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Lion's market

The story originated in a quiet little village where you can hear the sound of falling leaves.

The wind is blowing slowly, the white clouds are slowly floating, and the leaves dance in the air...

I don't know when the village suddenly became busy. Everyone has bought a variety of spices and chicken. What exactly happened?

It turned out that this village came with a group of magical lions. This kind of lion is not an ordinary lion. They are lions who have matured and dressed in beautiful clothes. They are short and have their tails, and they have all kinds of treasures in their hands. What blue and white porcelain, diamonds... everything. At present, people don't know much about them. They only know that they like to eat chicken. As long as they eat delicious chicken, what kind of baby can be exchanged. But they only come to the village on Saturdays and Sundays, so from Monday to Friday, everyone is studying recipes, how to make this chicken delicious.

Soon after Saturday, everyone rushed to the "Lion Market". Grandpa Li smoked a cigar and waited for the arrival of the lion. Suddenly, a lion squatted in front of Grandpa Lee. Grandpa Li hurriedly took out his chicken: "This is an authentic aloe chicken, it is delicious, or do you have a taste?" Said to cut a piece of chicken. "Yeah," the lion licked his lips. "It's so delicious. Do you see me enough?" It took out an ancient white jade. "Enough! Too much! Welcome again!" In this way, Grandpa Li was lucky to get an ancient white jade...

Zhang Dashu is also very lucky. He was sipping, and came a little lion with a cat on his waist and childishness. "Look at this smoked chicken, the bones are all soft, the meat is old and tender..." "Don't say... how much?" A drop of saliva dripped on the lion's mouth. "Two silver coins!" "Look at the face of the chicken, this loss business I sat down!" "Well, I just like it!"

Everyone is very lucky, they have got a lot of valuable baby from the lion. But only Ah Ji is not very lucky. She is an orphan and adopted by a family, but the days are not very good. Her chicken is very ordinary, just boiled and added some salt. The sky soon became dark, people went home, and the lights flashed, sometimes they heard the sound of birds. At this time, a lion with glasses ran over. "Is there a chicken?" "My chicken is very ordinary, no one buys it, and the taste is not so good." "I took a child on the way. I saw him very poor. I brought it over, do you want it?" "Yes!" Ah Ji replied without hesitation. Because she is an orphan herself, she will understand his feelings when she sees the same kind. "This child can be sick, look!" The lion pointed at the child's head. Indeed, there is a big bag on his head. "This child is for you, I will go first, take care of the children!" "Wait, don't you want chicken?" "No." "No, we have to exchange." Then, the chicken was given to the lion. . "Thank you!" The lion ran after he finished speaking.

Ah Jiu raised this child and spent a lot of money. Everyone advised her: "This child is a burden, throw him away." "No! I am as orphaned as he is, I understand his mood!" Everyone thought Nine crazy, she will no longer care about her. These words did not destroy Ajiu’s confidence in the child. She hoped that the child would be healthy and healthy, so she ran a hospital: doing surgery and taking out the things inside. Ah Ji had no money and had to count on a good thing with the lion at the market.

On Sunday, Ah Ji still did not sell chicken. In the evening, I saw the lion that was sold to her child. "Helping this child, she is blind." The lion carefully took out a little girl. "I want this kid, chicken, take it away." "bye!"

Everyone also advised Ajiu, throwing the child away, the lion is the cat crying and the child is false and compassionate, just lie to you chicken. A Jiu Momo borrowed some money and performed surgery on the boy. As a result, he found a shining gem on his head! This sensationalized the entire small village. Everyone said that it was the love of Ah Jiu that brought the god of wealth to Ajiu. A nine jewels were sold and the girl was cured with money.

In the blink of an eye, Saturday is coming again. Everyone has not sold the chicken to other lions. They are waiting for the lion with the children. Maybe the children will bring them good luck. This lion really came again. It brought many children and was disabled. People have taken out chickens to change their children: "I used five roast chickens for this child!" "I changed 10 reed chickens!" "..."

The children were all robbed, but the children did not bring them a little luck. Everyone yelled, saying that the lion is a big liar, and the children did not bring them good luck! But I don't know how to bring good luck, so everyone has done a good job of chicken and is ready to sell it for a good price tomorrow.

The lion "visited" the market at night. It seems that everyone is not malicious to this lion. When the lion brought the child again, Ah Ji had no chicken. "A Jiu, I will give you my smoked chicken!" "A Jiu, I will give you my chicken!" "Me too!" "This..." A Jiu’s face showed a difficult expression. The village head said: "You have love, we all believe that you can take care of these children."

Ah Jiu and the children are very happy, and everyone often comes to see the children! Do you want to take a look? Come on!

Fourth grade of Beishan Elementary School, Changtu County, Tieling City: dfhu8x

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