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Fairy tales

There is a forest, where the trees are leafy, the forests are green, the birds are fragrant... The animals live freely. Later, some residents came nearby. They began to cut down trees, kill animals, and there were bare trees in the forest. Many animals lost their homes and even relatives. The ridiculous land is crying, and the animals that have lost their loved ones are both sad and angry, and they decide to arrest the murderers who destroy their homes and hurt their loved ones.

One day, someone went to the forest to cut down trees and kill animals. The ambushed animals have rushed out together and surrounded the "murderer". The man was so scared that he left the tools in his hand, squatting and sweating. One of the animals proposed to have a public trial of the "murderer." Thus, a forest trial conference began.

The lamb first spoke: "Humans greedily hunted and killed, causing a large area of ​​soil erosion. Our sheep have lost their beautiful homes and the water plants they depend on..." A small bird said: "Human hacking Let us be homeless, human chaos and killing let us lose loved ones..." The tiger said angrily: "Human deforestation has left us with no place, and their chaos and killing made us endangered. Species..." Animals, you said a word about the sinful crimes committed by human beings. The person who was tried felt that he was self-confident and shyly asked: "What will you do with me?" The judge said: " See if you still have the meaning of repentance, and have spared you, go back and tell you the same kind: to protect the ecological balance of nature, do not destroy the ecological environment for your own momentary benefits, otherwise it will be not only our animals and vegetation, you humans I will be punished for this..."

After the release of this "murderer", he decided to repent of his behavior, actively promote environmental protection concepts, and actively participate in various environmental activities. A few years later, this forest has restored the prosperity of the past, and the animals have lived a free life.

Fourth District of the Central District: Li Gaohui

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