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If I am a scientist

If I were a great scientist, I would make this world a better place.
First of all, I will create a purification and filtration environment machine to suck the bacteria that pollute the environment around the world with my suction force, and then this machine will automatically break down these bacteria into air, it will Automatically fly back to the original area, let there be fresh air, and I will also clean up the space garbage in outer space.
The machine that eats garbage is a sword shark, so I named it a sword shark. This sword shark is powered by electricity. Some people may say, "This machine will not have enough power. Return to the earth." I will say: "No!" Because the sword shark I made can use garbage. After eating the garbage into the "belly", it will convert the garbage into electricity, so there is no need to return to the earth. Charging.
Finally, I will develop an automatic robot, which looks exactly the same as human Zhang. It is no different from human beings. If there is a criminal, it will know where the criminals are doing the crime, and it will fly quickly to catch them. I will hand them over to the local public security bureau, and I will let it be my assistant to help me make scientific research.
I will also invent many useful machines...

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