also the success of others.

77. Time is the most open and reasonable. It never gives one more person. The industrious person can call time to leave the fruits of the string. The lazy time gives them a white hair and both hands are empty.

78. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after the start; no matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end.

79. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself; all failures are insignificant compared to the failure to lose oneself.

80. As long as you stand up more than once, it is a success.

81. If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you have not yet grasped him.

82. If you believe that you are the best, then you are the smartest.

83. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion. Repentance is a greater loss than loss, a bigger mistake than mistake, so don't regret it.

84. Failure is due to the neglect of fineness, and success begins with the importance of small things.

85, the warmth of life depends on the temperature of the mind.

86. The saddest thing about people is that they cannot defeat themselves.

87, diligence can make up for the cleverness of intelligence, but cleverness can not make up for the shortcomings of laziness.

88. The arrogant people are saved, and the inferior people are not saved.

89. The existence of thorns is for the weeds not to be easily trampled.

90. Smart people create more opportunities than they encounter.

91, only the house, only have it.

92. As long as you work hard, you can become the person you want to be.

93, diligence and wisdom are twins, lazy and stupid are brothers.

94. You exchanged one hundred percent of your efforts and success. There is no deal.

95, the failure of thousands of people, there are failures in doing things is not complete, often only one step away from success will not be terminated.

96. Faith is a blade of invincibility.

97, climb the highest realm, you will suddenly find out: the scenery there is actually commonplace.

98. How far can you look at, how far you can go.

99. Change yourself and challenge yourself, from now on.

100, everything has a cause and effect.

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